Digital Artisans: Bridges Customized Expectations and Tech Reality

Tech-RealitySome people can’t contain themselves in a single industry. For example, people who have majored in technology would want to try out something innovative and artistic, and vice versa. So what should these people do? Don’t worry. You have a resort button here. There exist a job called digital artisan that concerns both technology and artistic thoughts. It is specifically made for people who love thinking out of the box. Digital artisans combine their IT skills with art and design to create amazing products and ideas. A keen interest in programming is already a gift, if the best programmer has outstanding creativity, then they are a perfect fit to be digital artisans. They find a deeper appreciation for craftsmanship, quality, and uniqueness, espoused with technology. However, digital artisan is a very unique job that has very less opening today. But with people’s interest in tailor-made solutions increasing, the profession will soon get into the mainstream. Fortunately, many big organizations are hiring digital artisans to provide customized solutions by finding the right tools, selecting only the finest materials, and infusing everything produced with the energy and authenticity of a superior, hand-crafted product.  

How to streamline digital artisanship?

Today, digital artisans are taking up small projects and leverage disruptive technologies to create, enhance, and deliver high-quality products or services to a limited number of customers. Since they are tailor-made and serves a single person or a group’s purpose, it is often seen as small-scale work. Henceforth, the first step that a digital artisan should take is to try and make it for a more and wide range of people. They should embrace a long game that covers more purposes and a lengthy timeframe. In order to do that, digital artisans need to dig into big data and figure out customer’s objectives. There is always a gap between consumer expectations and big solution providers. If digital artisans manage to find that, then they can work on addressing the requirement by focusing on who the customer is, what their needs are, and what is the driving force behind their decisions. Next, they should try to understand the clients and give a personal touch to the deliverables. If one thing that makes digital artisans stand out from other programmers, then that is uniqueness and importance to personal values. Similar to historical artisans who focused to deliver hand-crafted products, the model digital artisans should make use of technology to make it extraordinary.
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