How Scalenut is Using Artificial Intelligence to Help Power their Content

How Scalenut is Using Artificial Intelligence to Help Power their Content
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How Scalenut is Leveraging Technology and Using AI to Help Power Their Content

Scalenut is an AI-enabled Content Intelligence SaaS platform, offering a suite of products for content planning, research and production.

Scalenut is taking content marketing to an all-new level. They leveraged various disruptive technologies like AI to develop smart solutions in every category of content marketing.

AI Copywriter and SEO Assistant were the outcomes of those relentless efforts.

AI Copywriter

From chatbots to driverless cars, AI has expanded beyond its marked perimeters. Scalenut wanted to use this potent technology to power its content marketing business. More importantly, they wanted to pass on the benefits to their partners. That's how they developed the revolutionary AI copywriter.

The most important and time-consuming aspect of marketing is to develop content that is of high quality, SEO friendly, and plagiarism-free. It takes many hours to put together solid content for blogs, social posts, product descriptions, and so on.

AI Copywriter focuses on solving this time problem. It infuses relevance and consistency into every piece of content that you ask it to build. The tool is simple to use. All you need to do is input the name of your product/service name and add a short description about it. That's all. Sit back, and watch AI Copywriter weave its magic. It will instantly generate relevant, catchy, and non-plagiarised content from your input.

SEO Assistant

Ask a marketer, "what's the biggest purpose of creating content?"

The unanimous answer will be — "to generate leads."

And the best possible way to do it is via SEO. But SEO has always been a pandora's box for most businesses and marketers. Scalenut's next product, SEO Assistant, is designed to help such an audience.

Simply put, SEO Assistant is a tool that empowers you with enough data to craft content that search engines will love. All you have to do is enter a topic name and the target country. SEO Assistant will generate a detailed report that will walk you through what your competitors are doing with the same keyword, related keywords of the topic, and so on.

Interestingly, it even captures the questions people are asking on platforms like Quora and Reddit. The tool then goes on to highlight the questions that most people want answers to.

The cherry on the top — SEO Assistant, offers a powerful editor to write long-form content using AI. Writing a long-form piece within a few minutes, that's powerful and SEO friendly, is a dream. Scalenut, with it's SEO Assistant is making it a reality..

How AI & NLP is Used in Content Research & Content Creation?

Researchers and experts have been building various artificial intelligence algorithms to generate content in recent days. One such popular algorithm is GPT-3 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3). It is an advanced algorithm that helps create relevant content with minimal human intervention. GPT-3, when used with NLP (Natural Language Programming) and Machine Learning, can be used to automate the creation of content such as social media posts, essays, summaries, etc.

NLP is a subset of AI; it helps in the interpretation of human language through a program. It learns from actual human-to-human interaction and understands human conversation with virtual assistants and chatbots. Using all this data, it learns and mimics natural human language. NLP is often used to bridge the gap between a visitor's search intent and your content.

When AI & NLP are fused, the results are astounding. NLP automates the content research part, while AI automates the content generation part, rendering total automation of quality content generation.

How is Scalenut Redefining the Content Marketing Space Using AI?

Scalenut is helping the marketing heads and content creators to multiply their productivity through the above-discussed tools. These tools have emerged to be a great support for all their clients in their content marketing activities.

Tools like these use powerful algorithms and technologies to help marketing teams accomplish their goals, even if the team size is small. The content through these tools can be generated instantly and assure consistency — another major factor determining the success of marketing efforts.

Lastly, these tools guarantee high efficiency and effectiveness at a fraction of the cost businesses would pay to a team of SEO experts and content writers.

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