Valarie King-Bailey: Pioneering Lean Validation Methodology to Redefine Next-Gen Technologies

Women in TechnologyOnShore Technology Group was founded in 2004 as an Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) Firm. The company specializes in advanced testing for computer systems used by global life sciences companies to manage highly regulated business processes. OnShore pioneers the practice of “lean validation” – a methodology designed to streamline and optimize validation processes. The company has developed an Enterprise Validation Management and Quality system known as “ValidationMaster™”. The system powers lean validation processes by automating testing, requirements management, validation document management, quality management and other key related processes.   

A Strengthened Leader 

Valarie King-Bailey is the CEO of OnShore Technology Group. She has over 35 years of international experience in industries including engineering, life sciences and technology. OnShore’s innovative software application, ValidationMaster™ is the first fully integrated Enterprise Validation Management System (EVMS) in the market. The system was recognized by CIO Review Magazine as one of ‘The Top 20 Most Promising Technologies for Life Sciences’ in 2016. Prior to her tenure as the CEO of OnShore Technology Group, Valarie held progressive executive positions for leading global companies such as U.S. Steel – South Works, Abbott Laboratories, QUMAS Limited (Ireland) and EMC/Documentum.  Valarie holds an M.B.A., in Information Systems from Keller Graduate School of Management (1985). She graduated as the first black female with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1982.  As recognition for her outstanding performance, Valarie received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2008 and Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 from the U.W. College of Engineering.   Besides, Valarie  was bestowed with the Abbott’s Chairman’s Award – the highest  honour bestowed by Abbott on its employees by the CEO and Board of Directors. Remarkably, she received Abbott’s Chairman’s award for 2 consecutive years saving the company over US$ 40 million in annual cost savings.    Valarie is one of the founding board members of the DePaul University Women in Entrepreneurship Institute, and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, National Girls Collaborative Project for STEM education, Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS), and a U.W. College of  Civil and Environmental Engineering Advisory Board Member.   

Surmounting the Obstacles of Gender Diversity 

Engineering is a male-dominated field. Throughout Valarie’s college and professional career, she learned first and foremost to be at the top of the game. She studied hard during college and absorbed the value of hard work. This valuable lesson shaped her professional career.   During Valarie’s first job assignment as an engineer at the U.S. Steel, she did not wait for assignments to come to her, instead volunteered for challenging work accomplishments. The principles that have guided Valarie’s career are focus, excellence and perseverance. She never gave up, no matter the challenge or how hard the things were. Valarie focuses like a laser on her assignments and always strives for excellence. She not only competes externally with other businesses but challenges herself every day to be better than how she was before. Valarie learned not to make excuses for herself but to be persist until things were right.   

Learning from Challenges 

Some of the initial challenges Valarie faced, in the beginning, were to fit in. She quickly learned that she needn’t fit in with the crowd. Instead she decided to ‘reshape the crowd.’ This helped her become a leader and not a follower. As a minority woman, Valarie did not easily fit into the mould or vision of the “typical” civil engineer. She made lemonade out of lemons. Valarie embraced the profession as her own and stopped looking at others for confirmation of her worth.   Valarie knew early that  if ever she wanted to own a company, she had to learn more about business. At her first job assignment, Valarie’s corporate mentor told her to get an MBA and she did. Valarie worked during the day and went to school in the evening. This was the best decision of her life. Valarie credits much of her success and understanding of business to the education she received as an MBA student.    Finally, Valarie strongly recommends travelling abroad if anyone gets an opportunity to do so. Early in her career, she won the opportunity to travel abroad through a corporate competition to work in Northern Europe (UK, Scandinavia –Findland, Norway, Sweden), and the Netherlands). This was probably the most valuable trip in her professional life. Valarie experienced different cultures and learned what it was like to work abroad. She thinks that the experience is a piece of essential knowledge in today’s global economy. The trip shaped her thinking about global business.   

Transformational Leadership to Motivate Others 

Humility is one of the essential characteristics of any leader opines Valarie. People must know their limitations and treat others the way they want to be treated. Valarie thinks that focus is another key attribute of transformational leaders. Valarie says, “As a leader, the world spins fast. Leaders must be able to grasp change and make decisions that are best for themselves and the organization. Sometimes leaders are not afforded the luxury of time. They must be sharp during those times and focus more. Finally, leaders must know how to have fun. Valarie believes that life is too short. So, don’t take everything so seriously.” She suggests one must have fun in what they do. Valarie shares that she is  blessed with a job that she absolutely loves. She has great clients and gets to meet fantastic people. She presumes that everyone should love what they do and do what they love.   

Innovating Unique Technologies to Stay Ahead 

One of Valarie’s key strategies is to keep her finger on the pulse of the industry sectors. She is an avid reader, and speaks to her clients and industry peers to keep abreast of changes. Valarie doesn’t follow her competitors rather leads them. OnShore came up with the lean validation strategy as an example of this.  The company innovated and brought this important methodology to the market and it has been very successful.  Cybersecurity is a threat to every company on the planet, yet no one in the business industry is addressing this with respect to validation. OnShore developed Cybersecurity Qualification which is a readiness assessment for validated computer systems. This is how the company innovated. Innovation is the lifeblood to technology companies and OnShore strives to stay ahead of the curve with its innovative approach   

AI and Robotics to be Game Changers 

Valarie views that Artificial Intelligence and robotics will have a profound impact on the way OnShore works. These are true game-changers. From a validation perspective, she envisions the day when automation would change the way the company tests technologies and ensures software quality. Bots are already active in many companies managing key business processes. Surgery can now be done on humans by robots which are more accurate than manual processes.    Valarie believes that the role of a leader is rapidly changing. First and foremost, women are beginning to play greater leadership roles across disciplines. The changing face of leadership will have a profound impact on the world. Leaders today are really changing agents. Real leaders must learn how to steer and navigate the rapidly changing technology landscape.   Leaders must be a life-long learner at the core and able to absorb and interpret the world around them from a technology perspective. Valarie thinks that today’s leaders must be effective communicators. They must understand change and learn how to turn them positively if it indeed is. Leaders must be truthful and able to communicate hard change with sincerity and integrity. Finally, leaders must lead with integrity. For people to follow a leader, the leader must operate with integrity at the highest levels. Real leaders must be principled and follow these principles in their work. These are things that Valarie lives by.   

Next Sustainable Frontier in Technology Development 

OnShore foresees itself as a global leader in IV&V. The company envisions to expand its presence into the global testing markets with innovative solutions that solve the ever-evolving testing standards. At  its core, the company is a problem solver.   OnShore leverages advanced technologies to solve world problems, delivering the next game-changing technology to help organizations innovate in their respective industries and companies. In the era of COVID, OnShore expects to be resilient and reinvent itself. She believes this is the new normal.   

A Roadmap for Future Leaders 

Valarie suggests emerging women leaders to believe in themselves. She asks them to challenge themselves every day and not let others define them. Valarie believes in the philosophy being a leader, not a follower. She recommends them not to wait for opportunities to come, but go and get them. She says, “Many women I have met do not believe in themselves. They think that only when they do a good job, good things happen. This is not the case always. People get what they negotiate. Learn the art of negotiation. Finally, know one’s value”. Valarie cites Mika Brzezinski’s excellent book called “Know Your Value” and recommends it as a must-read for women. Although Valarie is not a technologist, she has learned a truth that is elusive to many. One of the quotes Valarie likes is the saying by Mika’s ,“Knowing your value means owning your success. Owning your success means acknowledging your achievements. By acknowledging achievements you build confidence.” Valarie follows this as a hallmark of her success.
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