Top 10 Programming Languages to Ace AI Hackathons in 2022

Top 10 Programming Languages to Ace AI Hackathons in 2022
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To participate in hackathons, here are 10 programming languages that every security expert must know 

While security experts all need to learn a common foundation of security principles, the specific technologies including programming languages that each needs to understand can be very different. Regardless of whether you are a security aficionado, a future designer, or a veteran, the reality is that the tech landscape is steadily evolving. Because of this steadily evolving pattern, the cybersecurity career is popular among the youth. Therefore, it becomes essential for security experts to know and understand programming languages to participate in AI hackathons. Hackathons are events where people from different corners can come together under the name of the competition to sharpen their skills and learn more about their competitors. On that note, this article lists the top 10 programming languages to ace AI hackathons in 2022. 


HTML is significant because it is utilized by pretty much every other site. It is a markup language and is the most essential programming language of all. HTML is the sluggish stroll before figuring out how to walk. This programming language is utilized by 90.7% of the multitude of sites in the current tech scene.


JavaScript empowers designers to utilize any code when guests visit the site. This complements the core usefulness of the site. Despite what might be expected, it could create antagonistic usefulness covered by the guest. If the site gets controlled by the hacker, they can utilize malevolent codes to run a program. A wide understanding of JavaScript can assist you with getting the situation of JavaScript web a long time in the cybersecurity space.


Python empowers software engineers to mechanize errands and manage malware research. Also, a major third-party library loaded with scripts is promptly available. If you know Python, a SOC support expert is one of the job roles. In this position, you will develop devices and scripts to get the site from cyber-attacks. You can likewise utilize data, logs, and artifacts to analyze the foundation of the issues.


C is best for reverse engineering and finding openings. This programming language has been utilized starting around 1970 and is still a famous decision since it is not difficult to run and learn. C empowers the developers to make low-level code. Security-cognizant experts will ensure that the site has no susceptibilities. Despite what is generally expected, programmers will utilize C to find openings for hampering the site.


If you are looking for a job that includes protecting a website, then PHP is everything that you need to know. It examines the data circulation from input parameters to prudent strategies in a web application. A PHP developer working on security subjects may use RIPS. A security-oriented PHP developer will inscribe a server-side web app logic.


C++ is an augmented edition of C. This programming language is also aged like C. As both C and C++ are interconnected, most companies prefer applicants who have a broad understanding of these languages. A C++ developer builds mobile and desktop applications while coding professionals recognize and mitigate the samples of any exposure and bugs. 


It has been in use since 2014. Mostly for developing applications for IOS. The language is quite new, but definitely should be given attention. The features are open-source code and simple syntax. And a great advantage is the superb integration with Objective-C. Also, Swift is used on FlappyBird, Mozilla Firefox, and WordPress. It became popular fast enough. It is an unusual case. This may be because of Apple, who developed the IOS platform and is now introducing new improvements. 


Ruby is a general-purpose high-level language created and developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in Japan. Since then, it has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Ruby has been widely used for sites including Airbnb, Hulu, Kickstarter, and Github. Ruby is one of the best programming languages for cybersecurity as it manages much of a machine's complex information, making programs easier to develop and with less code.


Nearly every website breach that you hear about on the news that involves people's details being stolen will involve attackers gaining access to a database, often via some sort of SQL injection. As cybersecurity professionals, being able to understand SQL queries and their impact and what they are accomplishing will go a long way to understanding the threat posed by a poorly protected database.


CSS is usually applied in conjunction with HTML and governs a site's appearance. While HTML organizes site text into chunks, CSS is responsible for determining the size, color, and position of all page elements. The language is quite approachable, allowing beginners to dip their toes in the metaphorical coding pool.

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