Top 10 Programming Languages That Could Leave You Jobless in 2023

Top 10 Programming Languages That Could Leave You Jobless in 2023

The top programming languages that could leave you jobless in 2023 are dying as technology evolves

The use of programming languages is continuing to develop in both industry and research areas with the rapid advancement of technology. Various programming languages exist today, each with its own set of languages, syntaxes, and features that allow programmers and developers to progress in the creation of several cutting-edge technological approaches and devices.

The rapid development of the internet and the surrounding technologies have undoubtedly increased the demand for programmers to learn more sophisticated programming languages, causing many others to become extinct shortly. Some of the most popular programming languages have helped create cutting-edge technologies that have since grown to guarantee the effectiveness of corporate processes. Python has grown in popularity over time, forcing other waning computer languages to completely disappear from the market. In this article, we have enlisted the top programming languages that could leave you jobless in 2023.

  1. Fortran

One of the oldest programming languages is Fortran, which dates back to 1954. It has been frequently utilized by programmers over the years in scientific computations, fluid dynamics, and weather forecasting. It was essential to develop a reliable, powerful programming language from the start. Many complicated activities and scientific challenges were solved using Fortran algorithms. With the rise of Python and Julia, this trend has quickly shifted.

  1. Pascal

Particularly for teaching programming structures, the language of Pascal was created. The programming language was derived from ALGOL 60, which was used to develop error checkers. Another object-oriented language, Object Pascal, was derived from this one. Pascal and even Object Pascal haven't been able to make any waves in the programming world despite their derivation.

  1. Objective-C

A language is typically replaced as soon as a newer, superior version is developed. The 1980s-era programming language Objective-C might be an example of this. It has been around for 36 years and was one of the main languages employed by Apple for developing their iOS-powered products. Overall, syntax from Smalltalk is incorporated into the language.

  1. CoffeeScript

In a short amount of time, CoffeeScript gained popularity. It gives JavaScript outstanding readability and functionality because it compiles JavaScript. Comprehending and destroying assignments are two more distinctive qualities. In addition, it adds syntactic sugar with influences from Haskell, Ruby, and Python, which makes the entire layout and structure more succinct.

  1. Perl

In network programming and web development, Perl has had success. Although its utilization dynamics are complex, it keeps falling off quickly. Its CPU-hogging behavior, high memory requirements, and inability to support portability are its main detriments. The use of the term hasn't entirely decreased, either. It continues to have success in the text processing and web development industries.

  1. Haskell

Even Haskell is archaic and one of the oldest general-purpose, statically typed languages, just like some of the older, legacy-based computer languages. It blends several other languages, including Miranda, Clean, and HOPE. Haskell is excellent for creating and using symbolic calculations, and it is suitable for both academic and commercial computing applications. Concise code, strong language ethics, and great reliability are a few noteworthy qualities.

  1. SmallTalk

Although SmallTalk wasn't the first programming language, it did pioneer object-oriented programming, which gave this idea a distinctive twist. Despite its unique selling points, SmallTalk was unable to continue competing in the programming industry. No data types, not even the most fundamental ones like integers, characters, and booleans, are available in the Smalltalk language. It treats all types as objects instead. A multitude of online applications, AI-driven applications, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other applications have been made possible by its processing capabilities.


Matlab is one of the older computer languages that will be replaced by newer, more sophisticated ones, just like all the other programming languages. One of MATLAB's main rivals is Python. Python can take the role of MATLAB for scientific computing since it is open-source.

  1. Ada

Ada is a structured, statistically typed, imperative, object-oriented programming language that has been around for many years. The programming language Ada is still used in many software applications. But it's unclear what the future holds for it. It will be eclipsed by more modern programming languages like Go, Pearl, and Python because it is an outdated language.

  1. SQL

One of the earliest commercially available programming languages for relational models of database administration was SQL. Although it was developed to alter and retrieve data held in a database management system, the industry now has more sophisticated programming languages that can handle the same tasks more effectively.

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