7 Reasons Why Video Games Help Keep People Connected

7 Reasons Why Video Games Help Keep People Connected

5 Ways That Video Games Are Keeping People Connected

Well Connected

It's become clear over the last decade or so, as the video game industry has grown beyond what anyone ever expected, that gaming is not just a fun pastime for loners. Gaming keeps you connected, and we don't just mean to the internet; online gaming keeps gamers connected to each other in a way that we could never have anticipated. When you try new mobile games or try something you haven't played before on your PC or console, you're opening yourself up to not only an exciting new game world but a whole new world of human connections just waiting to be made.

The extent to which gaming connects people from all over the world was made particularly clear when, for two whole years, we were barred from accessing many of the usual forms of connection that we had used. When seeing people in person became too dangerous to be allowed, connecting via technology became the new way to do things…but gamers have been doing that for a long time. For decades parents thought that gaming would make their children antisocial, but when the cards are down, it's clear that the opposite is the case. As humanity evolves, so do ways of socializing and everything else we do, so let's take a look at five ways that gaming is good for connection.

Gaming is an Equalizer

Now, we know many of you out there are thinking, "But all gamers aren't equally good," but that's not what we mean. Whatever ethnicity you are, whether you are male, female, or nonbinary, wherever you are in the world, gaming can connect you to others. You might not all be able to play on the same level, so it might take some time to find the community you connect with, but being online in a game world is a great equalizer. In a game, you can be whoever you want to be. You create your own gamer tag and, in some cases, avatar or character, and you can be exactly who you are or choose to play a character. Gamers on the spectrum or who may have any other issues that may impede connection in the "real world" can connect much more easily here.

Gaming Connects Like-Minded Players

If you have trouble connecting with like-minded individuals in real life, you won't have trouble online. Usually, the kind of games you play will define the community that you connect to. For example, you'll meet people who like to play the same games as you and likely discover that, since you already have one interest in common, you may have many others as well. The gaming community leads to many other communities as well, so as you find your way in, you'll start to discover that there are lots of people who like the same things that you do, and there are always more connections to be made. Believe it or not, there are many stories of gamers who have connected online and found love; gaming can connect you to someone to share your life with if you're looking for that.

Gaming Creates Support Systems

This is particularly helpful for children and teenagers who might not want to go to teachers or partners with their issues. In gaming conversation, a selection of polled games reported that there was 3.2 times more conversation about "real life" issues than discussions about the game. For those unwilling or unable to reach out for help in "real life," gaming creates a much-needed support system.

Gaming Doesn't Require In-Person Interaction

It's been incredibly helpful to be able to connect via technology over the last few years, but gamers already used that option before it became a requirement for the rest of the world. Friends who move across the country still talk every day when they came together, people who might not have access to transport don't need to miss an event, people who are ill or frail can still feel included and experience the joy of connection.

Gaming Promotes Teamwork

Gaming offers a team-oriented solution for people who may not enjoy working in teams or may have interpersonal issues. While there are, of course, some games that can only be played solo, there are others that require teams to connect and spend a fair amount of time together strategizing and planning. Undertaking these tasks in a team online can improve teamwork skills in real life. Skills like this are best when learned young, so this is an excellent aspect for many gamers that start playing at a young age, but they can be learned at any time in life.

Final Word

Gaming is a wonderful tool for connection and a way to escape the stress or boredom of your daily routines and just have a little fun.

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