Top 100 Most Read Interviews of Influential Tech Leaders by Analytics Insight


Tech leaders

The success of tech leaders and company executives is what young aspirants need to hear now

‘Business is an art and business leaders are artists’, a well said a statement that is proving to be true every time a top leader takes amazing decisions for his organization. Although businesses rise and fall as times change, leaders never fail to be at the forefront to give their best. However, the key to long-term sustained success is great leadership and the ability of an executive to embrace the evolving trends. While talking about trends, the first thing that comes to our mind is artificial intelligence and disruptive technologies that are driving the next generation towards major digitization.

The idea of technology came to practical usage when men thought that they needed machines to replace human activities. The core of such machines is to mimic or outperform human cognition. Although the concept of artificial intelligence came into existence in the 1950s, it didn’t get fruition till the 1990s when technology hit the mainstream applications. Since then, the rise of technology has been enabled by exponentially faster and more powerful computers and large, complex datasets. Today, we have many futuristic technologies like machine learning, autonomous systems, data analytics, data science, and AR/VR in play. On the other hand, the enormous inflow of data has also contributed to this growth.

In the digital world, development is highly reliant on technological advancement. Organizations across diverse industries are processing data to find insights and data-driven answers. Apart from laymen and consumers, it is the business leaders and corporate executives who have joined the bandwagon of the population to use artificial intelligence to the fullest. These trailblazing leaders are now increasingly using technology to optimize performance and experiment with new explorations. Their success story is what the world needs to hear. Analytics Insight has listed the top 100 such interviews that describe the journey of tech leaders and companies.


Top 100 Most Read Interviews 

1. Anuj Anand: Pushing the Boundaries of the Mining Industry by Leveraging Tech-Based Innovation

Engineering and mining companies have faced a growing range of pressures in recent years, including price volatility, the need to drill down deeper to find new resources, and an industry-wide skills shortage. To address these challenges, many mining companies have embraced digital technology to enhance engineering design and develop smart mines’. Ausenco is a tech-savvy engineering company that delivers innovative, value-add consulting services, project delivery, asset operations, and maintenance solutions to the mining and metals, oil and gas, and industrial sectors…. Read More


2. Brian Weaver: Revolutionizing Machine Learning and Data Processing by Unifying AI is a platform that changes the paradigm of data and digital workflows by solving the core impediments caused by the ever-increasing volume and complexity of information. The solutions of have helped fight frauds make better decisions of trust, secure information, evolve operational capabilities, and create better customer experiences. The company specializes in artificial intelligence, risk avoidance, machine learning, risk mitigation, transaction processing systems, IT consulting, fraud prevention, enterprise data hub, OSINT, human capital intelligence, blockchain, autonomous systems, and geometric analytics…. Read More


3. AviBhagtani: Leading AI-powered Digital Transformation at Digitate

Enterprise technology has transformed the way we work, giving rise to innovative hardware and software solutions that automate every aspect of business and IT operations. The challenge remains that those solutions need to be managed – which can eat up much of the productivity gains they offered in the first place. Digitate has a solution: applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to digital transformation success. The company is known for providing autonomous enterprise solutions that help IT teams rapidly identify and remediate outages within minutes, shrinking downtime by up to 80 percent and cutting administrative effort and cost in half…. Read More


4. Venkata Duvvuri: A Versatile Leader Deploying Successful AI Models to Innovate Marketing and Cloud

Venkata Duvvuri is the Director of data science at Oracle specializing in machine learning and data science. Venkata is the leader of results-oriented data science, business, web, and marketing analytics with over 10 years of experience in data science, business analytics, digital media analytics, and web marketing optimization. Besides Oracle, he is also an adjunct faculty member at Northeastern University teaching data analytics and machine learning in his free time. In addition, he serves as the Board of Data Science Advisors at a couple of startups, namely CIPIO and AIClub…. Read More


5. Cameron Chehreh: Spearheading Innovation on a Global Level for Enterprise Transformation

Dell Technologies is a multinational company known for its innovative IT solutions and services. The company offers a portfolio of advanced capabilities from the edge to the core to the cloud, delivering the tools that enable digital transformation. The federal organization provides government agencies and the Department of Defense the tools they need to meet the mission every time. Cameron Chehrehis the Chief Technology Officer and vice president of presales engineering at Dell Technologies. In this role, he is responsible for strategy execution, leadership, and innovation management for Dell Technologies’ federal portfolio that includes civilian government agencies and U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Community customers…. Read More


6. SINOVATE: Upcoming Cloud 3.0 Platform in the World

SINOVATE is an open-source community-driven cryptocurrency company founded in 2019 with a blockchain genesis in 2018. The company aims to build the next-generation cloud using a peer-to-peer network and a decentralized infrastructure that uses secure cryptographic techniques that are scalable with servers worldwide. SINOVATE is the paradigm of decentralized cloud (dCloud), otherwise known as ‘Cloud 3.0’, the next-generation technology for data storage for users and companies that leverages the power of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cryptocurrency technologies… Read More


7. Linda Visnick: Observing the Business World with an Innovative Eye

As industries are migrating to cloud computing, CherryRoad Technologies offers many solutions, products, and services for modern businesses. With the company’s expert solutions, individuals can stay connected to their agencies, departments, and first responders. If a company is in the midst of its digital transformation journey, CherryRoad can offer advice on the best path forward, the right strategies, and create a map for your desired outcomes. Leading the innovative teams at this company is Linda Visnick, who has an eye for creating customer-centric solutions that put an end to concerning issues…. Read More


8. NFTs, Blockchain and Digital Securities-Focused Capital Markets- David Hanegraaf, Head of Capital Markets

Firstly, thank you for including me in this illustrious issue of your magazine, I feel honored and humbled by the great talent you’ve assembled. It may appear like I’ve popped up overnight, but I can assure you there is 20 years’ worth of blood, sweat, and tears that brought me to where I am today. My career has mainly consisted of behind-the-scenes roles focused on supporting tech founders and creative visionaries with getting their companies off the ground…. Read More


9. Mark Connelly: Leading Teams to Assist Transformations on a Global Scale

Digital transformation has become a core part of business across industries. But for successful transformation, organizations need an empowering approach that will grow and build and sustain competitive advantage and drive positive societal impact. This resonates with Boston Consulting Group as the company’s diverse global teams unlock a company’s potential with strategic transformations and make change happen by integrating solutions with cutting-edge technology and consulting…. Read More


10. SWARM Engineering: Driving the Democratization of AI In the Agri-Food Supply Chain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a part of our lives. This disruptive technology has transformed various business operations and automated industries. Although it is still considered an unattainable goal to some businesses, the technology has made its journey towards success. But how accessible is it for business users? Not enough. SWARM Engineering has a solution. SWARM is transforming the way people solve problems, with a vision to democratize the use of AI and make it easily accessible to everyday business users…. Read More


