Top 100 Universities in the World to Study Blockchain Technology

Top 100 Universities in the World to Study Blockchain Technology

In order to efficiently practice blockchain, one must first understand the reason behind its growth, its benefits, and what it actually offers outside the decentralized market. Unarguably, the growth and advancement of blockchain technology are showing no signs of slowing down. Over the past couple of decades, the rapid development of blockchain tools and software has made the impossible, possible. As the blockchain industry grows, so have the number of aspiring techies who wish to understand the norms around decentralization and how global industries are deploying this emerging technology. Industry experts have confirmed that the impact of blockchain might be as significant as the internet era, which is why students are highly drawn to understanding and learning the core concepts of this new technology and establishing a career in this ever-growing domain. Now, to cope with the present industry demands, global authorities have decided to introduce blockchain education into their regular curriculums. In this report, we have discovered the top 100 universities that are excelling in blockchain education and are providing students with top-notch industry exposure to aid them in becoming the blockchain experts of the future.

1. B9 Lab Academy in the UK

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain Taster

Fee: Free

Duration: 20 Hours


This course is designed for anyone who wants to get a comprehensive bird's eye view of blockchains and some of their advantages and disadvantages. You do not need any programming experience or prior knowledge about blockchain to join this free introductory course. To complete this course one would need a computer with at least 8 GB RAM and 50GB free hard disk space. This free taster is self paced and covers 20 hours of text, videos, animations, and quizzes.

2. Belhaven University

Location: Online

Course: PG program in Blockchain

Fees: Rs. 75,012 + GST

Duration: 4 months

The online program is designed to help you master distributed ledger, Ethereum, solidity programming, and more. This Post Graduate program includes 10 courses and 5 industry-relevant projects. Additionally, there are courses that have been co-created with IBM, namely, 'IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer' & 'Deploy a Web-based Blockchain Insurance Application'.

3. Cambridge University

Location: Online

Course: Distributed Ledger Technologies: Foundations and Applications

Duration: 16 hours

This reading group course examines foundations and current research into distributed ledger (blockchain) technologies and their applications. Students will read, review, and present seminal research papers in this area. Once completed, students should be able to integrate blockchain technologies into their own research and gain familiarity with a range of research skills.

The final format of the course will depend on the enrolment. Each week, three or four class participants will critically introduce papers using 15-20 minute conference-style presentations. Each presentation will be followed by about 10 minutes of questions, then a guided discussion by all present. Slides will be used for presentation.

4. Carnegie Mellon University

Location: Australia

Course: Blockchain Fundamentals – Summer, 6 units

This class will be a deep dive into blockchain technology. Teachers will discuss the fundamental cryptographic underpinnings of the technology as well as different consensus mechanisms currently available. Well discuss both single purpose blockchains such as Bitcoin as well as general-purpose implementations. Well discuss governance of blockchain technology and related challenges, as well as legal challenges and concerns. This course will also provide an overview of blockchain programming, highlighting both existing challenges and specific nuances in blockchain programming. Students should leave the class with a better understanding of what blockchain technology is, what types of problems are best suited for blockchain-based solutions, as well as a more thorough understanding of the impact that blockchain technology is having across the board.

5. Chinese University of Hong Kong

Location: Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, Hong Kong, China

Course: IERG5590 Advanced Topics in Blockchain (Spring 2022)

The course code starts with 5, (i.e., a graduate-level class), yet undergraduates are also welcomed. You will learn the importance of blockchain and how it helps in the verification and traceability of multistep transactions needing verification and traceability. It can provide secure transactions, reduce compliance costs, and speed up data transfer processing. Blockchain technology can help contract management and audit the origin of a product.

6. Chitkara University  

Location: Chandigarh, India

Course: B.E. Computer Science Engineering with Specialization in Blockchain Technology

Duration: 4 years

Specialization in Blockchain Technology is a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries and is predicted to be just as impactful as the Internet. 4 years of the intensive learning experience at Chitkara University's campus with ample theoretical knowledge and practical skill development opportunities.

7. City University of Hong Kong            

Location: On campus

Course: SDSC3003 – Blockchain

Blockchain technology facilitates marketplaces, digital platforms, privacy and trust without traditional intermediaries. This course provides students an elementary introduction of both technological aspect and economical aspect of Blockchain technology, including the mechanism underlying its functioning and some of its core applications, such as cryptocurrency, smart contract, initial coin/token offering, and others.

8. Columbia University

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain in Business (Online): Beyond the Hype

Fees: US$1,657

Duration: 6 Weeks

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies claim the headlines in the media, leaving business leaders with the challenge of distinguishing between what's hype versus what has the power to transform an entire industry. The Blockchain in Business (Online): Beyond the Hype program allows you to break through the mystery, offering a practical understanding of the blockchain by examining both its opportunities and challenges.

Over the course of this program, you will learn how cryptocurrencies work and how the underlying blockchain technology could impact your organization and industry. You'll delve into the history, evolution, and real-world applications of blockchain with an eye on how these technologies influence executive decision-making.

9. Cornell University

Location: Online

Course: Application of Blockchain Technology

Duration: 2 Weeks

Blockchain has recently become synonymous with "cryptocurrency," but its applications are much wider than financial transactions. Though cryptocurrencies constitute the most popular of applications, business applications are endless. In fact, any industry that makes use of an intermediary to verify transactions could in theory make use of blockchain technology. But how do people know if their industry and/or company stands to gain from adopting the technology?

This course provides you with the tools to discern the applicability of blockchain technology to your business model. You will do this by learning about smart contracts and how you can implement minimal trust applications for almost any task imaginable. You will analyze how smart contracts work, how they're used today, and how to reason about their capabilities, and what ongoing technical challenges they pose. In the course project, you will come up with your own smart contract application and outline the challenges that might exist in its adoption.

