Is Quantum Computing Truly Desirable in Serving Humanity?

Is Quantum Computing Truly Desirable in Serving Humanity?
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By making certain types of conventionally unsolvable issues solvable, quantum computers have the power to transform computation

Soon the world could be changed by quantum computers.

Quantum computing is a field of research focusing on computer-based technology advancement built on the concepts of quantum theory. The existence and action of matter and energy at the quantum (atomic and subatomic) level is explained by quantum theory.

In the areas such as finance, military matters, drug development and invention, aeronautics design, artificial intelligence and big data search, digital fabrication, etc. quantum computing could make a significant contribution.

Experts have extensively estimated that quantum computers can address certain types of issues much quicker than any conventional computer and that they will involve an intense number of variables and possible outcomes, such as simulations or optimization – based questions.

As with any modern technology, quantum computing raises its own resentments and pitfalls. According to Scientific American, "Quantum computers are exceedingly difficult to engineer, build and program. As a result, they are crippled by errors in the form of noise, faults and loss of quantum coherence, which is crucial to their operation and yet falls apart before any nontrivial program has a chance to run to completion."

How can quantum computing help tackle the worldwide pandemic?

An awareness the world has had with this pandemic is that it is necessary to develop the computing power and framework to tackle problems that even the best computer systems find annoying to do. Because of the lack of sufficient computing power, the world can't lose a war against the global risk of contagious diseases. The commitment of mending the large computational capability deficit is offered by quantum computers.

By allowing medical and material science companies to build techniques to analyze larger-scale molecules, quantum computing has the capability to transform the very concept of molecular analysis. Companies can now operate hundreds and thousands of comparisons on classical computers and supercomputers, but they are confined only to molecules that can actually be computed by a classical computer up to a certain scale. It would be probable to juxtapose even larger molecules as quantum computers become more easily accessible, which makes a way for more therapeutic developments and cures for a number of ailments.

Although the positive side of powerful QCs is that it will tackle many human problems and offer a huge lift to drug exploration, latest resources and space science. At the same time, the negative side of QCs will develop other few global risks that are cyber attacks, data breaches or theft and information systems disruption. Such global threats would create another kind of mayhem in which vital fortune 500 corporations' data and infrastructure will be severely disclosed or hacked by highly financed or government hackers.


By making certain types of conventionally unsolvable issues solvable, quantum computers have the power to transform computation. While no quantum computer is yet sufficiently advanced to perform calculations that cannot be performed by a classical computer, huge progress is advancing. A few large corporations and small start-ups now have a range of tens of qubits of non-error-corrected quantum computers running, some of which are also open to the public via the cloud. Furthermore, quantum simulation models are making advances in fields ranging from molecular energy to physics of several bodies.

A sector focusing on short-term applications of quantum computers is beginning to evolve as small systems come online. Long before the search for a large-scale, error-corrected quantum computer is done, this development can make it easier to achieve some of the advantages and perspectives of quantum computation.

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