Top Open-Source Tools for IoT Development in 2024

Top Open-Source Tools for IoT Development in 2024: ThingsBoard, Node-RED, and More
Top Open-Source Tools for IoT Development in 2024
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The IoT has revolutionized the interaction with the world around us through embedded smart devices and sensors within our daily lives. With the continued evolution of IoT technology, several challenges remain to be met by any developer to ensure the provided solution will be reliable, scalable, and secure. In this scenario, open-source tools have become quite indispensable, including their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and community support. This article delves into some of the tools that come to the forefront in open source, contributing to IoT development, in 2024.

What are Open-Source IoT Platforms?

IoT-based industries include agriculture, health, manufacturing, electronics, transport, and energy. With an increasing number of devices connected and with new ideas emerging, organizations tend to use open-source systems and technologies.

These technologies speed up the development process and innovate. The world of IoT technology is huge, starting from physical devices up to connections, systems, data analysis tools, user programs, and support services.

Importance of Open-Source IoT Architecture in IoT Platforms

Businesses like to have private IoT platforms while believing in open-source architectures. Companies will understand that an open-source community drives innovation with continuous improvements in IoT technologies.

The IoT market will rely more on open source and standards in the future. It will also facilitate various systems easily being able to communicate with one another and bring flexibility. A new horizon opens for new ideas to come up and benefits from all stakeholders.

a. Community Value

It can be said that open-source IoT architecture is a special building plan for IoT platforms with full of benefits in many ways. It would create a friendly community where technologically savvy people can share and build on others' ideas.

Open sourcing also means being open and forthright about how the technology works. Seeing users who feel confident in using something when they know how it works adds value.

b. Added Value

The other great thing about open-source IoT architecture is that its architectural details can be changed and tuned to meet particular business requirements. This flexibility helps companies in a much better and more effective way with IoT.

Open-source IoT architecture also calls for rapid advancements and innovations. When many people work on a particular project, each one can make use of others' improvements and hence come out with more enhanced versions in no time.

c. Cost-Effective

Finally, using open-source IoT architecture saves businesses a lot in terms of finances. They will not have to pay expensively to use special software, especially for those small businesses or startups that do not have much money.

Top Open-Source IoT Platforms in 2024

1. ThingsBoard

ThingsBoard is an open-source platform, which helps the user to collect, process, and visualize IoT data. Besides this, it performs device management. Well-known IoT protocols supported are CoAP, MQTT, and HTTP. It can be used in the cloud or on your servers.

ThingsBoard enables the user to create different kinds of workflows with life cycle changes, API events, and requests based on these events.

Key Features

a. Scalability, production readiness, and fault tolerance ensure a stable platform.

b. Robust device management with security for all the connected devices that connect.

c. Transformation and normalization of device inputs and generation of alarm or alert on telemetry events, restorations, and inactivity.

d. Customizable rule groups to initiate case-specific features and functionalities.

e. Highly scalable to millions of devices concurrently.

f. Fault tolerance architecture, with no single point of failure since all nodes within the cluster are identical.

g. Out-of-the-box support for multi-tenant installations.

h. Thirty customizable to extend user access and tap into comprehensive data visualization.

2. Node-RED

Node-RED is a free open-source tool developed by IBM to simplify IoT and industrial solution development. It allows programmers of any level to connect with physical devices, cloud systems, databases, and even APIs.

Key Features

a. Free and open-source logic engine.

b. Physical I/O, cloud-based systems, databases, and API's interconnectivity.

c. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly browser-based flow editor.

d. It utilizes various types of nodes, with each serving a well-defined purpose or function.

d. Flow-based programming for pictorial representation of applications.

e. Pre-installed node types are accessible to users while performing tasks such as the analysis of text, and execution of commands, among others.

f. It easily integrates with services like MongoDB and MySQL.

g. The framework can run on Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, and industrial IoT gateways.

h. It is widely used by solution architects and developers in IoT applications

3. is a platform that helps you connect devices to the cloud. With this platform, you can easily create an ecosystem by adding devices and managing them through the platform's admin console.

Key Features

a. Scalable cloud-based platform for connecting devices.

b. Supports boards like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266, and Intel Edison.

c. User-friendly admin console for managing projects.

d. Open-source scalability, security, and velocity libraries.

e. Quickly connect devices with a few lines of code.

f. Collections of components and applications are available on the platform.

g. An easy Add and Configure process for devices.

h. Options for device type include Wi-Fi, Ethernet, GSM, HTTP, MQTT, and NB-IoT.

i. Devices credentials to enable secure and individualized access.

j. Compatible with mainstream boards like ESP8266.

k. With the ability to program devices through integration with Arduino IDE, this is well-documented with examples.