10. Coventry University          

Location: Online

Course: BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain

Duration: 1 day

The BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain training will validate your knowledge of Blockchain as a ledger and the potential it has to be a global, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets (including finance, property, and products). Throughout this Blockchain training course you will learn the basic concepts of Blockchain, fields of application and potential value for both the technology driving it and organisations embracing it.

11. Delft University of Technology          

Location: Online

Course: MSc Education: Blockchain Technology Certificate

Blockchain technology represents a fundamental change in the way we think about computing. Economic incentives, security by design, and smart contracts are just some of the ideas that underpin this new and disruptive technology. TU Delft is therefore proud to offer a certificate in blockchain technology. To qualify, students must successfully complete three advanced computer science master courses:

12. Dublin City University           

Location: Online

Course: M.Sc in Blockchain

Duration: 2 Years

With its roots in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, Blockchain technology provides a distributed non-repudiable ledger. It works on decentralized platforms and offers significant advantages for business operations in terms of transparency, elimination of third parties, cost reduction, micropayments, cryptographic security, and permanent transactions. Blockchain enhances the speed and transparency of transactions along complex supply chains while reducing costs. It optimizes back and middle business processes and transactions, augmenting security, reporting, and regulatory and compliance profiles. This part-time MSc in Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) can be completed online over two years.

13. Duke University

Location: Durham, North Carolina

Course: Foundations of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

This course is designed to provide students with perspective and hands-on experience by creating a simple Blockchain contract as well as how to converse on a practical basis about what Blockchain can and cannot do. This understanding is among the most sought after in today's job market. Participants will also develop an understanding of Decentralized Finance, how it differs from traditional financial services, and where the field is likely to go.

14. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Location: Écublens, Vaud, Switzerland

Course: Financial applications of blockchains and distributed ledgers

This course provides an introduction to distributed ledger technology, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, and their potential applications in finance and banking. The course covers the basics of cryptography and its applications to cryptocurrencies; historical examples to centralized cryptocurrencies; foundations of modern decentralized cryptocurrencies; Byzantine fault tolerant consensus; mechanics of the Bitcoin platform including storage, mining, wallets, etc.; alternative platforms, including Ethereum, XRP Ledger and EOSIO; smart contracts; potential applications of decentralized ledgers in finance and their pros and cons.

15. Eötvös Loránd University

Location: Online

Course: Building a Blockchain Language: Marlowe

Marlowe is a high-level, domain-specific language (DSL) for writing financial contracts on the blockchain. It is defined by an executable reference semantics in Haskell and is implemented on the EUTxO-based Cardano blockchain. This couse will introduce Marlowe and describe its semantics and implementation and give examples, including some from the ACTUS standard for financial contracts.

Understand smart contracts, a core idea and computational model of blockchain that enables automation, autonomy, scalability, and transparency. Have an understanding and working knowledge of emerging blockchain technology.

16. ETH Zurich

Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Course: Sustainable DAOs: Blockchains, Smart Contracts and Value-Sensitive Token Design

Duration: 1 year

The course will be structured in four parts. The first part will provide an introduction into Distributed Ledger Technology and blockchain systems in particular. You will learn the terminology and a systematic method to understand new systems based on a taxonomy we developed. The second part will highlight the paradigm shift from web2 to web3 applications and what implications it has when developing decentralized applications. The important role of the new emerging field of token engineering/cryptoeconomics will be discussed alongside with economic, ethical, and legal considerations for governing immutable decentralized "autonomous" systems. Part three will be a developer's introduction to the largest permissionless smart contract system to date: Ethereum. You will learn what it takes to create your own decentralized application (dApp). Based on all this knowledge, in part four, teams of three will build their own projects, for which we will bring a series of challenges in the context of new incentive systems in the context of the "Sustainable Development Goals"

17. EU Business School           

Location: On campus

Course: MBA in Blockchain Management

Fees: € 6,950

Duration: 1 year

One of the most influential and important emerging technologies in modern business, blockchain promises to shape the 21st century in various sectors. This major explores how blockchain can revolutionize economics while addressing some of the most pressing problems in society such as trust, transparency, inclusive participation and fair trade. Students will gain an in-depth, panoramic understanding of the fundamentals of blockchain, while critically evaluating the processes, practices and tools of this disruptive technology.

While completing your MBA program, you will have the opportunity to earn an additional qualification, a U.K. state-recognized degree from London Metropolitan University (London Met). You may choose to study an MSc in International Business Management or an MBA.

18. Fordham University

Location: New York, United States

Course: Blockchain Technology and Application Development

The main objective of this course is to familiarize you with the ecosystem, technologies, and development skills surrounding Blockchain. The course starts with foundational concepts such as distributed state machine, hash tree, P2P network, GPU processing, cryptocurrency, and cryptography. Using both simulated sandbox and locally installed environments, the course then guides you through the development, front-end integration, and deployment of Blockchain-based smart contracts. Other topics covered include rapid prototyping, design patterns, and agile process to maximize the success likelihood for Blockchain projects. The lab portion of this course involves weekly submissions of programming exercises, assignments, and project deliverables. Prior knowledge required: Proficiency in computer programming; basic knowledge in analysis and linear algebra. Fordham University is yet another dream place to learn blockchain technology from. Students who enrol for the blockchain degree learn blockchain fundamentals, funding with cryptocurrencies, and regulation and legal concerns of blockchain technologies.

19. Fudan University

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain Technology Lecture Course

Blockchain is a new application model of computer technology such as distributed data storage, peer-to-peer transmission, consensus mechanisms, and cryptographic algorithms. The so-called consensus mechanism is a mathematical algorithm in the blockchain system to achieve trust building and equity acquisition between different nodes.

