Elevate Your SEO Game: Harnessing the Power of SSL Certificates

Elevate Your SEO Game: Harnessing the Power of SSL Certificates
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It's important to know that  24,03,857 websites were utilizing SSL certificates in the year 2023 for better SEO ranking. Yes, it is true because according to the recent update websites with SSL certificates are not only safe but also help in better Google ranking.

Not only this, even 86% of the phishers are using SSL certificates on their websites which shows the level of trust created by SSL certificates among online website visitors. Hence, having an SSL certificate is very beneficial to all website users.

What is an SSL Certificate?

A digital certificate known by the term SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate verifies the website's identity and encrypts data sent between the website and its users. It acts as a trust signal, reassuring visitors that their information is safe while using the website.

There are a various types of SSL certificates that can be categorized based on its characteristics. Let us understand them one by one.

Types of SSL certificates

Domain Validated SSL certificate:

This type of SSL certificate is the most basic one which provides basic security and domain validation. It can be used for simple and basic blogs or sites with minimal cost. They verify and ensure that the domain is valid and safe to use for online website visitors.

Organization Validated (OV) SSL Certificates:

In contrast to DV certificates, OV certificates provide an additional level of validation. They not only confirm the ownership of the domain but also the identification of the organization, with its address and name. For companies and organizations trying to build reputation and trust with their clients, OV certifications are perfect.

Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates:

This certificate provides the best and highest level of security to the websites. Mostly they are used for websites that use the confidential data of customers such as any financial organization, e-commerce sites, etc.

These certificates ask for all the information of an organization to check and verify its existence. There shall be the green padlock sign and the organization’s name mentioned in the web browser which helps to gain trust of online website visitors. 

Wildcard SSL certificates:

The purpose of wildcard certificates is to protect a primary domain along with all of its child domains. For instance, subdomains like "blog.example.com" and "shop.example.com" would be covered by this certificate that is issued for "example.com". Because of this, wildcard certificates are a practical and affordable choice for websites that have several subdomains.

Advantages of Having an SSL Certificate for Website

There are number of benefits for an SSL certificate as mentioned below:-

Better Security:

SSL certificate helps to tighten the security of the website as it encryptes the data shared by the online website visitors. It saves the identity of the users and their confidential data. The data might be intercepted and stolen without SSL encryption, placing consumers at risk of financial fraud, identity theft, and other online dangers.

Enhanced Trust and Reliability:

To indicate to users that a website is safe, SSL certificates enable websites to exhibit an icon with a padlock and HTTPS in the address bar of a browser. Visitors gain confidence and trust as a result, which boosts engagement and conversions.

More the conversions and lesser bounce rate will lead to better profits and business expansion.

SEO Advantage: 

The main advantage of SSL certificate is the SEO ranking that it provides in any search engine. Websites having SSL certificates will easily gain website traffic and therefore provides the greatest advantage in terms of customer attraction.

Website owners can enhance search engine optimization (SEO) performance and maintain their competitiveness in the current digital market by purchasing an SSL certificate.

The Impact: SSL Certificates and SEO

Google's Preference for HTTPS:

Google has worked hard in recent years to encourage website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS in order to provide a safer viewing experience. Google announced many years back that HTTPS will be utilized as a ranking indication, which will result in a minor search engine ranking increase for websites that have SSL certificates.

Therefore, HTTPS has become very important for the search engine like google and hence gives importance to the encrypted information shared between website and its users.

Increased Crawlability:

Search engines will better crawl for websites that are having SSL certificates and therefore websites having SSL certificates will be ranked higher in any search engine. Therefore, any website owner who wants their website to be better crawled and indexed by the search engine should buy SSL certificate.

Boosting User Trust and Engagement:

Users will know that a website cares about their privacy and security if it has an SSL certificate. This increases users' trust and belief in the website, luring them to stay longer and interact with the material. Furthermore, high bounce rates and abandoned transactions are less common on secure websites, which boosts conversion rates and enhances user engagement metrics.

Site Speed and Performance:

Because of the advanced encryption protocols and server features, HTTPS will lead to better site loading speed. Due to high website loading speed, website users will have a smooth user experience that leads to satisfaction among them.

Also, better website loading speed is not only about enhanced user experience but also helps for higher search engine rankings. And with increasing use of mobile-devices for surfing websites, SSL certificates also works well in mobile devices by quickly loading the site.

To Conclude

In short, it is impossible to undervalue the importance of SSL certificates for SEO. Numerous advantages come with having an HTTPS-encrypted website, such as increased search engine visibility, trust, and security.

Having an SSL certificate is now necessary for website owners hoping to enhance their online visibility and draw in more traffic due to the search engine's preference for secure browsing.

Businesses may safeguard their data, improve their SEO rankings, and promote sustainable development in the digital age by keeping website security as their top priority and purchasing SSL certificates.

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