Musk’s Twitter Changes Portend a Fight with the EU over New Regulations


Elon Musk, a self-described defender of free speech, may run afoul of new regulations in Europe, where officials have warned that Twitter must abide by some of the strictest regulations in the world regarding harmful content.

The 27-nation EU will confront its own difficulties in getting Twitter and other online corporations to comply, even if the European Union is set to be a global leader in clamping down on Musk’s reinvented platform thanks to the new digital rulebook. Since the rule won’t fully go into force until 2024, EU officials are rushing to hire enough personnel to keep Big Tech accountable.

The EU’s comprehensive collection of regulations, known as the Digital Services Act, aims to hold platforms and search engines more responsible for unlawful and damaging content, such as hate speech, fraud, and misinformation. The largest digital corporations, including Google, Facebook, and TikTok, will be the first to implement them next summer. The following year, all online services will be included

These criteria are about to collide with Musk’s erratic Twitter policies: This week, he abruptly fired a group of advisors that dealt with issues including hate speech, child exploitation, and self-harm, cut Twitter’s staff in half, and made contradictory choices regarding content moderation.

Because such significant design changes wouldn’t be permitted without a risk assessment, Albert added, Twitter’s botched deployment of paid “verified” blue checks likely would have prompted an EU probe and probably large fines.

After a deluge of fake accounts disseminated false information, the premium service was discontinued last month. This week saw its rebirth.

According to Albert, the sudden dissolution of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council would also “raise some questions in Brussels.” The EU regulations do not mandate the use of expert advisers, but “good-faith voluntary efforts” demonstrate to “European authorities that you value openness and are committed to trust and safety,” the official added.

European officials are already concerned about Musk’s fiddling, which includes suspending enforcement of COVID-19 misleading laws and providing amnesty to terminated accounts.

According to French President Emmanuel Macron, Musk’s strategy is “a significant concern” that necessitates “greater regulation.”

You can express your right to free speech and publish whatever you want in Europe. But there are obligations and restrictions,” he stated. In a tweet, Macron, who recently met with Musk in the United States, stated that “Twitter must make measures to comply with European legislation.”

The bloc would mandate that online businesses abide by specific guidelines for handling unlawful information and inform consumers of the reasons why the material was removed or given a warning label. They will have to be open about how their algorithms for suggesting the next song, piece of news, or product to consumers and for content control. They have to permit EU regulators to examine their actions.

Breton, the head of digital policy for the EU, claimed he informed Musk of the consequences for infractions, which include fines amounting to 6% of annual global revenue and possibly reaching billions. Repeated offenses could lead to a ban across the entire EU. Requests for a response from Twitter and Musk went unanswered.

By suspending the artist formerly known as Kanye West over a swastika tweet, Musk is already “backtracking on the absolutism” of free speech, according to Marietje Schaake.

To help oversee the systems that digital sites use to battle illegal content like terrorist or child sexual abuse content and to fight harmful posts like lies and misinformation, the EU’s executive Commission has initiated a recruitment drive for dozens of expert jobs, such as data scientists, legal officers, technology specialists, and digital policy officers.

While this was going on, Musk fired thousands of workers and many more, including those in positions of content control, quit. It could be clearer if he intends to hire more employees to abide by European regulations.

The primary question is whether Musk would allocate the necessary resources to monitor content at all, according to Stanford’s Schaake, who added that Musk is pressed for time as he tries to cut costs, comply with the law, and retain advertising.

It is one thing to consciously choose to leave racist stuff online, but quite another for it to remain there undetected because teams in charge of content monitoring “just aren’t there,” she said.

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