Top 10 AI Podcasts To Kill Boredom in Lockdown in 2021

Top 10 AI Podcasts To Kill Boredom in Lockdown in 2021

The AI podcasts will keep you entertained and updated amidst the lockdown.

Every day new technological developments are taking place, especially in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. With numerous developments taking place, it is very important to be updated with the latest trends and patterns in these evolving fields. Further, with the Covid-19 pandemic's second wave compelling us to sit at home, podcasts are a great option to know what's working and what's not working in the field of AI and data science. Top AI and data science podcasts can help you gain insights from influential thought leaders or industry experts about the current and future landscape of artificial intelligence and data science.

From the basics of artificial intelligence to future trends of data science, these best AI podcasts will help you gain knowledge and insights that are required if you are in the tech field. Here is a list of top 10 AI podcasts to keep you entertained and updated amidst the lockdown

Analytics Insight Podcast

One of the emerging and best AI podcasts, Analytics Insight Podcast will tell you everything about AI, machine learning, data science, and much more. Hosted by Priya Dialani, Sr. Editor at Analytics Insight, she hosts podcasts on a plethora of topics such as AI, data analytics, data security, robotics, big data, cybersecurity, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. This podcast will provide you exclusive interactions from top AI and data science-focused leaders in industries like Software Development, Finance, Telecom, Retail, Cloud, etc. Some of her guests have been Lara Hellar (British Film Actress and Producer), CXOs and CTOs from Genpact, KPIT Technologies, Denodo, FIDO Alliance, Sinense, Qlik, MATHWORKS, Dell Global Analytics, and many more.

Artificial Intelligence Podcast by Intel

It is one of the best podcasts on AI that gives you interviews of diverse industry leaders. It also hosts Intel's own C-level executives for any new developments taking place at Intel. Yann LeCun and Andrew Ng have been guests on this AI podcast along with other AI and data science industry experts that share the latest and best on technological innovations.

AI Today Podcast

This podcast is served by Cognilytica and hosted by Kathleen Walch & Ron Schmelzer. This is one of the top AI podcasts that brings to you the latest trends in the field of artificial intelligence. Moreover, crucial AI topics are discussed and helping listeners realize core aspects of AI – adoption, implementation and scaling AI projects. This AI podcast is perfect for beginners in the field of AI or enterprises that are starting their journey of AI adoption.

The Data Skeptic

This data science podcast covers technical and fundamental aspects of data science, AI, machine learning. If you are an AI or ML engineer, you would like to listen to this data science podcast as it helps you hone your skills of critical thinking and problem-solving as well as explore the efficacy of different approaches. Kyle Polich is the host of this podcast with more than 200 episodes for you to listen to.

AI in Business

This is one of the best AI podcasts if you wish to know the applications and implications of AI in different industries. This AI podcast is hosted by Emerj founder Daniel Faggella that speaks to different AI and machine learning experts and senior-level executives from industries such as retail, finance, defence, etc. Further, this podcast will also shed light on what developments are working in the field of AI and what may need necessary improvements.

Data Crunch Podcast

Data Crunch podcast is hosted by the company Data Crunch itself, which is a data science consultancy firm. This data science podcast sheds light on the experiences of experts and business owners in terms of implementing new innovations. The podcast not just talks about successful outcomes but also on failures, mistakes, turnaround strategies, etc. guiding listeners in the best way.

Artificial Intelligence with Lex Fridman

If you are all about MIT, then this AI podcast is just for you. Hosted by Lex Fridman, this podcast covers big-picture conversations at MIT and many diverse topics of artificial intelligence from industry expert's perspective in the field of deep learning, robotics, neuroscience, physics, mathematics, and much more.

Eye on AI

Eye on AI is hosted by New York Times correspondent Craig S. Smith talking about some exceptional leaders who have truly differentiated themselves by effectively and successfully deploying AI and growing multi-folds.  If you wish to know the secret mantras of artificial intelligence implementation, what better than this AI podcast.

Practical AI

Practical AI podcast aims at making AI knowledge accessible to everyone. This AI podcast aims at not just industry experts or leaders but also involves students, tech enthusiasts in lively discussions about the latest and best of artificial intelligence. Further, it aims to highlight the real-world use cases and implementations of AI that are helping different industries to adapt to changing business and tech environments.

In Machines We Trust

This AI podcast is a unique one as it talks about automation and its implications. It is hosted by the MIT Technology Review team and Jennifer Strong, talking about every aspect of AI and gauging its impact. It is one of the top AI podcasts that will tell you about how AI is shaping lives in all aspects.

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