Rahul Gandhi on Artificial Intelligence: Shifting Jobs, Creating Opportunities

Rahul Gandhi Urged AI Adaptability During His Address at The University of Texas at Dallas.
Rahul Gandhi on Artificial Intelligence: Shifting Jobs, Creating Opportunities
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In his address to students at the University of Texas at Dallas on Monday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi spoke on the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on jobs worldwide. He cautioned that Artificial Intelligence is bound to result in job shifts but if these shifts are managed well, they would bring along new opportunities.

Speaking about the impact AI will have, Gandhi said, "If you position yourself properly, AI is an opportunity. If not, you'll be in trouble." He drew an analogy between the present debate over AI with the fears that had been voiced when computers and calculators were introduced. "Every time a new technology comes up, there's a concern it will take jobs away. When computers came, people thought the same thing," he said.

While some jobs will indeed be lost, Gandhi said, new jobs will be created in the new industries. "I am not of the view that jobs will vanish but different types of jobs would be created and different sectors would benefit more or less," he added.

Impact on India's IT Sector

The Congress leader did appear to be more apprehensive about what AI would do to the IT sector-a cornerstone of India's economy. He, however, allayed fears that the effect of AI was not going to be as heavy in sectors other than manufacturing. "It is going to hit different people differently," said Gandhi. "Some jobs will be lost, others created like what we saw when computers came into the job market in India."

Gandhi further added that it was adaptability and foresight in the face of AI advance. He urged students and professionals to be flexible, while at the same time preparing for the newer opportunities that AI may bring with it.

Broader Outreach During US Visit

Rahul Gandhi's address at the University of Texas was part of his broader outreach during his three-day visit to the US, during which he would engage with students of the University and US lawmakers. On Sunday, Gandhi arrived in Dallas and was received by Sam Pitroda, Chairman of the Indian Overseas Congress, along with other dignitaries of the Indian diaspora.

His visit comes at a critical time when there is a presidential election next month in the US and assembly elections to be held in Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir.

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