20. GBSB Global Business School         

Location: Online

Course: Masters in Blockchain Management

Fees: €13,490

Duration: 1 year (full time), 2 years (part-time)

Studying for an Online Master with Blockchain Management will broaden students' knowledge of global supply chains, financial trades (including cryptocurrencies, Token economy and ICOs), asset ledgers, legal regulations (smart contracts), virtual security (cybersecurity), and decentralized networking. By fostering an understanding of the fundamentals of blockchain technology, market landscape and how it is used, Online Master with Blockchain Management students will have the tools and frameworks to build business strategies in sustainable, inclusive ways.

21. Georgetown University           

Location: Online

Course: Certificate in Blockchain Technology Management

The Certificate in Blockchain Technology Management is a distinctive program that provides you with a comprehensive overview of management strategies related to blockchain technologies. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, case studies, expert guest speakers, and group work you'll study various applications of blockchain technologies. This includes examining areas such as smart contracting and cryptocurrency mining, as well as the key processes involved in the planning, integration, and maintenance of this data management technology. You'll leave the program with the critical insights, knowledge, and management skills required to incorporate blockchain technologies into successful business activities.

22. Harvard University

Location: Online

Course: Introduction to Blockchain and Bitcoin

Fee: US$2,750

This course covers the mathematical, computational, and economic foundations of blockchain, and exposes students to the societal and legal implications of a decentralized monetary system based on consensus. Students learn what bitcoins are, why it is possible to make money using bitcoins, and why it is so volatile. Through practice with bitcoin and Ethereum-based software platforms, students build decentralized applications, develop an understanding of cryptographic principles, and revisit critical economic questions, such as what money is, what is a transaction, and who should authorize a transaction.

23. Henley Business School

Location: United Kingdom

Course: Masters in International Business and Digital Transformation

Duration: 18 months

This program is a masters-level, dual degree program in partnership with POLIMI Graduate School of Management. Students who successfully complete this program will be awarded the Masters of Science (MSc) from the University of Reading and the Master di l livello from the POLIMI Graduate School of Management. This Masters's program will equip you with knowledge and skills to investigate, identify, and implement the strategic choices multinational firms need to make to compete in an increasingly digitalized global economy.

24. Hochschule Mittweida – University of Applied Sciences

Location: Mittweida, Germany

Course: Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT)

Duration: 1 year

This course discusses the many different ways blockchain has and will change the economy, business, and the world as a whole. It offers students the opportunity to specialize in either the technical or business aspects of the blockchain and as part of the course, students have to spend one semester in an internship.

25. Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Location: Hong Kong, China

Course: Master of Science in Blockchain Technology

Duration: 1 Year

This program is designed for professionals proficient in blockchain and related technologies to analyze, design, implement and evaluate Fintech and other related systems, products, and services. Key Fintech technologies and applications, as well as other aspects such as security, compliance, and regulation, are covered. The program provides students with the knowledge, support, and guidance needed to pursue lifelong learning and development in Fintech and other related disciplines.

26. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Location: Hong Kong

Course: MSc in Financial Technology

Duration: 1 year


The program provides students with the fundamental knowledge and important skills relating to popular financial technologies and their engineering and financial principles, thereby enhancing their market competitiveness in the booming FinTech field. The graduates are able to analyze the engineering mechanisms and financial principles of new and emerging financial technologies and formulate and solve FinTech-related problems using practical means supported by the latest engineering methodologies and quantitative techniques.

27. IE Business School

Location: Madrid, Spain

Course: Master in Finance

Duration: 22 Months

The course focuses on three main areas: corporate finance and private equity, investing, and fintech. This gives students a grounding in wider financial concepts while also diving into the revolutionary new technology that makes up the future of the sector. It ramps up the complexity throughout the year, ending with a specialized module of your choosing on any one of the topic areas.

28. IILM University

 Location: Greater Noida, India

Course: B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering

Duration: 4 years

The program is designed to make students industry-ready and offer students adequate flexibility to pursue specialization and projects of their choice. The students will work and communicate effectively in an interdisciplinary environment, either independently or in a team that develops significant leadership qualities. After the successful completion of the program, a student will be able to work in the global environment, formulate, design & develop computational solutions in the form of applications and software to make human life easier and more convenient. IILM University, Greater Noida offers four specializations in B.Tech CSE and students can choose any one of them, and the specializations include blockchain technology.

29. IIM Calcutta

Location: Kolkata, India

Course: Advanced Programme in FinTech and Financial Blockchain

Duration: 6 Months

IIM Calcutta, in association with TalentSprint, offers a 6 Month Advanced Programme in FinTech and Financial Blockchain (APFFB). The Programme is for professionals in Banking, Consulting, Financial Services, Insurance, Management, and Technology, who want to be at the forefront of the FinTech Revolution and wish to lead FinTech initiatives in their organization or want to start their own. IIM Calcutta, with its expertise in quantitative courses, analytics programs, and financial markets is well placed to equip professionals with both the academic framework and the practical skill sets to help set a firm footing in this brave new financial world order.

30. Imperial College Business School

Location: London, UK

Course: MSc in Financial Technology

Duration: 2 years

 This course focuses on teaching students the coding and analytical skills to succeed in the financial technology sector. There is one module dedicated to the blockchain, while the rest explore big data and the financial world in more detail.

31. Indian Blockchain Institute

Location: Pune

Course: Elective Courses, Diploma Programs, Faculty Development Programs, Certification Programs


IBI offers academic institutions various programs through the Blockchain CoE for setting up Blockchain. It provides a platform for students to learn, experiment, and innovate, integrates credit-driven Blockchain courses with degree/master's programs, delivers diploma programs for students and working professionals, encourages the development of innovative and industry-specific solutions through projects integrated into the curriculum, and get students ready for high-paying job opportunities in the industry.

32. Indian Institute of Blockchain Technology

Location: Hyderabad

This course will take you into the world of Blockchain, Ethereum and Blockchain use cases. This course is aimed at people who are afraid of firing with 10+y ex or looking for an extensive and exhaustive course on Blockchain topics and want to become Functional or Technical Blockchain experts.