11. Claimatic’s SaaS to Transform the Insurance Industry

Claimatic, a SaaS solution that integrates with insurer claims management systems to automate the claims routing process is helping to transform the insurance industry. Founded in 2006 by Larry Cochran with a mission to take advantage of new technology to assist the insurance industry through the process of vendor consolidation, Claimatic now manages thousands of resources to quickly evaluate claims…. Read More


12. Quale Infotech: Championing Innovation with Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Quale Infotech is a leading end-to-end IT consulting and implementation company, with a laser focus on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Quale started with a vision to be a customer-oriented digital services firm. The company has adhered to that aim and strived to be the partner of choice for its customers. Quale has been successfully helping companies scale their automation footprint, with the aid of its Intelligent Automation product, Aiwozo…. Read More


13. Shanthi Chandrasekar: Spearheading Teams to Facilitate Successful Digital Transformation with Innovation and Strategy

In this technology-driven world, digital transformation is fuelling organizations with the power of disruptive technologies. Not only will digital transformation help companies leverage modern techniques, but will also elevate the market edge and give them a chance to innovate better and faster. To accelerate digital transformation initiatives, BahwanCybertek offers diverse powerful IP products and a gamut of digital solutions, ranging from cloud services, enterprise data services, integration services, UI/UX services, to digital apps and managed services. The person heading the innovative team at BCT APAC is Shanthi Chandrasekar, an inspirational leader charging teams to achieve more…. Read More


14. Asian Institute of Management: Passing the Baton of Data Science Knowledge and Skills to Future Generations

Data science, AI, and Business intelligence are some of the modern technologies that echo throughout the world. Thanks to digital transformation, the business world is embracing disruptive technologies and the rest of them gearing up to meet the demands of the tech industry. To keep the momentum going, the future of our society needs to be equipped with the right skills to become future leaders. Be it a future innovator or a future tech entrepreneur, the way our future generation grows up will affect their technical intellect. To nurture their talents in the right way, The Asian Institute of Management offers courses that inspire and transform the lives of its students, preparing them to take charge of the world…. Read More


15. Abhishek Goel: Revolutionizing Debt Collection with an Expertise in Consumer Behaviour

With the rapid growth of consumer credit and the huge amount of financial data developing effective predicting models is very crucial. Dasceq is focused to change debt collection by understanding customer behavior leveraging proprietary alternative data. Dasceq’s proven PCC framework has processed more than 140 million accounts and US$42 billion and improved money collected by more than 12%, reduced cost to collect by more than 30%, and significantly improved consumer experience. The company’s mission is to transform collection practices as FICO transformed credit underwriting through AI/ML and big data. Dasceq has developed AI/ML solutions across the lending cycle, created predictive analytics to identify high-risk patients, and has founded multiple leading analytics companies…. Read More


16. ARGO Unmanned Ground Vehicles: Pioneering The Innovation Behind Amphibious Robotic Vehicles

How did a company go from making custom gears to collaborating with the Canadian Space Agency? Does the thought of an on-road vehicle transform into an on-water vehicle sound futuristic to you? Then this interview will fascinate you. The concept of amphibious robotic vehicles, vehicles that go on land and in water, has been in existence for many decades now, with the earliest model dating back to the 1770s. To know more about this lesser-known industry, we were in conversation with ARGO, an innovative robotics company with over 50 years of history. Here’s how the interview panned out…. Read More


17. Amresh Mathur: Leading Teams to Harness the Power Of Data-driven Transformation Solutions

In the business world, digital transformation is what everyone is implementing. Either tech giants are trying to scale up new technologies further into their practices or small and medium-sized organizations are preparing strategies to adopt modern technologies to their business processes. Businesses who have embraced disruptive technologies are seeing increased ROI and that’s motivating other companies to lead the rest of the pack. This increased demand is calling out several digital transformation solution companies to ensure their products are adaptable to varied business categories. One such company that is building customer-centric, data-driven solutions to ensure the transformation is hassle-free is Numerals LLC, founded by Amresh Mathur as the CEO…. Read More


18. Voxco: Boosting ROI And Efficiency with The Power of Data & Analytics

The power of data and insight is a herculean tool to solve business problems that every industry faces. By harnessing this power, Voxco is empowering researchers and professionals from all over the world with their innovative solutions. As data runs in every major business process, Voxco’s solutions have the ability to collect data from anywhere at any time. Known for improving an enterprise’s efficiency with analytics, the company boasts esteemed clients like EY Sweeney, Walmart, Christian Dior, American Directions Group, the University Of Michigan amongst many others. What does it take to run a company of such caliber? In an exclusive interview with SumitAneja, we asked him questions to know more about his role as a leader of Voxco and his responsibilities…. Read More


19. Frasil: Deciphering Technology to Reduce Isolation and Improve Communication of PLWDs

Disruptive and assistive technology offer new opportunities for everyone, but these opportunities are specifically more significant for people living with disability (PLWD). Frasil technology is designed to allow people with disabilities to access the Internet in those terms. Frasil offers PLWD a choice and a voice to embrace their personal preferences around most aspects of their lives and let them be heard. The portal reduces isolation and dramatically improves communication…. Read More


20. Jovan Stojanovic: Deploying Innovative AI Solutions to Create an Impact in the Industry

Anari AI is a pioneer of reconfigurable AI for customers to personalize their infrastructure in just one click; it also enables chip designers to rapidly create and deploy their solutions. Its purpose is to deliver the most intelligent computation for AI across several industries. The company was founded with the belief that transparency and innovation create a culture of ownership and empowerment. Anari AI believes in innovation, responsible AI, reconfigurable AI, and AI-driven solutions…. Read More


21. Mark Montgomery: Impeccably Changing the AI Landscapes with Over Two Decades of Expertise

Mark Montgomery is the Founder and CEO of the KYield, Inc. His interest in AI goes back to 1984. Mark recounts the days when he and his wife owned an inn that hosted a variety of individuals and groups, including UW, PNNL, HP, and Microsoft. Two decades later the head of research at Microsoft has referred to Mark’s inn as the ‘learning’ inn. He remembers his late friend Russell Borland who was a frequent guest and was an early employee of Microsoft and the key person for Word among other products. Mark says Russell joined his lab as a board member and advisor just before retiring from Microsoft in 1997…. Read More


22. Debayan Deb: Providing Artificial Intelligence- Powered Solutions to Drive Innovation

LENS Corporation is focused on providing an AI-powered solution to multiple problems by enabling machines to view and perceive. It provides state-of-the-art artificial intelligent in-house developed solutions while collaborating with multiple AI and ML developers across the world. Some of the ongoing projects of this company are infant fingerprint recognition, contactless fingerprints, and primate face recognition. Debayan Deb is Co-Founder and CEO of LENS Corporation. His fascination for computer vision quickly turned into a passion that was worth pursuing in 2015…. Read More


