Holders Are Dropping Decentraland (MANA) For This Revolutionary New Token

Holders Are Dropping Decentraland (MANA) For This Revolutionary New Token

Since its launch in February 2020, Decentraland (MANA) has gained a growing community of users and developers who have built a variety of experiences and applications within the virtual world.

Yet, MANA investors seem to be increasingly switching to a new token on the block – one that presents a unique investment opportunity for everyone interested in the crypto lending and DeFi space and has the potential to surge 35X during presale and 100X once it enters major exchanges.


What Is Decentraland (MANA)?

Decentraland (MANA) is a virtual reality platform that runs on the Ethereum blockchain, established in 2017. Its founders, Esteban Ordano and Ari Meilich, were inspired by the metaverse concept that enables users to interact with each other in a shared space and get more ownership and control over their virtual experiences.

For instance, Decentraland (MANA) allows users to create, experience, and monetize content and applications in a decentralized and immersive environment.

Decentraland (MANA) users can purchase virtual land, called LAND, represented by NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. They can then build on and customize their LAND using a 3D editor, creating unique and interactive experiences.

MANA is Decentraland's native cryptocurrency that enables users to buy, sell, and trade virtual LAND, goods, and services.

What Are the Similarities Between MANA and COLT?

Without further ado, the token on every savvy investor's lips is Collateral Network (COLT), a decentralized web3 peer-to-peer lending platform set to revolutionize a $billion industry. Despite being touted as a more promising investment to Decentraland (MANA, the two cryptocurrencies do have some similarities.

Use Of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Decentraland (MANA) allows users to trade virtual land represented by NFTs. Collateral Network (COLT) enables borrowers to use asset backed NFTs to borrow cryptocurrency against tangible assets, such as real estate, fine art, vintage cars, and more.

Based On the Ethereum Blockchain: Decentraland's native cryptocurrency, MANA, is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. Similarly, Collateral Network (COLT) is built on the Ethereum blockchain. However, COLT also has multi-chain capabilities, allowing for future expansion onto other blockchains.

Decentralized In Nature: Both projects allow users to own and control their virtual assets and digital identities. In addition, Collateral Network (COLT) and Decentraland (MANA) provide opportunities for users to earn passive income through various means, such as earning interest on fractional loans or selling virtual goods and services, respectively.


Why Have Investors Turn to COLT Instead Of MANA?

Collateral Network (COLT) enables borrowers to obtain loans against tangible assets represented by NFTs (non-fungible tokens), while investors can earn a fixed passive income by providing fractional loans. It delivers a broad range of benefits, including the following.

Security and Autonomy: COLT backs NFTs 1-to-1 with the borrower's physical assets held in their vault. In case of borrower default, it sells the assets at auction to recover funds. Moreover, lenders can control their loan book and anonymity through wallet connections and private key control.

Fast Turnaround Times: Collateral Network (COLT) borrowers can unlock cash from their assets as quickly as 24 hours, borrow against their assets discreetly without leaving a footprint on their credit file, and borrow at competitive rates with flexible terms.

Fixed Passive Income: Collateral Network (COLT) investors receive a fixed passive income with flexible payment terms, making it an attractive option for those seeking stable investment returns in the DeFi space.

Growth Potential: From an investment standpoint, analysts predict a significant price increase during the presale of Collateral Network (COLT) up to 3500%. Once COLTlists on major public exchanges, such as Uniswap the price will surge higher.

Special Benefits & Discounts: COLT holders also have exclusive access to private auctions of distressed assets, where they can purchase assets below market value.


Collateral Network (COLT) aims disrupts the lending industry by offering an innovative platform that allows borrowers to unlock cash from their physical assets while providing fixed passive income and autonomy for investors. With a first-mover advantage and the potential for 100X returns, COLT presents an attractive opportunity in the DeFi space!

Learn more about the Collateral Network presale here:

Website: https://www.collateralnetwork.io/

Presale: https://app.collateralnetwork.io/register 

Telegram: https://t.me/collateralnwk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collateralnwk

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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