33. IIT Kanpur

Location: Online

Course: Professional Certificate Program in Blockchain

Duration: 4 Months

The blockchain certification program helps the learners start from the fundamentals and then cover all the technical and functional aspects needed to build any blockchain solution using the best tools and techniques in the industry. In this program, they will build smart contracts, and bitcoin wallets, create transactions, fabricate, and more.

34. IT University of Copenhagen

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain in Business Research

Duration: 1 Week

This course looks at how blockchain has and will disrupt existing industries while giving students the knowledge and confidence to create their own insights. It aims to help students relate the technology to their own Ph.D. subject area and how it might affect it in the future, and ultimately write a research paper on the blockchain.

35. Johns Hopkins University

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain/Fintech

Established in 2019, The Johns Hopkins Blockchain and Fintech Network was created for pioneers, purveyors, and innovators in the Blockchain and Fintech industry or those that are considering entering the Blockchain and Fintech sector who are either active students or alumni of Johns Hopkins University (school agnostic). Although targeting students and alumni of Johns Hopkins University, we welcome friends and family of students and alumni to join our network.

36. Kerala Blockchain Academy

Location: Online

Course: Certified Blockchain Associate

Certified Blockchain Associate (CBA) is the flagship certification program of Kerala Blockchain Academy, which aims to provide basic knowledge on Blockchain – the most disruptive technology since the Internet. This course on Blockchain technology covers all the essential descriptions of blockchain technology and its industry use cases. It covers an overview of Bitcoin, Ethereum, different blockchain frameworks such as Corda DLT, Hyperledger, and prospects of blockchain technology in 30 hours.

37. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Location: Daejeon, South Korea

Course: Cryptography Engineering and Cryptocurrency

KAIST offers a range of courses around blockchain and crypto, such as "Cryptography Engineering and Cryptocurrency." Students from the university have been leading the way in South Korean blockchain research for years. Two postgraduates authored a paper in 2018 that won first place at Crypto Contest Korea. One of the two had already been honored at the same event the previous year.

39. Manchester Metropolitan University

Location: Manchester, UK

Course: MSc in Financial Technology

Fees: £17,500 per year

Duration: 1 year

Combining Manchester Met's expertise in finance, computing, risk, and behavioral science, this course explores the disruptive nature of Fintech. It considers how it affects consumer and company behavior, as well as how regulatory bodies are having to adapt to deal with the new technology.

40. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application

Duration: 6 weeks

This program will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the capabilities and limitations of blockchain technology, enabling you to assess which business problems it can solve, a framework for a blockchain-based strategy that addresses a challenge within your own business context, and knowledge of how blockchain powers applications like bitcoin and other token-based initiatives, guided by crypto economics expert Christian Catalini.

41. Monash University

Location: Online

Course: Master of Cybersecurity

Monash Blockchain Technology Centre is on the blockchain innovation journey. Blockchain is a transformational technology that will revolutionize our economic and social systems. The Centre offers several blockchain units in the Master of Cybersecurity. This degree equips students with in-depth best practice techniques and principles for designing, analyzing, implementing, and managing cybersecurity systems and communication networks.

42. Mumbai University

Location: Mumbai, India

Course: Post Graduate Diploma in Blockchain Technology

Fee: Rs. 70,000

Duration: 1 year


The course PGDBCT in the Department of IT, University of Mumbai is specially designed to add a professional qualification to all graduates thus empowering them to be on demand in the job market. It is a new advanced program to provide manpower to industry to transform challenges into opportunities in the next century. A postgraduate diploma is often sought by those looking to expand a field of expertise. Gaining this type of diploma is often helpful for attaining a new job in a different field & thus the participants will get the opportunity to gain accredited, marketable work skills which in turn lead to employment opportunities. To acquire the latest skills and build their future capabilities using world-class technology. At the end of this program, the student will possess a strong foundation of computer systems and information technology.

43. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain Innovation Strategy Program


The Blockchain Innovation Strategy program, jointly developed by the College of Engineering (CoE) and Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC) is a practical, hands-on intensive executive program designed to equip entrepreneurs and professionals in Singapore with the fundamentals of Blockchain. It aims to prepare companies to boost awareness of the technology to develop pioneering solutions using blockchain beyond financial applications.

44. National University of Singapore

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain, Digital Currencies, And Distributed Ledgers

Duration: 2 Days

It is claimed that Blockchain is a trustable, fast, and transparent database system, that underpins cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, and inspires similar but more controllable distributed ledgers (DL). Therefore, this program aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to Acquire the concepts of Blockchain, digital currencies, and distributed ledger and apply them in their businesses. Also, this will make you understand the possible advantages of Blockchain, digital currencies, and distributed ledgers while considering their applications to businesses.

45. New York University

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Fee: US$1440

This program is designed for professionals to meet the ability to compare the different cryptocurrencies available in the market, to gain knowledge of how using Bitcoin works in practice and provides us with an understanding of the current uses and future opportunities of blockchain technology. It also gives us familiarity with the regulatory concerns and governance related to cryptocurrencies and the blockchain. This course is ideal for anyone who has an interest in learning more about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, as well as the blockchain, and the technology behind it.

46. Northeastern University

Location: Boston

Course: Blockchain and Smart Contract Engineering

Duration: 2 years

The Graduate Certificate in Blockchain and Smart Contract Engineering addresses the rapidly growing and revolutionary field of distributed ledger (blockchain) technology. Companies from different industries are preparing to enhance their business practices through cryptocurrency, decentralized computing, digital security, smart contracts, and more.

47. Oxford University

Location: Online

Course: Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme

Fees: £2,350

Duration: 6 weeks

This program provides a chance to drive innovation with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Drawing on the expertise of Oxford faculty and industry leaders, the Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme gives an understanding of this transformative technology. It has been built specifically for busy executives, the program provides knowledge-rich, highly relevant content and frameworks that will help participants incorporate blockchain technology into business strategy in a sustainable, inclusive way.

