What is Competitive Programming and How to Prepare for it?

What is Competitive Programming and How to Prepare for it?

Programming is more than merely punching in numbers to solve a problem. It also encompasses the process of determining the best solution to an issue. Different programmers may approach the same problem in different ways. It is, without a doubt, a sport. It motivates you to be the best version of yourself. As a result, the term "competitive programming" was coined. Competitive programming is a term used to describe programmers competing online to solve issues under specific conditions and time limitations. The programmers competing are called Sport programmers.

While some people do it for a living, others do it to hone their coding skills. Coding competitions allow you to assess your skills and competency while also allowing you to compare yourself to other programmers from around the world. Aside from that, the participating programmers are offered a variety of scholarships, prizes, jobs, and internships. Regularly, many platforms like HackerRank, Newton School, CodeChef, etc host these coding challenges online.

Before beginning with competitive programming, you should keep in mind that it is not a skill that can be learned in a matter of days. To begin with, it will require time and a great deal of practice. There are a few aspects you must consider while preparing for competitive programming:

1. Algorithms and Data Structures:

Mastering data structures should be a primary priority. This means not only knowing it conceptually but also putting it into practice in real-world simulations. Analyzing algorithms and preparing yourself to be able to tackle any similar problem the next time it comes across. A copy of issues or problems faced throughout the preparation should be made and tracked simultaneously to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

2. Consistency is the key:

Mastering competitive programming (CP) takes a lot of practice. The trick to getting effective at CP is to rehearse problems regularly. Make sure you are concentrating on creating the code rather than building the reasoning to solve the problem.

3. Learn – practice – repeat:

Try to learn new concepts every day. Solve one or two questions a day if not more!! After learning a new approach, you should instantly look for applications and solve issues with them. And most importantly, adapt the habit of reading.

4. Write before coding:

Instead of replicating from elsewhere, write all algorithms yourself. Mathematics is an excellent place to start with when it comes to CP.

5. Complexity is complex:

Don't get caught up in the pursuit of faster and faster execution time. Don't squander time over-engineering your answer. Move on to the next problem if the solution is acceptable. Get into the habit of coding every day first, and worry about the complexity later.

6. Split the problem:

Many competitive tasks come with a lengthy explanation that may make you nervous. Take a pen and paper and read a phrase, remove any extraneous words and attempt to transform it into a more "understandable" reasoning.

7. Don't miss the fun:

Even though it's a contest, it's a terrific way to meet new people who share your interests. Remember to converse, socialize, and have a good time (and yes, even problems are fun).

Keep your attention on the task at hand, but don't become obsessed with it. Always remember that each challenge you are unable to answer is an opportunity to improve your competitive programming skills.


using namespace std;

int main ( )


cout << "Happy Coding" << endl;

return 0;


~By Swapnil Negi – Software Engineer |Lead Problem Setter, Newton School

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