23. Prithwi Dasgupta – Empowering Customer-Centric Businesses with Intelligent Automation

Successful businesses have one thing in common: successful customers. This fundamental premise drives today’s subscription economy leading to the evolution of the Customer Success industry. Pioneering the use of augmented intelligence and constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation, SmartKarrot has been at the forefront of this change. SmartKarrot is an intelligent and actionable customer success platform that focuses on enabling predictable and repeatable business growth…. Read More


24. PiyusKanti: Trailblazing AI Innovations to Enable Digital Transformation

Cloudstrats is a well-known global solution and managed services company based out of New York focused on helping customers innovate their digital transformation journey with advanced technologies such as Automation, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence. They enable cloud, optimize cybersecurity, and implement DevSecOps practices for their customers. They also provide enterprise solutions such as SAMAI, Automata, Narad, and Infinity to analyze, mitigate, and remediate technology challenges efficiently and effectively… Read More


25. Srikanth Markonda: A Passionate AI Researcher Driving Innovation in the Industry with Disruptive Tech

Srikanth Markonda is the Founder and CEO of Lorgan Pty Ltd, an innovative Australia-based artificial intelligence and IoT organization. Srikanth has a global experience of working in India, the USA, Europe, and is currently based out of Australia. He holds a master’s in technology from IIT and also a certification from MIT in artificial intelligence. Srikanth has extensive prior technology executive experience which over the years he gained by working with iconic organizations like Emagine, Infosys, Verizon, Wipro, and TCS…. Read More


26. BlockCerts Blockchain: Revolutionizing the Blockchain Industry withExtraordinary Cloud Solutions

BlockCerts Blockchain is the only authenticated blocked blockchain with patented secure virtual space technology.BlockCerts transforms traditional cloud and SaaS into the truly go-digital cloud along with features like speed and agility, decentralized control, and integrated encrypted tools…. Read More


27. Blockchain Certified Data: Leveraging Unique Blockchain Credential Solutions for all Digital and Academic Ecosystem

Blockchain technology is thriving in multiple industries across the world with the emergence of digital transformation. The field of blockchain in the IT sector is growing very fast. It is estimated that blockchain technology has been adopted by more than one-third of the companies in the world and demand for blockchain developers is ever-increasing. Blockchain technology provides one of the most secure and safe online transactions which has shaken all the industries. Due to its numerous benefits to the industry, many companies and professionals have started to adopt blockchain technology…. Read More


28. Blockchain Simplified: Leveraging Blockchain to Provide Software Development Services

Blockchain Simplified is a top blockchain development company in Pune, India offering blockchain, web, and mobile application development services. We are a one-stop-shop for all technology development needs. The clientele includes multiple start-ups, SMBs, and MNCs where few of those are NASDAQ and NSE-listed. When it comes to Blockchain, we have experience on Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Hyperledger Fabric, Polygon, BSC, and many more; Mobile App Development like React Native, Flutter, Android Native, and iOS Native; UI/UX design that includes strategy, planning, UI/UX Design, wireframing, visual designs; Web App Development such as Node.JS, Angular, React.JS, PHP, as well as backend development involving MongoDB, MySQL, AWS, and Firebase…. Read More


29. MetrixCoin: Accelerating the Blockchain Ecosystem with Community-Driven Projects

MetrixCoin (MRX) is a community-driven blockchain project created as a software fork of Qtum (QTUM) that harnesses Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network consensus.MetrixCoin aims to deliver a synergistic platform that serves both the worldwide community and the industry sectors. The services include integrating the benefits of smart-contract capable blockchain technology with business models. The company has partnerships with leading IT solution companies in the world and it has the vision to provide a payment gateway for everyone and everything…. Read More


30. peaq: Transforming the Internet of Things into the Economy of Things using blockchain technology

peaq (Peaq Technology GmbH) is a Berlin-based blockchain company that maximizes the potential of vehicles, machines, robots, and devices for their owners and manufacturers. Their identity, access, and payment platform allows companies to build decentralized solutions to fit any need or opportunity in the Economy of Things, and scale them via the Web3-ready peaq network. peaq enterprise is the enterprise arm driving adoption of the peaq network and token…. Read More


31. Presence Labs: Redefining Blockchain Innovation by Leveraging Consumer-Centric Solutions

Presence Labs was founded in 2020 with an ambition to provide access to the next level of the web. Presence’s browser overlay provides direct access to the Over the web, a safe digital space in which real people and information have presence and interactions over the webpage. With Presence, the web is like a town where each page is a table in a cafe, an aisle in a shop, or a place that everyone can visit and meet real people of like minds…. Read More


32. Reddocoin: Revolutionizing Drop Shipping Business with a Combination of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain

Reddocoin is the first-ever crypto-friendly e-commerce platform that provides full automatization in dropshipping business. The company has designed a real-time-saving AI bot, which crawls the web and automatically detects the most profitable and best-selling products worldwide. Firstly, the bot filters products by the growth rate, price, and order volume. Secondly, it collects all the selected items in Reddocoin’s centralized system and, lastly, imports them to the matching categories on the retailer’s online store…. Read More


33. SmartMesh Foundation: Envisioning a Disruption Similar to the Internet with Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology appears to have shaken up the entire technology innovation system. Blockchain is constantly drawing attention and will revolutionize the industrial landscape. Apart from cryptocurrency, several other industries are also using this technology to optimize business operations and efficiently carry out company objectives. SmartMesh is one such company that uses blockchain to revolutionize transaction methods for both data and value, and the communications industry through more agile and robust networks…. Read More


34. Softlabs Technologies & Development Pvt. Ltd: Trailblazing Blockchain Technology with its Innovative Solutions

Softlabs Group is a global IT house headquartered in India with branch offices in the USA and Sweden. Softlabs Group has a trusted partner network that is spread across different continents. It was founded in the year 2003 with a vision to become a leader in offshore outsourcing services by providing cutting-edge technology solutions to global companies. It has a reputation of being the bespoke software solution provider globally with extensive exposure in diverse domains that include fintech, shipping, and logistics, energy, pharmaceuticals, diamonds, infrastructure, retail, education, real estate, hospitality, healthcare, and tourism…. Read More


35. Worldfree Corporation, Ltd: Revolutionizing Blockchain Solutions with an Independent Global Monetary System

Worldfree develops software that derives from natural language reasoning (NLR), after first processing it (NLP) and then understanding it (NLU). It develops the Freemark, which is a global digicurrency that is more stable than fiat currencies, and resistant to inflation. Most “stablecoins” are priced relative to fiat currencies, which means they have no actual assets behind them, as fiat currencies in turn have no assets behind them…. Read More


36. Brian Gahan: Changing the Dynamics of Energy Tech Sphere with Seamless Solutions

GridBeyond is a global leader in providing intelligent energy technology solutions for industrial, commercial, institutional, and utility partners.  Whether it is for renewables, battery storage, or flexible industrial processes, their platform uses automation and AI to give its customer the ability to trade and optimize the position of their assets in the energy markets in real-time. GridBeyond helps in improving their bottom line whilst facilitating the transition to net-zero. Brian Gahan is the CIO of GridBeyond. He started his career at HP where he played a variety of technical roles initially in product development and factory automation for the Inkjet division…. Read More


