Listing the Remarkable Photographs of Disruptive Technologies

Listing the Remarkable Photographs of Disruptive Technologies
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Analytics Insight has listed remarkable moments of disruptive technologies that were photographed

Ever since disruptive technologies like artificial intelligencerobotics, machine learning, etc. made their debut in modern society, the world has turned upside down. Today, everything starting from the way we wake up by alarms and the automatic option that turns off the light when we go to sleep are powered by technology. Even though many disruptive technologies might also emerge in the future, some of the moments of history and some of the 'firsts' have a remarkable spot in human minds. They carry the scientists' hard work and passion to deliver a futuristic solution to humankind. To celebrate their efforts, Analytics Insight has listed remarkable moments of disruptive technologies that were photographed. These photographs represent the moment of happiness and achievement of the digital era.

Top moments of disruptive technologies as photographs

A recreation of Leonardo da Vinci's Mechanical Knight

In 1495, Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest geniuses of the Italian Renaissance designed and constructed a mechanical knight that is reportedly considered as the first step towards the creation of a humanoid robot. Historical sources also suggest that the mechanical knight was capable of humanistic movements. Designed for a pageant in Milan, which the Duke had put Leonardo in charge of overseeing, the robotic knight had amazing technical features in it. Covered in a knight suit, the mechanical robot was filled with gears and wheels that were connected to an elaborate pulley and cable system. Almost five centuries later, Mark Rosheim, a modern-day researcher and robotics expert recreated the mechanical knight in 2002.

Shakey, the first mobile robot by Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International

Starting from 1966 to 1972, the researchers at the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International (then called as Stanford Research Institute) conducted research on a mobile robot system nicknamed 'Shakey.' Shakey was the first mobile robot that was designed to perform certain tasks with planning, route-finding, and the rearranging of simple objects. The robot even made its appearance in a 24minute film 'Shakey: Experimentation in Robot Learning and Planning.'

Image credit: SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center
Image credit: SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center
Robonaut on its mission at the space station

Robonaut is a dexterous humanoid robot built and designed at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas to be deployed at International Space Station. The aim was to make the robot helpful to humans on their space mission. Robonaut 2 or R2 was an upgraded version of the previous robot with added features like climbing legs. The new legs, funded by NASA's Human Exploration and Operations and Space Technology mission directorates helped Robonaut with its regular and repetitive tasks.

Image Credit: NASA
Image Credit: NASA
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter captures its shadow on the red planet

NASA's recent achievements are remarkably making many firsts, especially, on its mission to Mars. Ingenuity, a Mars helicopter made a 40-second flight at the red planet marking the first-ever such achievement. The solar-powered helicopter became airborne using its autonomous system piloted by onboard guidance, navigation, and control systems running algorithms developed by the team at JPL. The moment of flight marked history as the first such initiative on another planet other than earth.

Image credit: NASA
Image credit: NASA
1,100 drones flew in the sky to create awareness on China's People's Police Day

During the People's Police Day celebration, the Chinese used 1,100 drones to both promote China's emergency number and thank its police service. The drones made some impressive aerial visuals creating many eye catchy forms like rainbows, etc. They also displayed the Chinese Police's National flag before displaying all the branches of the police force. Even though Intel was the first company that started the initiative to display drones at its important events to show the company's technology, many others followed the suit.

Image credit: SHINE
Image credit: SHINE
The NYPD has sent a robotic dog to an active crime scene in the Bronx

The NYPD was using a robotic dog 'Digidog' designed by Boston Dynamics to an active crime scene in the Bronx, where a home invasion was underway in a Wakefield area apartment building. The robotic dog can walk and navigate space via remote controls and can be programmed to follow a specific route. It can even walk on stairs, curbs, traverse grass, and gravel. Unfortunately, the NYPD has scrapped the contract with Boston Dynamics following heavy backlash from the public. Critics say the Digidog is emblematic of how overly aggressive police officers could be when dealing with poor communities.

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