Top 10 Advanced Python Code Challenges for Beginners in 2023

Top 10 Advanced Python Code Challenges for Beginners in 2023

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Top 10 Most Advanced Python Code Challenges for Beginners Must Try in The Year 2023

If you are a programmer looking for advanced Python code challenges as a beginner then this article is for you. In this article, we have briefly explained python code for beginners in 2023. Coding isn't an armchair activity and one has to practice more to ace it. One of the best ways to test your programming skills in Python is by solving advanced python code challenges. We will give you 10 beginner top 10 python codes for beginners in 2023.

  1. Sort A List

Sorting a list in Python involves creating a function that accepts parameters. The first parameter involves a list of numbers and the second parameter involves strings that have one of the following values such as desc, asc, and none.

If the second parameter includes asc then the function must return a list in ascending order with the numbers. If it's desc then the list must be in descending order and if it's none then it must return the original list unaltered.

  1. Transform Radians into Degrees

Write a function in Python that accepts a numeric parameter and this parameter will be the measure of an angel in radius. The function converts the radius into degree and returns the value.

You might find a Python library to do this but you must write the function by yourself. One hint we can give you is that you will need to use Pi to solve the problem. You can also import the value of Pi from Python's math module.

  1. Count Vowels in The String

Write a function in Python that accepts a single word and also returns the number of vowels in that word. In this function, only the A, E, I, O, and U will be counted as vowels.

  1. Convert Any Decimal Number to Binary

In Python write a function that accepts a decimal number and also return an equivalent binary number. To keep it simple, the decimal number will always be less than 1,024, hence the binary number returned will be less than ten digits long.

  1. Hide the Number of Credit Card

Create a function in Python that accepts credit card numbers. Make sure that it returns a string with an asterisk except for the last four where all the characters are hidden. For instance, if the function gets sent "5555555555555555", then it should return "5555".

  1. Create A Calculator Function

Write a function in Python that accepts three parameters. Make sure the first parameter is an integer and the second follows mathematical operators such as +, -, /, or. And the third parameter will also be an integer.

The function must perform the calculation and return the results. For instance, if the function passed 6 and 4 it must return 24.

  1. Are Xs Equal to Os?

Create a function in Python that accepts a string. This function must count the number of Xs and Os in the string. And then it should return a boolean value of either True or False.

If the Xs and Os count is equal then the function must return true. If the count isn't the same then it must return false. And if there are no Xs and Os in the string then also it must return true because 0 equals 0.

  1. Apply Discount

In python, create a function that accepts two parameters. The first one must be the full price of an item as an integer and the second one must be the discount percentage as an integer.

The function must return the price of an item after the discount has been applied. For an instance, if the price is 100 and the discount consists of 20, the function must return 80.

  1. Repeat Characters

Create a function in Python that accepts a string and the python must return a string with each character in the original string doubled. If you send the "now" function as a parameter it must return "nnooww,". If you send "123a!", it must return "112233aa!!".

  1. List with Integers

Create a function in Python accepting a list of any length containing a mix of non-negative strings and integers. The function must return a list with only integers in the original list in the same order.

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