37. Van Richardson: Enabling Automated Information Technology with Advanced Artificial Intelligence

The emergence of remote working amid the COVID-19 pandemic has created dramatic shifts in how organizations communicate, collaborate, and operate. With the massive volumes of data and knowledge within organizations today, finding, sharing, and mining critical knowledge for reuse – especially when working remotely– is time-consuming and can drain productivity. Modern organizations understand that the benefits of effective knowledge activation extend beyond empowering their workers for greater efficiency – also translating into the delivery of higher quality services for clients. iManage is an innovative company that helps legal and professional services organizations and their knowledge work professionals work more productively. Van Richardson leads the Enterprise Information Technology and Workplace Solutions for the company…. Read More


38. Alberto Pascual: Making the Maximum Use of Disruptive Technologies to Boost the Growth of Pharma and Other Industries

IDBS helps research and development (R&D) teams around the world to make discoveries that have the potential to transform the lives of people worldwide. The company’s diverse customer list includes 22 of the top 25 global pharmaceutical companies and other R&D-driven organizations in the biotechnology, agricultural sciences, chemicals, consumer goods, energy, food and beverage, and healthcare, serving over 50,000 researchers in 25 countries…. Read More


39. Carlos Prades: Driving Data Science to Heights in Mining Industry with Passion

Antofagasta plc is a multinational company that is one of the most prominent conglomerates of Chile with equity participation in Antofagasta Minerals, one of the major copper producers of the world, operating four copper mines namely: Los Pelambres, Centinela, Antucoya, and Zaldivar.  Antofagasta plc also has equity participation in the railroad from Antofagasta to Bolivia, Twin Metals in Minnesota, and other exploration joint ventures in different locations of the world. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index…. Read More


40. Mihir Kittur: Driving Impactful Business Results with Analytics and Technology

Ugam, a Merkle company, is a leading analytics and technology services provider. The company’s customer-centric approach delivers impactful business results for large corporations by leveraging data, technology, and expertise. Ugam’s services include analytics, technology, digital commerce, and market research. With 3300+ people spread across locations worldwide, the company deploys its services to create success stories across industries like retail and consumer brands, high tech, BFSI, distribution, and market research and consulting…. Read More


41. Tim Kao: Infusing Data Science To Revolutionize The Functionalities Of The Navy and Marine Corps

The Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), is sponsored by the Department of the Navy and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. CNA’s mission is to help Navy and Marine Corps leaders ensure America’s defense in the 21st century. CNA is unique because of its real-world, empirical, and data-driven approach to operations analyses and use of data scientists as expert observers of military operations. CNA is the nation’s oldest operations research organization with lineage tracing back to World War II (1942) when CNA scientists went to sea aboard Navy ships to observe and analyze anti-submarine warfare operations in order to help defeat German U-boats. Its research staff has diverse educational disciplines with nearly 70% with Ph.D. degrees and 92% having graduate-level degrees…. Read More


42. Benjamin Tengelsen- Empowering Nursing Professionals on a Global Scale by Integrating Technological Advancements

Over the past years, technological advancements have transformed the medical industry.  The days of meticulous charting and manually filling records are dwindling.  The emerging new technologies in the healthcare industry led the patients to have greater accessibility to data than ever before. Technology has become to be a blessing for improved healthcare services and resonating with this change, IntelyCare has emerged as a platform that is empowering nursing professionals by integrating technology. IntelyCare is the largest digital nurse staffing platform in the U.S.  The company’s easy-to-use app matches nursing professionals with open assignments at the post-acute facility partners through machine learning and data and behavioral science…. Read More


43. ImreSzücs: Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning to Strategize Operational Excellence in the Digital World

optimAIze is established with the primary goal of helping customers to achieve operational excellence in the digital world by using the power of machine learning. This start-up is focused on developing machine learning-based services to optimize the ROI of digital marketing activities. ImreSzücs is the CEO and Co-Founder of optimAIze Marketing Solutions. He hails from the field of physics and astronomy, who later took a transition into the IT and business world…. Read More


44. Farzana Noorzay: Empowering Innovative Solutions with Data Science and Analytics

Tillster, Inc. is a global leader in powering digital ordering, delivery, couponing, and loyalty solutions, across web, app, kiosk, and call center platforms. The company empowers restaurant brands that are looking to increase their revenue, achieve operational efficiencies, and better engage the guests. Enabling nearly 50 million digital orders per year, Tillster offers the added dimension of integrated marketing and data mining, including a proprietary AI and machine learning tool…. Read More


45. Ravi Korlimarla: Driving Innovation in Enterprise Software with Cutting-Edge Technologies

Workday is a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance, HR, and planning. The company was founded in 2005 and it focuses on delivering solutions related to financial management, human capital management, and analytics applications designed for the world’s largest companies, educational institutions, and government agencies. Several organizations ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 50 enterprises have selected Workday to address their needs for their promising solutions…. Read More


46. Phil Bouchard: Transforming the Research and Development Industry with Innovative AI Solutions

Fornux is a research and development company, which is actively working on artificial intelligence and various advanced technologies to help humanity develop and flourish in its different facets. Fornux offers innovative solutions to prevent applications from crashing or having any memory leaks with “C++ Superset” by using a patent-pending predictable memory manager as well as a source-to-source compiler called “AI Powershift” to speed up Python applications and protecting them from reverse engineering.  The company also has a depth perception utility called “Acumen” which is more efficient than Lidar and many popular deep learning algorithms…. Read More


47. Michel Hubert: A Successful CTO and an Expert in Software

Michel Hubert is the Chief Technology Officer of Econocom. This company is a digital general contractor which conceives, finances, and facilitates the digital transformation of large firms and public organizations. With 48 years of experience, it is the only market player offering versatile expertise through a combination of project financing, equipment distribution, and digital services. The group is present in 18 countries, with over 9,000 employees, and generates over €2,559 m in revenue. Econocom is listed on Euronext in Brussels, on the BEL mid and family business indices…. Read More


48. Marc Rind: Bringing an Innovative and Tech-First Approach to the Business Arena

Fiserv Inc. aspires to move money and information in a way that advances the world. As a global leader in payments and financial technology, the company helps clients achieve best-in-class results through a commitment to innovation and excellence in areas including account processing and digital banking solutions, card issuer processing and network services, payments, e-commerce, merchant acquiring and processing, and the Clover® cloud-based point-of-sale solution. Fiserv is a member of the S&P 500® Index and the FORTUNE® 500 and is among FORTUNE’s World’s Most Admired Companies®…. Read More