48. Peking University

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain Networks

Peking University is now bringing its grand academic credentials to bear in blockchain studies. The Frontiers in Blockchain Research Lab emerged at Peking University in 2020, aiming to direct the efforts of academics at the institution toward the cutting edge of blockchain and crypto research. Projects undertaken by the lab include "Preventing Spread of Spam Transactions in Blockchain by Reputation" and "An Efficient Permissioned Blockchain with Provable Reputation Mechanism."

49. Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Location: Online

Course: Master's Degree in Blockchain Technology

Fees: €8,900

Duration: 12 months

This course provides us with knowledge to master the technology that is changing the world and implement new business models based on decentralized systems. The course will describe the foundations of blockchain technologies and their main practical implementations in this first phase. In the second phase classes are taught by a large diversity of professors who provide different perspectives on the multiple aspects of blockchain technology.

50. Princeton University

Location: Online

Course: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies

This course provides us with knowledge about Bitcoin, and how it works at a technical level. The course will describe the foundations of bitcoin and everything you need to be able to separate fact from fiction when reading claims about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. You'll have the conceptual foundations you need to engineer secure software that interacts with the Bitcoin network. And you'll be able to integrate ideas from Bitcoin into your own projects.

51. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)

Location: Melbourne City

Course: Master of Blockchain Enabled Business

Fees: AU$33,600

Duration: Full-time 1.5 years

Part-time 3 years

The Master of Blockchain-Enabled Business will equip you with the skills needed to manage blockchain in public and private enterprises, through a multi-disciplinary curriculum that brings together in-depth theoretical and practical learning. You will learn about blockchain and the economy, crypto finance and fintech, building and using smart contracts, blockchain for trade, and the legal, ethical, accounting, and regulatory aspects of new technologies. You will also undertake a project-based capstone subject that brings all these together to solve an industry problem.

52. Seoul National University

Location: Online

Course: The Uses and Potential of Blockchain in Records Management and Archival Applications

In this seminar, Dr. Victoria Lemieux presents an overview of the uses and potential of blockchain in records management and archival applications, along with some perils and pitfalls. The presentation will draw upon Dr. Lemieux's work as a member of the International Standard's Technical Committee Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies since 2017, her own research on blockchain technology and, more recently, non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

53. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Location: Xuhui District

Course: Discovering Blockchain Technology

Fees: Attendance is Free of Charge, but requires Prior Registration.


Blockchain Society of Jiao Tong University is happy to host its first public event Discovering Blockchain Technology at Koguan Law School. Blockchain, a globally recognized disruptive technology, is continuously being examined, researched and applied to the new verticals and industries. Almost limitless list of use cases makes this technology both very promising and challenging. Due to its potential to transform the modern world, Blockchain Society aims to introduce the notions and opportunities behind Blockchain technology to the students and academic community. The society is honoured to host the high-profile speakers who will share their knowledge and insights on Blockchain technology with the audience.

54. Sharda University

Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Course: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science (Block Chain Technology)

Fees: US$4000**/year

Duration: 4 Years

This course provides a deep knowledge of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and blockchain programming language. It is helpful for the students who look a career with exceptional prospective fields and challenging roles in a futuristic industry. The financial security, the freedom to relocate, lifelong prospects of learning makes this programme an ideal career for computer science enthusiasts.

55. University of Nicosia

Location: Nicosia, Cyprus

Course: Master's in Blockchain and Digital Currency

Fees: €13,860

Duration: 1.5 Years or 3 Semesters


This Master's degree is designed to prepare participants to become competent professionals in the field of digital currency and Blockchain technology. Graduates benefit from a broad background, combining courses in Finance, Management, Computer Science, and Information Systems to provide a holistic analysis of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain systems, applications, and services.

56. Stanford University

Location: Online

Course: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies

The potential application for Bitcoin-like technologies is countless. This cource provides a deep knowledge of the technical aspects of engineering secure software, system interactions with crypto-currencies, and distributed consensus for reliability. Students interested in this course may also be interested in the professional version of the course, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies.

57. Sun Yat-sen University

Location: Online

Course: Cryptography and blockchain


Sun Yat-sen counts among its alumni a managing director at blockchain software firm ConsenSys, a founding partner at crypto-asset investment firm Primitive Ventures, and a director at digital asset exchange Sun Yat-sen is one of the top-tier universities in China and spreads itself across five campuses in three major cities in the southern Guangdong province. The province has shown signs of embracing blockchain enterprise. In 2020, it backed a blockchain platform that helped streamline the process of bank lending to small businesses.

58. Swansea University

Course: Blockchain Lab

The potential application for Bitcoin-like technologies is countless. Swansea Blockchain Lab is a dedicated research group based at Swansea University's Computational Foundry and supported by CHERISH Digital Economy Research Centre. The Lab is a dedicated group of researchers and business professionals based at Swansea University's Computational Foundry, with combinative expertise across computational science and mathematics. It provides understanding about the fundamental scientific underpinnings of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, and to drive engagement with industry and the wider blockchain community.

59. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Location: Online

Course: BETH – Blockchain for Sustainability

Duration: 56 hours

The course provides opportunities to gain fundamental understanding of promising new technologies as well as develop creative decentralized solutions for societal challenges using these technologies. Participants will learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology, its mechanisms, design parameters and potential for decentralized solutions. Those with software development skills will then further explore the blockchain to develop hands-on decentralized applications and smart contracts.

60. Technical University of Munich

Location: Online

Course: Certified Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology Manager

Fees: €1990, Discounts available

Duration: 11-14 Weeks

TUM is committed to build a unique bridge between management and technology studies within an international teaching environment. This course provides a deep knowledge of blockchain technology that uniquely combines the latest insights in Blockchain & DLT.The digital and modular structure of the program will provide you with maximum flexibility and a free choice of modules according to your individual level of knowledge and professional background.

61. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Location: Online

Course: Leading the blockchain revolution in higher education

Gies College of Business are embracing the disruptive power of blockchain by incorporating it into the curriculum in a meaningful and impactful way. They are preparing their students and corporate partners to be the disruptors instead of the disrupted. We're committed to being the most innovative business school on the planet, so they can change the way business is taught and change the way business is done.

62. Tokyo Institute of Technology

Location: Online

Course: Blockchain Research Chai

Tokyo Tech and IOHK have agreed on joint research and other educational activities in cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related technologies. The Collaborative Research Chair is specifically designed to:

•Research cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based technologies and related areas

•Nurture global talent and develop high-level expertise

•Promote research collaboration among researchers worldwide

63. Tsinghua University

Location: Online

Course: Announcing Blockchain Technology Research Scholarship Program


Tsinghua University has launched Blockchain Technology Research Scholarship Program (BRSP) for excellent graduate students in China in 2019. This program aims to help students have a comprehensive view of the latest international regulations on blockchain technology. Students who are admitted to the program would be involved in cutting-edge research on global regulations and policies on blockchain technology and would have opportunities to participate in corporate visits and events.

64. UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies

Location: Online

Course: Education Programmes

The programmes teach frameworks to create a better understanding of Blockchain technologies. The course has been broken down into teaching DLT from the perspectives of technology, business/economics, legal/regulation and practitioner-led case studies. Currently three different types of programmes are being offered that run in the UK and internationally.

65. Universidad de Alcalá

Location: Online

Course: Master in Blockchain, Intelligent Contracts and Cryptoeconomics

This course was created in response to the rapid and increasingly radical change in the usual means of payment due to P2P technologies, encryption structures and other new technological elements. It is intended for professionals, students or interested in knowing the technologies based on Blockchain from a perspective that integrates technical, economic, social and legal aspects.

66. Universidad Europea de Madrid

Location:  Campus de Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid Spain

Course: Master in Fintech and Blockchain

Duration: 6 months

Get trained with the Online Master in Fintech and Blockchain designed to reinvent the financial sector where professional experts in digital banking from companies such as CaixaBank, BBVA, Cryptoplaza, Bankia, IBM, Fintech Spain, and Nalba Advisors also participate.

67. Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Location: Spain

Course: Master in Applied Blockchain: Programming, Blockchain and Cryptoeconomics

This Master's course is intended for the students to be able to understand and work on everything that includes blockchain technology, offering a vision of practicality in all areas. The degree differs from other courses offered by other universities and is possibly the best way to learn the blockchain theory to put into practice and explore more in its technological environment guided by experts from each sector.

68. University at Buffalo

Location: Buffalo, NY 14260, United States

Course: Blockchain Series

Fee: US$49 per month


Blockchain technology is expected to revolutionize the world and is advancing at an unprecedented pace. This series' four courses introduce foundational concepts of the blockchain, which enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries. They are ideal for the beginning developer who is comfortable programming in a high-level language and desires to advance his/her career in the blockchain field, as well as those curious about Internet-like technology and its vast possibilities. The courses prepare learners to program on the Ethereum blockchain, design and implement smart contracts, and develop decentralized applications.

69. University College London (UCL)

 Location: Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

 Course: Blockchain Executive Education Online Programme

 Duration: 5 weeks

This Blockchain Executive Education Online Programme brings the world-renowned expertise of the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT) which has designed this course for government officers, managers, legal professionals, accountants, and engineers interested in studying the foundations of the rules that govern today's digital economy with a focus on blockchain technologies.

70. University of Birmingham

Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

Course: MSc Financial Technology

Fee: £19,170 (Home), £30,001 (International)

Duration: 1 year

The Financial Technology (FinTech) sector has expanded rapidly in recent years and continues to disrupt established business models and processes. Firms across the world are looking for ways to adapt to these changes and make the most of opportunities and innovations in this area.

71. University of Bologna Business School

Location: Via degli Scalini, 18, 40136 Bologna BO, Italy

Course: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin and novel cryptocurrencies gathered momentum in the last months. More and more investors look with interest at these technologies, while others label them as a dangerous speculative bubble. The truth is that the blockchain, and the alternative implementations of a distributed ledger, represent very interesting technologies, that can be exploited to build novel distributed applications. The underlying building blocks are related to many general concepts and research areas of computer science. This course will illustrate the main principles and conceptual foundations of the blockchain and the Bitcoin network.

72. University of British Columbia

Location: Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

Course: UBC Micro-certificate in Blockchain Innovation and Implementation

Fee: US$2450

Duration: 8 weeks

The UBC Micro-certificate in Blockchain Innovation and Implementation is a cohesive, non-technical part-time program designed for leaders and professionals who need the skills to understand, assess and champion blockchain initiatives. This 55-hour online and interactive program, built on industry expertise and leading-edge research from Blockchain@UBC, offers an unbiased and holistic perspective of blockchain and applies to various industries and verticals.

73. University of California – Berkeley

Location: Berkeley, CA, United States

Course: Professional Certificate in Blockchain Fundamentals

Fee: US$178.65

Duration: 3 months

Understand Bitcoin's real-life applications and learn how to attack and destroy Bitcoin, Ethereum, smart contracts and Dapps, and alternatives to Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm

Enterprise-level blockchain implementations and understanding the scaling struggles of blockchain and potential solutions. Learn about the regulation of cryptocurrencies and its implications for anonymity, and what blockchain means for the future

74. University of California – Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States

Course: Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology

Fee: US$999.00

Duration: 11 weeks

This course introduces blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) grounded in real-world use cases and practical applications. The goal of the course is to understand blockchain technology fundamentals that can be applied across any domain, or industry, and use a case in both the public and private sectors.