4. SiteWhere

SiteWhere provides visualization of device connectivity and status. It is a platform for device data management. It stores data coming from devices and can process and integrate data. It runs on Apache Tomcat with optimized versions of MongoDB and HBase.

It can run from AWS, Azure, GCP, or your servers. SiteWhere also supports setting up Kubernetes clusters.

Key Features

a. SiteWhere includes running various IoT applications in one single instance.

b. Uses Spring for configuration management.

c. Supports the addition of widgets by self-registration, via REST services, and batch operations.

d. InfluxDB stores event data.

e. Provides device connectivity, including MQTT, Stomp, AMQP, etc.

f. Integrates with 3rd-party integration frameworks.

g. Eclipse Californium is used for CoAP messaging.

h. HBase for non-relational data storage.

i. SiteWhere data can be visualized in Grafana.

5. Open Remote

OpenRemote has announced the release of a new open-source IoT platform that is efficient in helping users develop various applications such as energy management, crowd management, and asset management. It provides extended features for developing powerful IoT solutions.

Key Features

a. The ability to support different types of assets makes this device allow effective asset definition and management.

b. It reduces lots of issues related to the setup and configuration for OEMs with the help of auto-provisioning of devices.

c. It provides support for HTTP REST and MQTT, to easily connect any IoT device, gateway, or data service. Users can also define custom APIs.

d. The provisioning, automation, control, and monitoring Dashboard. It provides project-specific web UI components to build an application.

e. Android and iOS consoles to extend mobile services like geofence and push notifications.

f. Facilitates connectivity for several instances of the platform and a central management instance, initiating centralized control of deployments.


The IoT has surely changed the way we interact and think of the world, embedding intelligent devices and sensors in every daily dimension. While the technology around IoT continues to evolve, developers are constantly being put on the lookout in terms of making sure that their solutions are reliable, scalable, and secure. In this dynamic environment, open-source tools have been considerably handy to negotiate flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and strong community support.

The major benefits of open-source IoT platforms will be to accelerate development and further innovation. It allows developers to use improvements as contributed by the community. It will also have extended libraries and an architecture that can be modified. Such collaboration leads to technological headways while at the same time minimizing costs and improving capabilities of adjusting them to meet peculiar business needs.

If we consider IoT development in 2024, a few open-source tools are highly prominent. Front-runners include ThingsBoard, Node-RED,, SiteWhere, and OpenRemote with their exclusive offerings for varied features in an IoT solution space, starting from device management to data visualization for seamless integrations and scalability. These tools not only make the development process simpler but also enhance the functionality and efficiency of IoT applications.

The current landscape of IoT will continue to see a rise in dependency on open-source solutions. The ability to harness innovative possibilities and deliver impact solutions shaping the future of our connected world will be ensured by embracing such open-source tools.


1. What are open-source IoT platforms?

A: Open-source IoT platforms are software solutions for building and managing Internet of Things (IoT) applications that are freely available for modification and distribution. They provide tools for device management, data processing, and visualization while allowing developers to customize and extend functionality to meet specific needs.

2. Why are open-source tools important for IoT development?

A: Open-source tools are important for IoT development because they offer flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and robust community support. They enable rapid prototyping, customization, and scalability, allowing developers to leverage community-driven improvements and avoid high costs associated with proprietary solutions.

3. What are some of the top open-source IoT tools in 2024?

A: Some top open-source IoT tools in 2024 include:

a. ThingsBoard: A platform for device management, data collection, and visualization.

b. Node-RED: A flow-based development tool for integrating devices, APIs, and services.

c. A cloud-based platform for connecting and managing IoT

d. SiteWhere A device-data management platform with support for various IoT protocols.

e.OpenRemote: An IoT platform for asset management, energy management, and automation.

4. How do open-source IoT platforms contribute to innovation?

A: Open-source IoT platforms contribute to innovation by providing a collaborative environment where developers can build upon each other's work. They enable rapid advancements through community contributions, allowing for continuous improvement and the development of new features and functionalities.

5. What are the benefits of using open-source IoT architectures?

A: The benefits of using open-source IoT architectures include:

a. Community Support: Access to a broad network of developers and resources.

b. Flexibility: Customizable architectures that can be tailored to specific business needs.

c. Cost-Effectiveness: Reduced costs compared to proprietary solutions.

d. Rapid Innovation: Continuous enhancements driven by community contributions.

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