49. Aerotrax Technologies: Building Secure, Reliable, Actionable Digital Infrastructure for Aviation & Aerospace

Aerotrax Technologies is an enterprise software company focused on the development and commercialization of advanced products for the aviation and aerospace industry. The company is building a platform to digitally track the entire lifecycle of an aircraft, its parts, and components. Aerotrax’s first product, MRO Service Management, enables the end-to-end management of the repair order lifecycle by enhancing key business processes to streamline communication and optimize data sharing between airline operators and maintenance, repair, and overhaul service providers. The company’s software delivers customers significant productivity gains, cost savings, and new revenue opportunities with an unparalleled customer experience…. Read More


50. Trakti: Introducing New Standards in Contract Management with Blockchain Technology

Trakti is a unified no-code platform for smart, self-executing, and compliant contracts running on both private and public blockchain. The company focuses on building trust between the parties by giving them an environment where all back-office operations of contracts are automated, thanks to smart legal contract use and the functionalities of the contract lifecycle management platform. In addition, the contributions of the blockchain integration have been immense since all the changes and contract versions are immutable and always accessible. This way, the customers can have self-executing contracts that they can always rely on…. Read More


51. Cathy Chandhok-Leveraging Meaningful Interactions to Enable Enhanced Customer Experiences in the Digital Landscape

Infogain is a human-centered digital platform and software engineering company based out of Silicon Valley. The company envisions business outcomes for Fortune 500 companies and digital natives in the fields of technology, healthcare, insurance, travel, telecom, and retail, and CPG by using technologies like cloud, microservices, automation, IoT, and artificial intelligence by focusing on accelerating an experience-led transformation in the delivery of digital platforms. Infogain is also a Microsoft Gold Partner and an Azure Expert Managed Services Provider (MSP)… Read More


52. Jennifer Harris: Setting New Standards in Business Intelligence by Leveraging Innovation in the Global Market

Jennifer Harris is the Head of Marketing and Business Intelligence at Sandstone Technology. She is responsible for overseeing the global marketing function, market trends, business data, and analytics which enables her to build their partner ecosystem and marketplace. Sandstone Technology was founded over 25 years ago by two ex-IMB employees who identified an opportunity of using the internet for banking and other financial capabilities…. Read More


53. Sandra Trittin: A Powerful Leader Creating Impact in the Exiting Clean-Tech Industry

Tiko is a global technology provider for the international energy industry-leading residential device aggregation. The flexible and modular technology at Tiko enables innovative and hybrid business models that allow each actor to gain money and efficiency while enabling consumers to gain insight and control over their energy consumption. The company put this unique knowledge at the disposal of its partners by making them leaders of the energy revolution and also by helping them to gain an innovative image among their customers. Sandra Trittin studied business administration and holds an MBA from the Business Schools of Mannheim, Copenhagen, and Warwick…. Read More


54. Brendan M. Egan: Accelerating Digital Marketing and Web Development to Change the Tailwind of Business

Brendan M. Egan is the Founder and CEO of Simple SEO Group which he still owns and operates to date.  Simple SEO is a Chicago-based digital marketing agency, offering website design & development, mobile app design & development, digital marketing campaigns (including SEO, PPC, email marketing, CRO, & social media management), and consulting. Brendan is also the Co-founder and CEO of The Marketing Masters, a digital marketing agency offering full-service marketing campaigns. The Marketing Masters has offices in Chicago and Los Angeles…. Read More


55. Brett Schroeder: Developing AI-Driven Platforms to Enhance Coordination in Projects

Asset Performance Networks (AP-Networks) was founded in 2000 by George DeBakey and Brett Schroeder. AP-Networks is an industrial software company engaged in the development and licensing of Cloud-based AI-driven platforms that include an integrated suite of SaaS-based applications to markedly improve the performance of capital projects (capital investments to develop a new asset) and Shutdowns, Turnarounds, and Outages (STOs). AP-Networks’ SaaS applications analyze, optimize, and enable seamless coordination of capital projects and STOs in the petroleum, gas, chemical, energy, pulp & paper, mining, glass, and other discrete and process industries…. Read More


56. Dr Cindy V Roark: Revolutionizing Dentistry by Fusing Clinical and Technological Developments Together

Sage Dental Group of Florida and Sage Dental Group of Georgia PLLC have provided dental care at 70 locations to over 1 million patients through its broad practice network, which offers general, specialty, and cosmetic dental care, including restorative, prosthodontic, endodontic, oral surgery, periodontics, pediatric, and orthodontic treatment. With Dr. Cindy driving clinical innovation, Sage has become both a national and international leader in the deployment of AI-driven solutions to improve the quality of care, accuracy of diagnosis, and overall patient experience…. Read More


57. Gary Becigneul: Accelerating Financial Spaces with No-Code Data Analysis Solutions

Gematria Technologies is the first platform offering no-code data analysis for financial markets. The company specializes in building signals from text data such as news and social media and then it analyzes causal relationships between these text signals and capital markets for equities, options, commodities, or fixed income. What’s truly unique about Gematria is that it does not only provide raw market signals to the users as most financial analytics providers do but also lets the user construct their own, with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface…. Read More


58. Hasnaeen Rizvi Rahman: An Astute Leader Committed to Deliver Innovative Software Solutions

Hasnaeen Rizvi Rahman is a first-generation entrepreneur at 25 years of age. He is the Founder and CEO of Astha IT which was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Astha IT is a custom software development company that specializes in building massively scalable systems. The company helps governments, large-scale enterprises, and start-ups to build successful products that users love. Its clients are spread across four continents across many different industries. Astha IT has a subsidiary company in Sweden that acts as its EU base…. Read More


59. Patrick Bangert- Leading the Artificial Intelligence Industry with Disruptive Innovation

Before innovating any product or solution, it is essential to understand the pain points or challenges of the audience. Conversations with people in the audience help towards that goal, and the Samsung SDS team actively seeks them out to learn from them. Often, the challenge becomes clearer only when one understands the practical daily life of the users. Patrick Bangert is the Vice President of Artificial Intelligence at Samsung SDS, America. He mentions that once, he was asked to construct a damage forecasting model for a certain kind of pump to lower maintenance costs…. Read More


60. TuhinBanik: A Multitalented CEO and an Expert in Digital Marketing

Thatware consists of a team that assists ordinary people, small company owners, middle-sized organizations, and Fortune 500 companies in growing their online businesses and sales funnels. The company delivers personalized digital marketing strategies and SEO solutions to all organizations and niches regardless of the competition. It also stays up with the most recent digital marketing trends. The company has a single goal is to maximize return on investment and expand the sales funnel while sustaining an exponential increase in capital turnover. It differs from other top SEO businesses in the world in that it doesn’t just try to sell a service or a package of services. Instead, the company uses innovative approaches to provide personalized smart search solutions…. Read More


61. Dave McKenna: A Successful Technologist Developing and Enforcing Security Solutions

Upland Capital Group offers a diversified portfolio of excess and surplus lines (E&S) casualty, property, and specialty insurance products, with an initial focus on excess casualty products distributed through select wholesale brokers. The company was established in 2020 and initially announced its launch in January 2021. It is funded through an equity investment of up to $200 million from Newlight Partners LP (Newlight), a growth equity investor, and an additional investment from the company’s executive management team. The company is rated A-VIII by AM Best. It has taken a cloud-first approach, with a focus on being secure, nimble but disciplined, and avoiding the ‘IT Shuffle’… Read More


