How to Protect Your Privacy Online in 2022

How to Protect Your Privacy Online in 2022
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The 21st century is undeniably the age of the internet. With digitalization creeping up in every aspect of our lives, from work to socialization, it's hard to imagine what it would be like without the world wide web. And although it brings convenience, it comes at a great price – privacy.

Personal data is the new currency, and everyone trying to make a profit is trying to get their hands on it. Big corporations, hackers, and even governments seek to know everything about you. And it's effortless to do so when the average internet user gives that precious information away without a second thought.

Although there are numerous steps to it, protecting your online privacy is worth it. But first, let's look at some of the dangers that lie in the digital realm. And how you can avoid falling for them, of course.

Why online privacy matters

The most significant risk online is hackers because they actively target everyone, from the common man to sizable companies. And thanks to them creating new & ingenious ways to trap you, it's no wonder even tech-savvy people become victims. Here are but a few of the digital threats you can face:

  • Malicious software. Viruses, trojans, keyloggers, adware, ransomware, spyware, and such are just the tip of the iceberg. And you can quickly get these nasty, device-breaking surprises by downloading suspicious files or clicking on shady links.
  • Phishing & scams. In these cases, hackers imitate companies or services to steal your identity. They usually send links to fake websites asking you to input your banking info, passwords, etc. Sadly, we've reached the stage where these emails are almost indiscernible from legitimate correspondences.
  • User trackers. While more the work of corporations trying to sell a product, these abound in every website you visit in the form of cookies. They monitor your online actions and place appropriate advertisements tailored to your tastes.
  • Data breaches. Online services have to store confidential user information somewhere, but the problem is that it's not always done securely. his human error is easily exploited by hackers repeatedly, resulting in names, addresses, passwords, and other data being exposed to the public.

Be aware, though, that we're not covering social-engineered attacks or other types of exploits. There's still much to learn about the pitfalls of the digital age. Thankfully, the countermeasures we provide below, like VPN software, shield you from most of them.

Recommended tools to stay safe online

There is no ultimate tool for protecting your online privacy that could cover you on all fronts. But users can come pretty close by utilizing different methods meant to secure specific aspects of their digital presence.

Virtual Private Networks

These tools, commonly known as VPNs, route your internet traffic through encrypted tunnels. The result? Complete anonymity, as your IP address, location, and online actions become hidden. No one can track you this way, not even your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Utilizing VPNs on multiple devices doesn't just ensure maximum untraceability, it also comes with other benefits. First, you'll be able to bypass various website restrictions to access content blocked by your network provider. Another advantage is the multiple features that let you customize your VPN experience for different activities.

For example, premium providers, like NordVPN, even offer ad & malware blockers for defeating user trackers and malicious software. Other perks include obfuscation for hiding VPN usage, Double VPN for twice the encryption, split tunneling for routing VPN traffic via specific apps, and so on.

Password managers

It's widely recommended to use a different password with each account you have. Unfortunately, not many people follow this advice since memorizing complex login credentials isn't easy. Because of this, netizens end up having the same password for multiple websites, creating a severe data breach threat.

If a hacker gains access to one account, they could also seize all others, leaving you to deal with the fallout. Thus, creating strong passwords is a must – and it can be done easily with password managers. This software generates unbreakable passwords and stores them in a secure location, so you won't have to commit them to memory. (And forget them later).

Antivirus software

Viruses come in many forms and can be spread in the most seemingly innocent ways, like links. And once your device gets infected, you might not even notice it, leaving you vulnerable in several ways. Your data can get stolen, and the computer or phone later used to launch DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks against other users.

These scenarios are easily preventable by having an antivirus program. Specifically designed to combat malware, it monitors your device in real time and intercepts suspicious files and websites. Just remember to pick a reputable, third-party provider.

Recent data breaches

It doesn't matter whether you're an average Joe or a part of a profitable conglomerate – hackers do not discriminate. Data leaks are still far too common, affecting all kinds of industries. Just look at the recent ones:

  • Plex. A data leak happened in August to this media server app, with hackers compromising millions of users' emails, usernames, and passwords.
  • Uber. A hacker compromised an employee's account, resulting in a massive data breach. The company had to shut down its internal messaging service and engineering systems offline.
  • Ronin. The cryptocurrency and NFT game company suffered a $540 million loss after a malicious third party exploited a security flaw.
  • Novant. This US healthcare provider accidentally transmitted confidential info to Meta (the company behind Facebook) due to an incorrect code configuration.

Tips for avoiding privacy issues online

In the end, it all boils down to basic human error. And while tools meant for protecting your online privacy can mitigate potential risks, everyone must do their part as well. It means following some general guidelines on keeping yourself safe:

  • Browse in Incognito mode. You'll avoid giving away your browsing habits to various websites that track your online actions via cookies. Still, your ISP will be able to see what you're doing, so using a VPN in conjunction is recommended.
  • Limit personal information. Oversharing on social media makes it easier for malicious parties to target you and use the data they gathered to hack into accounts.
  • Use secure search engines. Google is notorious for collecting user data, but it's not the only option out there. There are plenty of alternatives that don't track you or even block trackers.
  • Don't click on everything. Never click on links that don't come from verified sources, as these tend to be phishing attempts. And keep in mind that official institutions don't ask you to provide confidential data via email.


Keeping yourself safe and anonymous online is a daunting task, with seemingly every third party out there to get you. But it can be achieved one step at a time. Being wary of the potential dangers is one giant step, and using software designed to mitigate these risks is another.

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