Launch of the Web3-Focused Blockchain Operating System by Near Protocol

Launch of the Web3-Focused Blockchain Operating System by Near Protocol

Near Protocol will be delivering a powerful web3-focused blockchain operating system to build decentralized applications

A new Web3 blockchain operating system by Near protocol will be released sooner, a decentralized application (DApp), which announced the ETHDenver 2023 Web3 and innovation event. The Web3-focused blockchain operating system's main goal is to improve user experience on Web3 by developing a shared layer for looking for and finding open web resources. According to the Near protocol team, their new blockchain operating system solution is interoperable with any blockchain or Web2 backend, enabling customers to use a single app without interruption even when switching between many chains or applications.
Additionally, the new approach enables developers to build decentralized and reusable frontends. Without having to host them on a different server, it enables developers to merge various add-ons and parts, such as payments, profiles, and notifications. Illia Polosukhin, a co-founder of Near, said that similar to how iOS offers a platform for app developers, the new blockchain operating system provides a platform for developers to promote their apps to a huge audience of customers. Additionally, the platform provides all required infrastructure and services for developing apps, enabling

According to sources, the Near protocol is presently the 35th-largest cryptocurrency in terms of market valuation. At the time of writing, the market capitalization of Layer 1 was approximately US$866,021,029, and the NEAR token was trading for about $2.03.

The co-founder claims that Near Protocol, a rival to Ethereum, offers a blockchain that supports proof-of-stake and smart contracts. The protocol sought a ten-fold rise in some key indicators over the previous year, including transactions, active monthly wallets, projects boarded, developers, and ecosystem investment.

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