62. Transaction Data Systems: Transforming the Healthcare Industry with Innovative Pharmacy Management Solutions

Transaction Data Systems (TDS) is the leader in independent pharmacy services and solutions. TDS provides innovative pharmacy management solutions and clinical applications that adapt to the workflow needs of the largest network of independent and community pharmacists. For over 40 years, TDS has supported the needs of single, multi-site, assisted living, and hospital pharmacies through its portfolio of software and services including Rx30, Computer-Rx, KloudScript, Enhanced Medication Services, and Pharm Assess. As the CISO for TDS, Saeed Valian has been responsible for consolidating and establishing a world-class information security practice based on the right balance of effective security measures and meaningful compliance controls…. Read More


63. Tony Lau: Empowering the Future with Advanced Security Solutions

Tony Lau is the Cloud Services and Information Security Executive at Sequent Software who has extensive system architecture and operations experience in meeting payments and security requirements. Based in Silicon Valley, Sequent Software was founded in 2010. Since its founding, Sequent has been at the forefront of digital transformation and mobile security. It aims to secure the world of shared personal information with confidence, privacy, and simplicity…. Read More


64. Bruce Carlos: Steering Cyber Security Solutions to Great Heights with Remarkable Leadership Qualities

SXiQ offers world-class services specialized in cloud, application migrations, and modernization services, supported by a full spectrum of cyber security offerings with low-cost high-impact outcomes for the customer. The company is run by a team of deeply experienced technology experts, who deliver innovative, high-quality solutions rapidly. The purpose of the company is to create a lasting digital change for all its customers, through the power of its people, its ideas, and its energy…. Read More


65. Jason Halls: Empowering Security Ecosystem to Safeguard Critical Data

The Institute of Cancer Research(ICR) is a public research institute and a member institution of the University of London, specializing in oncology. The ICR is a leading academic institution in the UK and has been carrying out world-leading research into the causes of cancer, and how it might be treated or prevented, for more than 100 years.  The ICR was the first to provide evidence that DNA damage causes cancer and has discovered more new cancer drugs than any other academic centre in the world.  In partnership with The Royal Marsden hospital, the ICR provides a unique bench-to-bedside approach to making the discoveries that defeat cancer…. Read More


66. Sergey Tairyan: Empowering the Society with Innovative Cybersecurity Strategies

Digitain is known as an award-winning and leading sports betting software provider servicing in the global online betting and gaming industry. It offers a customer-first approach with a wide range of supporting services such as guidance on licensing, customer care, and so on. The platform offers products like the iGaming platform, sportsbook software, casino games aggregator, DGbuilder, table football, virtual sports, live casinos, and many more…. Read More


67. FalGhancha: Mitigating Cybersecurity Issues with Disruptive Technologies and Continuous Effort

DSP Investments is helping investors make responsible money-related decisions on the bedrock of two simple values- honesty and integrity. This has helped the company gain the trust of lakhs of investors and thousands of MF distributors and investment advisors from across India. FalGhancha is an Information Security professional with rich experience in the information technology and cyber security field, focusing mainly on information and cyber security policies, IT/IS projects, compliance, risk and audit management, corporate investigations, and forensics…. Read More


68. SDG Group: Accelerating Business Value with Cloud & AI-Powered Data & Analytics

We live in a data-driven society, where digital disruption has created a need for data in all aspects of our daily lives and in business.  Many still face the challenge of tapping into the massive volumes of data they collect and generate to create value for the company. This is where SDG Group, a Global Consulting Firm specialized in Data & Analytics, is making a transformative impact with its in-depth expertise and innovative vision. The company unlocks its clients’ potential and hidden value to empower their business models, enabling them to become data-driven enterprises…. Read More


69. Qubedocs: Transforming the Documentation Process Across Organizations

Qubedocs USA, LLC provides automated documentation for IBM’s TM1/Planning Analytics (PA) tool. Some of the USA’s largest corporate budgeting and planning models rely on the power and versatility of Qubedocs. With just the click of a button, Qubedocs documents a complete TM1/PA model with no manual intervention. Since documentation is a time-consuming task for which the customers were not ready to pay for the service, Qubedocs was designed to help its consultants to complete the documentation work at the beginning…. Read More


70. Inc: Making Businesses More Productive with Seamless Migration Process

With digital transformation and innovation, managing huge piles of information, as well as data (big data), has become challenging for every industry. Big data analytics helps in overcoming such challenges and simplifying customer and company relationships. Using big data analytics helps the industries to know their customers better and this helps in minimizing or rather bridging the gap in their marketing strategies. Visionsoft Inc. is one of the top big analytics companies addressing the key challenges faced by the industry in controlling and managing big data as well as complexities with HANA Solutions, cloud-managed services, and digitization…. Read More


71. Tenzai Systems: Augmenting the Future of Data-Driven Enterprise with Purpose Driven AI

Tenzai Systems is known as the Purpose Driven AI solutions provider to disrupt the methods of data insights of enterprises. Companies can identify revenue opportunities and improve productivity by leveraging the purpose-driven AI approach of Tenzai Systems. It is designed for enterprises to excel in the AI-First future by accelerating their AI maturity…. Read More


72. Stefanini Group: Delivering Cutting-Edge Solutions Powered by Digital Transformation

Stefanini Group is a US$1 billion global technology company that provides organizations of all shapes and sizes with a broad portfolio of digital transformation services and solutions. The company offers artificial intelligence, automation, cloud, internet of things (IoT), and user experience (UX) services. Stefanini prides itself upon its innovation, technology, and talent. Co-creating solutions with clients to best suit their needs through innovative consulting, marketing, mobility, and personalized campaigns has been the unique feature of the company…. Read More


73. Axletree Solutions: Reigning Fintech Ecosystem with Innovative Connectivity Solutions

Axletree Solutions is a global fintech company providing automated financial connectivity, enterprise integration, and cash and bank account management for all types of financial and non-financial institutions. It is focused on delivering mission-critical services across the financial transaction ecosystem by leveraging cutting-edge technologies. The company stands for stability and dependability, providing reliable solutions for their clients in this tech-driven market. The Fintech industry is determined to transform the financial sector with smart and efficient functionalities and innovative solutions across the world…. Read More


74. ConnectPay: Shaping the FinTech Industry with Innovative Solutions

Within three years of its launch, ConnectPay is already one of the fastest-growing Electronic Money Institutions (EMI) in Lithuania, the leading fintech hub in continental Europe. The company holds a secure second position among 80 Lithuanian EMIs by the volume of operations and third by the customer funds held in the account. ConnectPay’s prime focus is on providing banking payment services to business and institutional clients. SEPA & SWIFT payments, multi-currency accounts, corporate cards, and merchant accounts are their most popular services…. Read More


