Why is it Needed to Integrate Salesforce with Google Calendar?

CRM systems integration has become an important part that enhances daily business activities. Salesforce is an important CRM application that constitutes a wide range of apps. These applications are used separately, but they can enhance performance when they are combined. One of the applications that can be integrated with Salesforce is Google Calendar.

It helps managers to organize meetings and coordinate team members more effectively. Google Calendar constitutes a wide array of features that make meeting scheduling easier. Integrating it with Salesforce gives a company a wide range of benefits.

How do google calendar and salesforce work?

The decision to integrate Google Calendar with Salesforce benefits a company more by bringing the uniqueness of each tool into a single platform. The Revenue Grid tool syncs your Salesforce with Google Calendar and automatically unifies them. All the unique features of Google Calendar and Salesforce are accessed from one place after integration. You can share the dates you are available and get comments from team members on their availability without hitches.

Google Calendar is availed to users for free for the benefit of organizing and coordinating meetings. Users leverage the tool features to create events and track them. The user can send notifications to invitees to keep them informed on what is coming up next. It allows sharing of calendars, setting reminders, and daily task management.

On the other hand, Salesforce is a widely used CRM that resides in the cloud. It enhances business-customer relationships by integrating emails from Gmail and Outlook and helping sales teams manage reports better. Its main purpose is to enhance a strong customer relationship strategy that improves opportunities for making sales. Integrating the two tools is important due to several reasons.

Enhanced productivity: It is harder and more time-consuming working with two separate applications to fulfill a single purpose. When the two tools are separate, you need to prepare emails and send them separately with the proposed Google Calendar events. Integrating them makes it easy to communicate with your teams easily from one platform.

Automatic scheduling: After setting meeting dates, agendas, and times, you don’t have to keep sending individual emails for notifications and reminders. You only need to create the settings once, and the integrated tool will send emails automatically. Salesforce, on the other hand, will collect important data from responses or communications from the teams.

Improve coordination between team members: Integrating Google Calendar with Salesforce makes it easy to create events of any size and bring on board everyone involved. The tool makes it easy for the members to coordinate effectively.

View insights and meeting deliberations in one place: During the planning phase, the meeting organizer requests the team that will attend to contribute ideas. During the meeting, there will be several issues the team will agree upon. Each team member records their views and what has been agreed upon. The manager later views all communications from the planning phase to the meeting phase.

Receive real-time notifications: You not only send notifications to your teams, but they also send notifications to you too. Without integration, it might be harder to see them in time and respond. It is very crucial to respond to notifications as they come because that is the time when your team is engaging you. Integration helps you view them in real-time and respond or take action when it is most needed.

Making better, informed decisions: Gmail calendar and Salesforce integration give you better visibility with your sales team. It allows easier and seamless interaction, which helps you make better-informed decisions. The entire team gets involved in the entire decision-making process, which enhances performance.

Daily, a lot of entrepreneurs schedule meetings and run sales campaigns using Gmail and Salesforce tools. Integrating Salesforce with Google Calendar makes it easier for the sales team to arrange meetings with clients. The marketer proposes a meeting date, and the client confirms availability. The applications allow managers to call for meetings and to allow workers to propose the dates when they will be available.

It becomes easier to use all the tool’s features in one place without the need to keep switching to and from. You can use the tool to drive greater engagement, improve efficiency, and reduce administration challenges. Salesforce Google Calendar integration provides a wide range of benefits to both large-scale and small-scale enterprises.

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