75. University of Cumbria        

Location: Fusehill St, Carlisle CA1 2HH, United Kingdom

Course: Doctorate Research and Events on Alternate Currencies

University of Cumbria's IFLAS division is working with partners across Europe to develop applied research on cryptocurrencies and blockchain, including the New Economics Foundation, United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UNNGLS), ESADE, Nyenrode Business University, the Academy of Business and Society (EABIS), the European Sustainability Academy, Community Forge, Transition City Lancaster, and the Lancaster Ethical Small Trader Association. Publications on this topic include a chapter by Professor Bendell and community credit guru Thomas Greco, called Currencies of Transition, and a new book by Jem Bendell and Ian Doyle, called Healing Capitalism are signs that the university is taking great initiatives to advance research in this department.

76. University of Edinburgh

Location: Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, United Kingdom

Course: Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers

Duration: 1 year

Blockchain technology and distributed ledgers have been hailed as a turning point in scaling information technology services at a global level. Although the digital currency Bitcoin is the best-known Blockchain application today, the technology is set to play a much broader role in cyber security innovation. This course is an introduction to the design and analysis of blockchain systems and distributed ledgers. It is meant to be taught in parallel to the Introduction to Modern Cryptography course of the same level (INFR11131) every other year (with the latter course as a prerequisite or co-requisite).

77. University of Hong Kong

Location: Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Course: Blockchain and FinTech: Basics, Applications, and Limitations

Fee: Free

Duration: 6 weeks

Understand the design rationale of blockchain technology, its emerging platforms, and applications, and uncover the limitations and opportunities enabled by blockchain applications, particularly as it relates to finance.

78. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Location: Champaign, IL, United States

Course: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies

Duration: 15 hours

The Certified Blockchain Developer course aims to provide a deeper understanding of blockchains with greater insights into the key blockchain concepts. It is a thorough training and exam-based program which aims to provide proof of knowledge to the certificate holder within the blockchain space.

79. University of Malta

Location: Valletta Campus. St Paul Street. Valletta VLT 1216. Malta

Course: Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Duration: 1 year

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) have the potential to change many applications and services. The field poses new academic and educational challenges due to its multi-disciplinary nature, which includes ICT, Business, and Law. The underlying technology is required to provide decentralization mechanisms and computational execution engines built on sound computer science and ICT principles. The provision of smart contracts is blurring the lines between real-world legal contracts and automated execution of legal obligations.

80. University of Nicosia          

Location: University of Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus

Course: Introduction to Digital Currencies

Fees: Free

This course is an introduction to digital currencies in the first free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology globally, and the first course of the MSc in Digital Currency degree program.

81. University of Northampton

Location: Waterside Campus, University Dr, Northampton NN1 5PH, United Kingdom

Course: M.Sc. in Computing

The University of Northampton has been recognized as one of the handfuls of universities for Higher Education (HE) institutions worldwide that are teaching or carrying out blockchain research. Cryptocurrency analyst website Diar has included the University of Northampton in a list of just 28 HE providers that teach aspects of blockchain and/or conduct research into it. Postgraduate students on the M.Sc Computing course are taught elements of blockchain, including a general introduction to the basic concepts, plus coding and programming techniques.

82. University of Pennsylvania

Location: Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States

Course: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies

Fee: US$49 per month

Duration: 4 weeks

This course was designed for individuals and organizations who want to learn how to navigate investment in cryptocurrencies. Professors Jessica Wachter and Sarah Hammer will guide you through developing a framework for understanding both Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. You'll learn how to define a currency, analyze the foundations of digital signatures and blockchain technology in cryptocurrency, and accurately.

83. University of Salamanca         

Location:  37008 Salamanca, Spain

Course: Master in Blockchain and Smart Contracts

With its Master in Blockchain and Smart Contracts coordinated by the BISITE Research Group, the University of Salamanca has been highlighted by Invezz as one of the best universities in Europe to study blockchain. Ranked as the twelfth best master's degree on the continent, Salamanca was impressed both by the nature of the teaching offered to students and employment opportunities through the university's collaboration with companies such as IBM.

84. University of Stirling

Location: Stirling FK9 4LA, United Kingdom

Course: Financial Technology (FinTech)

Duration: 1 year

M.Sc. Financial Technology (Fintech) is one of the first offered in the UK and provides you with the latest developments in computing technology, financial theory, ethical and regulatory constraints, and business skills. It's an innovative course designed for those looking to enter a career in the fintech industry.

85. University of Sussex           

Location: Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH, United Kingdom

Course: Blockchains and Crypto Assets

Duration: 1 year

In this course, you develop the knowledge needed for a successful career as well as professional membership in the accounting profession.  You learn about the risks and interdependencies of the modern global economy.  And you'll gain practical skills through real-world problem-solving exercises including access to our Bloomberg Financial Markets Lab, supervised by academic and industry experts.

86. University of Sydney         

Location: Camperdown NSW 2006, Australia

Course: Cryptography and Blockchains

This course will help you build skills and to work with state-of-the-art tools to design, analyze, evaluate and implement cryptographic systems in the cloud, blockchain, and general information technology. Foundational technologies such as distributed computing security, secure protocols, and applied crypto will also be covered. You will have opportunities to engage in areas of study including cloud security, data privacy, and other emerging relevant topics such as deep learning.

87. University of Texas

Location: Austin, TX 78712, United States

Course: Blockchain Technology and Applications

Blockchain Technology and Applications (3 semester credit hours) Blockchain is innovating every corner of today's business from privacy, ownership, digital rights, payment, contracts, and supply chain finance, to the entire value network of businesses. Understanding blockchain technology and the new business applications enabled by it is imperative for the upcoming Tokeneconomy and Digital Economy. This class discusses these new opportunities and challenges. Students will get hands-on experience using Blockchain using tools.