75. Moneta Markets: Transforming the Financial Landscape with FinTech Revolution

Moneta Markets, a subsidiary of the Vantage Group of brands, offers traders of all levels unrivaled access to 350+ currencies, indices, commodities, share CFDs, and crypto markets on the powerful MT4, MT5, and next-gen WebTrader platforms. With the lowest trading costs in the industry, traders can access the most liquid instruments with true ECN spreads from 0.0 pips on Forex and indices…. Read More


76. Open Banking Excellence: The World’s Premier Community of Open Banking Professionals

Open Banking Excellence (OBE) is a network of Open Banking and Open Finance pioneers, including fintech, banks, regulators, and big techs, who come together to learn, exchange experiences, ignite discussion, and, most importantly, collaborate. It aims to be the true voice of a worldwide movement of like-minded professionals who work together to give technological, regulatory, and legal insight into Open Banking and its broader implications for a dynamic and inventive financial industry. OBE is a community where the industry can share, learn, and create awareness about the benefits of making bank data available to third parties…. Read More


77. PinCap: Taking a Quantum Leap in Navigating the FinTech Industry Towards Success

Only seven NBFCs in India were given factoring licenses and Pincap is one of them. PinCap’s business and operational models are based on AI-ML and advanced analytics that seamlessly facilitate the design, launch, implementation, and execution of FinTech with swift structured & transparent processes. Pinnacle Capital Solutions Private Limited (PinCap) is a Gurgaon-based Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) and one of the seven NBFCs that are into factoring business in India. With the availability of data and advanced AI, PinCap has emerged as a technology-led data-driven company that has enabled various industry verticals to leverage their expertise to scale new-age financial solutions. In short, the tailor-made financing and month-on-month growth are what sets PinCap to stand out from its peers giving massive opportunities to empower digital lending in India…. Read More


78. Profinch Solutions: A FinTech Creating Waves in The BFSI Space

Profinch is a bootstrapped Indian Fintech company founded in 2014. The company enables the 360-degree transformation of core operations, processes, digitization, data for banking, financial services, and insurance institutions, all by employing trendsetting practices and technologies that help customers to achieve their immediate and strategic goals. Profinch currently works with more than 100 financial institutions across 50+ countries with 5 Fortune 2000 / Billion $ corporations as customers…. Read More


79. Nine A Business Connect (9A)

Unifying AI, Automation & Analytics Solutions with Innovative Thinking for Digital Transformation and Immersive Experience for Enterprise Customers. Nine A Business Connect uses technology to simplify business, create long-term value and enable connected life. It helps organizations in digital transformation with an immersive experience by delivering an economy of value over the economy of scale. 9A team well understands the customer requirements, challenges, expectations, success, growth, and satisfaction which helps them to deliver cutting-edge technologies and create inspiring and innovative solutions…. Read More


80. XPLAIN: Revolutionizing the Way Marketers Integrate Brands in People’s Lives with the Help of Strategic AI

XPLAIN is fully committed to helping global brands thrive in the fast-changing world by providing Tailor-Made Strategic AI Solutions and Consumer & Industry Intelligence Consulting Services for a wide range of clients across the globe. Some of the company’s customers include PepsiCo, Danone, AMEX, MetLife, Yum, and more. For its extraordinary work, XPLAIN is acknowledged with the Gold Award for Global Innovative Digital Business… Read More


81. Excelledia Ventures: Embedding Digital Technologies to Provide a Competitive Edge to Organizations

A business-performance management firm that focuses on people, processes, and technologies to help businesses become more efficient, successful, and long-lasting is the perfect way to describe Excelledia Ventures. Combining digital innovation with modern technology is the passion that drives the efficient operations of the company, specializing in integrating digital technologies such as Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Robotics, Data analytics, AR, VR, etc. to global principles and standards. Excelledia Ventures supports businesses of all sizes and ambitious founders, who push the edge of what is possible…. Read More


82. BIS: Helping Organizations Innovate Workflows With Intelligent Document Processing and Data Integration

Grooper was built in 2015 from the ground up by BIS, a company with 35 years of continuous experience in developing and delivering document automation technology. Grooper is an intelligent document processing and digital data integration solution that empowers organizations to extract meaningful information from paper/electronic documents and other forms of unstructured data. The platform combines patented and sophisticated image processing, capture technology, machine learning, natural language processing, and optical character recognition to enrich and embed human comprehension into data…. Read More


83. Kenmei: An Innovative Leader Driving Big Data Analytics Powered Automation Across Enterprises

Kenmei is a European company founded by telecom and software experts, specialized in data analysis and mobile network automation through artificial intelligence. The company is known for its ADELE® solution, which stands for Autonomous Decisions and Learning. It is a platform natively developed for big data environments and features advanced AI algorithms for automating network processes. It is also a multi-cloud solution supporting and integrating several data sources, implementing an advanced and unified data model that allows clients to evolve with their digital transformation towards a data-driven business model…. Read More


84. Roots Automation: The Next Generation Expert Offering Digital Coworkers as a Service

Roots Automation is a Digital Coworkers as a Service company established in Oct 2018, offering pre-trained bots (‘Digital Coworkers’). These bots come pre-programmed with the knowledge, skills, and experiences required to perform a variety of roles commonly found in Insurance, Healthcare, and Financial Services (e.g., Underwriting Assistants, Claims Adjusters, Patient Intake Specialists, Billing & AR Clerks, HR Associates).  The bots learn from their human counterparts through interactions and as a result, become more efficient and gain a better understanding of the business, they support…. Read More


85. Santa Marta AB: Making Digitization and Automation a Simpler Affair for Dedicated Businesses

For a company to thrive in this tech world and become successful, the mantra is digitization. Digital transformation will help companies get a competitive edge and sustain in the industry with rapid innovations that will benefit its users and the company, in generating greater ROI. Santa Marta AB is a company that does just that. For effective automation for real businesses, Santa Marta AB works for various industries…. Read More


86. Syntiant: Optimizing Silicon and Deep Learning Models to Customize Voice Experiences at Edge

Syntiant is enabling customized voice experiences at the edge, across multiple products and uses cases including wake word, command control, and event detection, free from cloud connectivity, ensuring privacy and security. Headquartered in Irvine, California, Syntiant Corp. is moving artificial intelligence (AI) from the cloud to edge devices. The company’s advanced chip solutions merge deep learning with semiconductor design to produce ultra-low-power, high-performance, deep neural network processors for always-on applications in battery-powered devices, such as hearing aids, earbuds, smart speakers, mobile phones, and laptops…. Read More


87. V2R limited: Transforming the Financial Industry with AI-Powered Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that is widely deployed in financial services. It has a great potential for positive impact if companies deploy it with sufficient diligence, prudence, and care. AI in financial services enhances efficiency and productivity through automation; reduces human biases and errors caused by psychological or emotional factors and improves the quality and conciseness of management information by spotting either anomalies or longer-term trends that cannot be easily picked up by current reporting methods. V2R Limited is one such company delivering financial services powered by AI…. Read More


