Learn These Programming Languages Used by ISRO to Become a Scientist


Upskilling yourself in these programming languages used by ISRO will aid your scientific career

There are thousands of programming languages in the world but only a few make it to the priority list. The ones that are on the priority list provide some of the most avant-garde facilities to innovate efficiently and conduct scientific research and operations thoroughly. Renowned institutions like ISRO and NASA are using these programming languages for enhanced and agile outputs. The programming languages used by ISRO are unique and operate differently from one another, hence, the organization deploys several programming languages for distinct purposes. It is quite common knowledge that ISRO is the home of some of the brightest minds in the world. If aspirants wish to acquire a position here, they have to be adept in all kinds of mathematical and scientific knowledge that will support satellite launching, remote sensing, and other technical affairs. The top programming languages trending in the industry already support various aviation operations and are being deployed by scientists all over the world. Here, are the top programming languages used by ISRO that you can learn to become a scientist and acquire a position in this world-renowned organization.



Python is basically an all-rounder and ISRO abundantly uses this programming language for its versatility. The language is used for processing the collected data from various satellites and space devices. It acts as one of the most useful satellite programming languages that also have vast applications in the field of AI, data science, neural networking, and machine learning. Scientists believe that with the evolution of the programming and coding domain, the use of Python will dramatically grow in ISRO.



Fortran is mainly designed for scientists and engineers and has dominated the field since its inception. The language is used for various purposes like designing airplane structures, and for factory automation control, and the analysis of scientific data. Its high-speed efficiency and advancement in numerical weather prediction makes it quite essential for ISRO’s space research programs. 



ISRO scientists use Matlab for graphics and plotting purposes, but since it’s a commercial language, they deploy a free and open-source form in order to cut down on the unnecessary expenses. Nevertheless, the language is extremely important for aspiring scientists wishing to get a post here.



Scientific giants like NASA and ISRO use the C programming language for various purposes. The language is known for its simplicity and flexibility in memory management. It provides programmers with the opportunity to control how, when, and where to allocate and deallocate memory.



C++ is one of the most powerful, fast, and heavily-used programming languages and is the advanced version of C that is used for developing flight software. Besides, like C, institutions ISRO and NASA deploy C++ for various ground control operations.



VHDL is basically a programming language that is extensively used in Attitude and Orbit Control Systems that handle the attitude and position of an entire space vehicle or satellite. The language is basically a hardware description language that has been standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and can model the behavior and structure of digital systems at multiple levels of abstraction.



Java is yet another programming language that is extensively used in ISRO and NASA. It is one of the most favored programming languages used by ISRO that acts as the bridge that collates flight dynamics efficiently. At the same time, Java can handle and develop different applications that are extracted from various scientific operations and analytics tools for communication support.



Being a high-level language, JavaScript is extensively used for scientific purposes, even though there are several limitations in the JavaScript libraries, the language can run on multiple scientific platforms providing aid and support to the project under development.



 There are several requirements for building simulation software, hence, programmers and researchers at ISRO have to mix and match a number of programming languages that ensure they use the one that works efficiently. Perl is one of those programming languages that comes in handy to make various simulation software efficient and smooth.



Lisp’s ability to compute with symbolic expressions rather than numbers makes it convenient for intelligence applications where C, Python, and Perl might not operate appropriately. Lisp is one of those programming languages that serve multiple functions, even though, it’s not the center of all operations.

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