88. University of the Basque Country

Location: Spain

Course: Master's Degree in Cryptoeconomics and Blockchain, and other undergraduate degrees

Duration: 1 year

The Blockchain wing of the University of Basque Country has launched a higher education program focusing on blockchain and the economics revolving around cryptocurrency. The postgraduate program will be available in Spanish and is for a duration of one year. The degree aims to build professionals of the future, given the rising popularity of blockchain technology. The young professionals who wish to pursue this course will be trained to occupy leadership positions in its emerging arena.

89. University of the Cumberlands

Location: Williamsburg, Kentucky, United States

Course: Master's Degree in Global Business with Blockchain Technology

Fee: Online Master's Course-US$9,765 or US$315/credit hour

Executive Master's Course- US$15,500 or  US$500/credit hour

Duration: Online- 16 weeks

Executive: 5 years

The Master of Science in Global Business with Blockchain Technology is a program for five years. The classes are scheduled in two-eight week sessions during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. The executive format program offers 8-week online courses and requires 16-week residency courses. The course structure and rotation are designed in such a way so that a student completes 31 credit hour program within 5 semesters. The classes will teach the students about blockchain development, fundamentals of database systems, blockchain implementation, and other related technologies.

90. University of the West of England

Location: Bristol, England

Course: M.Sc in Financial Technology

Fee: £10000 (Home Annual Per Year Fee)

The University of the West of England provides M.Sc. in Financial Technology course, which includes the blockchain and cryptocurrency model which aims to provide a conceptual understanding of the function of blockchain as a method of securing distributed ledgers, how consensus on their contents is achieved, and the new applications that they enable. It covers the technological underpinnings of blockchain operations as distributed data structures and decision-making systems, their functionality, and different architecture types. It provides a critical evaluation of existing "smart contract" capabilities and platforms and examines their future directions, opportunities, risks, and challenges.

91. University of Toronto

Location: Toronto, Canada

Course: Business, Finance, and Management

The University of Toronto includes cryptocurrency investing and blockchain technology as courses under business, finance, and management courses. The university offers workshops to demystify the nuances of cryptocurrencies, and the technology behind them, and provide a detailed analysis of the opportunities and risks associated with cryptocurrency investing. The students will have the opportunity to walk through setting up an online account at an exchange to buy, sell, store and transfer Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, and other major cryptocurrencies that can be bought and sold.

92. University of Warwick

Location: Coventry, England, UK

Course: M.Sc. in Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation

M.Sc. in Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation will develop the students' management and consulting skills for their professional careers in which they can help businesses to thrive in the digital age. Warwick Business School aims to create managers with a creative mindset to integrate IT and digital innovations in business. This course will also include modules based on blockchain and cryptocurrencies that will facilitate the students to earn significant exposure to this new emerging domain.

93. University of Waterloo

Location: Waterloo, Canada

 Course: Graduate Course in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Research

A diverse group of Waterloo researchers is working on a range of blockchain academic and industry-driven research projects as a means to further the technical development and innovation of the endless applications of blockchain. The university's current research projects include consensus protocols, cryptography and security, distributed systems, data mining, and machine learning, privacy, scalability and resiliency, and smart contracts, to name a few.

94. University of Westminster

 Location: London, United Kingdom

Course: M.Sc. in Fintech with Business Analytics

Fee: UK Fees- £14,500

International Fees- £17,000

The university's exciting MSc course draws together knowledge of financial markets and institutions along with the education and skills to develop and implement technological solutions to problems in digital finance. The students will learn to apply the computational technologies, products and approaches used in businesses, like blockchain technology, digital currencies, big data, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine and deep learning.

95. University of Zurich

Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Course: UZH Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Blockchain

Fee: 1,500 Swiss Francs

This online Summer School will give the students a complete immersion into the topic of blockchain from world-leading experts and practitioners in the field. Blockchain-based systems and cryptocurrencies are the most prominent example that is disrupting and reshaping the way we now think about digital finance and other similar applications, such as supply chains.

96. USI Università della Svizzera italiana

Location: Switzerland

Course: Master of Science in Financial Technology and Computing (MFT) and Master of Science in Economics in Finance (MFIN)

The Master of Science in Financial Technology and Computing is offered jointly with the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Economics of the Università della Svizzera italiana. This unique cross-discipline programme combines USI's world-leading expertise in Finance and Informatics and offers exciting career prospects that range from fintech startups to banks and insurers to hedge funds.

The MSc in Finance is offered by the Swiss Finance Institute and the Faculty of Economics at the Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland. The Master's program equips the students with a solid background in financial principles and tools to excel in careers in finance. They will learn how to analyze financial markets, use and structure financial products, and value and devise investment opportunities.

97. Vilnius University

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

Course: Project BlockNet

Project BlockNet (BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer) is funded by the European Commission in the context of the Erasmus+ program. The fundamental goal of BlockNet is the development and practical implementation of an interdisciplinary Blockchain Technology (BCT) Small Network Online Course (SNOC).

98. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Location: Amsterdam

Course: Duisenberg Honours Programme in Finance and Technology

The Master Finance contains two specializations. Within each specialization, there is also a possibility to apply for an honors program, namely a specialization in Finance and Financial Management. This programme offers students a unique combination of finance, data science, and its implementation in practice. The programme has an excellent reputation and in combination with the student's unique and sought-after skillset, it means that potential employers will be lining up to hire them!

99. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Location: Worcester, MA

Course: Master's in Cybersecurity

Unlike other Master's in Cybersecurity programs, WPI's Master's in Cyber Security program teaches security subjects and skills within a societal context. Students learn rigorous technical material and its application within the business, policy, and other fields. The Master's in Cybersecurity draws from WPI's deep expertise in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and blockchain technology.

100. Zhejiang University

Location: Hangzhou, China

Course: Professional Degree Course in Blockchain Technology and Application

The School of Software Technology of Zhejiang University is one of the first national model software schools approved by China's National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Education. The Blockchain Project Team at the School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University is a major blockchain research team at the university. As one of the first teams in China focusing on the education, research, and industrialization of blockchain, it started pertinent research as early as 2016.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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