Protection Requisite for Self-driving Cars against Cyber Menace

Protection Requisite for Self-driving Cars against Cyber Menace
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The technological advancements in self-driving cars

The year 2009 had first witnessed the birth of self-driving car with Google's AV division, Waymo and spread its roots to Arizona, Texas, and Washington. Semi-driving vehicles and autonomous vehicles are gaining acceptance all over the world.

Owning up to the environmental pollution and the damage that cars with age old technology cause to its surroundings, the invention of electronic cars that run on batteries are considered as the best substitutions for it. Electronic cars today are highly AI-driven and packed with advanced technologies to make driving a seamless experience for their owners and drivers. The advancements have been taken to the extent of making the cars independent where they can drive themselves which are better remembered as self-driving cars. Autonomous cars are increasingly rising in demand as they come with highly advanced AI driven technologies that make themselves driverless vehicles.

Connected vehicles is the umbrella term used for autonomous vehicles and are largely encouraged by government. Around 44% of connected vehicles were produced in 2018.

Factors that Stimulate the Growth of Self-driving Cars

The nations with rich amount of technology and innovation deploy the resources in the making of autonomous vehicles. The reason of technological advancements is capable of eliminating time consumption troubles and accidents, besides the elimination of emission of poisonous gases in the air.

2. Consumer acceptance

The introduction of self-driving cars and autonomous vehicles have met with positive consumer acceptance as autonomous vehicles can take care of all the operations themselves, which eases out the pressure driving creates.

With great Power comes great Responsibility

For the autonomous and self-driving cars to be self-reliant, they need to rely on software installed in them. With this software being high in technology and power, they also open portals for certain criminal activities which pose a threat for data generated.

According to the studies conducted by Markets and Markets and Millions Insight, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is likely to shoot up to 23.16% and USD by 5.77 billion in the next 5 years.

An increment in the use of software like visualization software, connected and self-driving vehicles and motors are also escalating their subjection to cyber attacks. The areas which are mostly blanketed by the cyber threats are South America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa as these areas, according to estimations, hold the largest market shares, the studies have highlighted.

It has also shed significant light on the role played by the third party vendors like Tier 2 and Tier 3 companies that can consolidate the data shared by electronic self-driving cars to deepen the pockets of their own revenues. This can also, as a consequence, enlarge the sphere of self-driving cars and other connected vehicles. The enlargement of the sphere can have its repercussions by running the chances of putting these electronic cars into a fix by endangering the data generated and exchanged.

Possible Dangers that have compelled the Strengthening of Cyber Security

Automotive cyber security market, fearing this possibility, has pledged to broaden its horizons on security and safety. Incidents of data leakage and data theft are pretty evident with intensely advanced technologies as criminals too, keep evolving themselves. The cyber security centers need to think ahead of the snitches and re-design their strategies to keep dangers at bay.

Keeping the prospective risks and threats in mind, the automotive companies and cyber security centers are strengthening their commitment towards the safety and security of the data exchange and data generated.

Additionally, the electronic components used to ensure maximum network connectivity that also is vulnerable to cyber attacks. Hence, to prevent these from happening, automotive cyber security are vehemently taking up measures by segmenting and deploying technologies to take care of safety measures on road, pollution control, GPRS tracking systems.

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