88. Cindy Nicholson: A Confident Innovator Entwining Business and Technology to Unravel Disruptive Solutions

serendipID is an Australian company specializing in Digital Identity, Data Privacy & Protection, and Cyber Security. The company aims to support its clients and communities in protecting Personal Identifiable Information. This includes helping organizations ensure they are following best practices when onboarding customers and employees, through automated secure applications, and educating their employees and contractors about potential threats, how to protect the organization, and furthermore, themselves…. Read More


89. Leanne Bonner-Cooke MBE: The Smart Tech Entrepreneur Innovating Rebate Management Solutions

A rebate is a retrospective financial payment that is used as an incentive to drive sales growth without reducing the quoted price by offering a discount. Rebate management is the process of recording the rebate rules and analyzing the results, that are applied to a customer or product (usually called a trade agreement). Each purchase or sale is then tracked against the trade agreement so an accrual can be made, which then gets claimed or paid. Proper rebate management can be a headache for any business, regardless of the scale of their rebate programs. Rebates can be prone to high-value errors creating unnecessary risks to the business and the customers. Transparency and trackability of the end-to-end rebate process and historical data are required. e-bate, one such software solution led by Leanne Bonner-Cooke MBE, Founder and CEO makes this complex task of rebate management safe, simple, and responsible by providing a platform that enables customers to easily manage and control multiple rebate agreements more efficiently…. Read More


90. Tika Sylvia: The Art of Conversational AI, Humanizing Technology to Transforming Customer Experience for Business Growthq

Tika Sylvia is the Vice President of marketing and communication at She is mission-oriented and a technically sophisticated professional with over 10 years of background in various industries which include prop-tech, logistics, hospitality, and food delivery in start-up companies. She has excellent communication skills, a strong background in data-driven marketing, analytical and detail-oriented mindset, with a proven track record in productivity & efficiency…. Read More


91. Virginia Liu: Leading a Real-Time Revolution

Agora is a leading video, voice, and live interactive streaming platform, helping developers deliver rich in-app experiences through real-time messaging. Traditionally, real-time video and voice interaction would happen as a standalone in dedicated applications such as WebEx or Zoom. But increasingly, people want to engage directly in applications they are already using…. Read More


92. Joann O’Brien: An Innovative Women Tech Leader Accelerating Digital Transformation Across Industries

Digital transformation plays a major role in allowing organizations to enhance and intensify their performance, customer experience, brand image, and employee engagement. It has become unavoidable for all enterprises and businesses to digitally transform their operations because it enables them to remain competitive and adapt to changing customer expectations, particularly in the pandemic era and beyond. Joann O’Brien is a digital transformation leader with over 30+ years of experience in driving large-scale change initiatives…. Read More


93. Alya J. Franklin: The Fearless Leader Making Strong Grounds for Women

Aleada aims to educate and advise its clients to incorporate the important concept of privacy into all aspects of its business. This creates a culture of personal data protection that will build consumer trust, comply with privacy laws, and create a stronger competitive advantage in the market. We want our clients to understand the value of using their data in responsible ways, not just to achieve compliance with privacy laws, but also to demonstrate to consumers and customers they can be trusted to protect personal data…. Read More


94. Ambeone Institute: Makers of Successful Data Scientists

Ambeone, is a leading training institute in Dubai and one of the few in the region offering classroom instructor-led training in all levels and aspects of data science including in-depth knowledge in statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence focusing uniquely on management and business applications for both corporates and individuals. The institute has been set up in 2012 and is renowned for its training in data science, data-driven management programs, business excellence programs, and energy efficiency programs…. Read More


95. Cape Breton University: The Right Place for Business Analytics

Cape Breton University: The Right Place for Business AnalyticsCape Breton University is a public, co-ed, primarily undergraduate university founded in1974. It is located in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. It is the only post-secondary degree-granting institute within the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and Cape Breton Island. The university serves more than 5,500 full-time and part-time students from local, regional, and national locations. CBU is also the academic home of over 2,000 international students representing more than 50 countries…. Read More


96. Coding Dojo: A Prominent Analytics and Data Science Institute for Tech Enthusiasts

The importance of Data Science brings together the domain expertise from programming, mathematics, and statistics to create insights and make sense of data. When we think about why data science is increasingly becoming important, the answer lies in the fact that the value of data is soaring. Data Science is revolutionizing almost every industry and gaining popularity day by day. Data Science dominates its emerging job ranking with a whopping 37% hiring growth over the past three years. Coding Dojo is a leading technology education institute that offers a three-full-stack programming Bootcamp, as well as part-time courses on in-demand emerging technologies, such as Data Science, Web Development,  and Cybersecurity. Since 2013, this company has been the only 14-week Bootcamp program available that can successfully train developers in three full stacks…. Read More


97. Florida Polytechnic University: Delivering State-of-the-Art Analytics and Data Science Education

Florida Polytechnic University provides leading-edge degree programs that prepare graduates to take on today’s fastest-growing fields. The university’s mission is to serve students and industry through excellence in education, discovery, and application of engineering and applied sciences. The department of Data Science and Business Analytics (DSBA) offers two innovative undergraduate degrees in data science and business analytics, and graduate degree tracks in data science and engineering management…. Read More


98. IIITB: A Prestigious Deemed University to Shape Your Career in Data Science

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIITB) is a prestigious private technical and research University (Deemed) located in Bengaluru, India, with the motto ‘Knowledge is Supreme’. IIITB is a non-profit organisation governed by a board, having Kris Gopalakrishnan, the Co-founder of Infosys Ltd. It offers Integrated M.Tech with a dual degree of B.Tech and M.Tech, Master of Technology, Master of Science by Research, PhD, M.Sc (Digital Society) with different specialisations, PG Diploma, and several certificate programs…. Read More


99. Meharry Medical College: Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry with Data Science Education

Meharry Medical College, is one of the oldest and largest historically black academic health science centers in the US to educate physicians, dentists, researchers, and health policy experts. It was founded by Samuel Meharry and his four brothers in 1876 in Nashville, Tennessee as the first-ever medical college for African-Americans. Meharry provides a medical school, dental school, graduate school, and the recently launched School of Applied Computational Sciences. It is also home to the Center for Health Policy and produces the public health journal, known as the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved. The College receives more than 10,000 applications for admissions to all degree programs…. Read More


100. Miami Herbert Business School: Bridging Industry Gap with Up-To-Date Curriculum in Data Science and Analytics

The University of Miami, Patti, and Allan Herbert Business School are world-known for revolutionary thinking and principled leadership to redefine business education in the 21st century. The university believes that principled leaders should apply the concepts of sustainable growth, equitable development as well as and ethical business. Miami Herbert Business School has earned accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges; Schools Commission on Colleges and Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; EQUIS, which recognizes business schools that are trying to make an impact beyond their domestic frontier; and the Education Quality Accreditation Agency (EQUAA)…. Read More


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