Frequently Asked Interview Questions for Data Science Role in 2024

Frequently asked interview questions for data science roles
Frequently Asked Interview Questions for Data Science Role in 2024
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It is necessary to address a new class of analytical data specialists that has emerged relatively recently in organizations – data scientists. They regulate the big data industry and are partly computer scientists and partly mathematicians.

Modern enterprises often find themselves in a state of confusion when it comes to interfering with such unstructured information, which if on the other end is considered as a treasure discovered by an archaeologist that adds to the overall profits. However, they genuinely need the gurus who would be able to dig into it and come up with meaningful business intelligence findings, sifting through the heaps of inconsequential noise to find the golden ore. Highly paid and sought after is  data scientists because that is what they do.

 Now, we will explore the frequently asked interview questions for data science role in 2024.

 1. What is Data science?

This question can be first and most obvious question that is asked among the interview questions for data science role in 2024. Data science interlinks mathematics, statistics, program- oriented applications, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other related concepts.

In other words, data science can best be described as a discipline that deals with the implementation of specific concepts and techniques toward the analysis of data for the purpose of arriving at decisions, including those of strategic management. In a nutshell, data science could be understood as the ability to unlock the value of data, meaning data discovery and analysis, including elements of data visualization, dealing with large data sets, statistical methods, and computing.

 2. In simple terms, explain the main difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning.

Supervised learning is based on the concept of learning from the given input and output data; an algorithm builds a training model that helps it predict outputs of new inputs. It also entails interaction so as to rectify an error that may possibly have been made in its prediction.

Some typically used algorithms are the decision trees, logistic regression, and support vector machines. On the other hand, in unsupervised learning, patterns and structures are searched by leveraging the data that are not labeled and the information provided by the teacher is not incorporated. For clustering and association, many algorithms are usually employed including k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and the Apriori algorithm.

 3. How is logistic regression to be done?

Thus, while estimating the probability with the help of its function (sigmoid), the logistic regression measures the relationship between the dependent variable—our label for the result that we would like to predict—and the independent variable or the characteristic(s).

Explain how to conduct decision tree modelling with certain step by step guide.

  • Treat all the available data as the input sets complete.

  • Calculate the predictor attributes’ entropy and the target variable entropy.

  • Calculation of information dependent on all attributes (we have information on how to distinguish one object from another).

  • Select the root node that has the highest information gain among all the properties.

  • Each of the branches requires a decision node until the desired one is realized; continue the process on each of the branches.

 4. Python lists vs Numpy arrays: which is faster and why?

In computation involving numbers, the NumPy arrays are faster than Python lists. As for NumPy, this is a Python collection of tools designed for operating arrays, wherein you can also find a number of useful functions aimed at adjusting arrays.

Namely, the NumPy arrays are implemented in C, while Python lists are implemented in Python, that is why a moments ago it is mentioned that NumPy arrays are faster than Python lists. This means that simple operations such as those performed on NumPy arrays run in compiled languages as opposed to the interpreted language that runs operations on Python lists faster.

5. It is necessary to understand how a split is different from a joint?

 It is important to have the ability to answer this next obvious question among the interview questions for data science role in 2024. The split and join operations can be conveniently performed using the Python string though are quite distinct from one another.

To obtain a list from strings using a separator such as a space, in this case the split function should be used.

For example a = ”This is a string. “

Li is = a. split(‘ ‘)


Output: [“This“, “is“, “a“, and “string”]

Authored in the str class in Python, join() concatenates a list of strings into a single string. It is used with a list of strings that needs to be joined and is called with a delimiter string. When joining, the delimiter string is inserted in between each string in the list to form a new resulting string.

 6. Explain the five most important functions in Python used on strings.

 The top 5 string functions in Python are as follows:

Function Description: len() Function gives the number of characters in a string.

strip() removes both the leading and the trailing whitespaces of a string.

The split() function is used to divide a string into set of substrings based on the specified separator.

replace() replaces all the occurrences of a particular string for another string.

upper() function changes a string to the uppercase format.

All constituents in lower() alter the case of a string.

 7. What distinctions can one make between Data Mining and Data Profiling?

Data-mining is a process of finding the unknown relationships and knowledge which were hidden in the data and transforms data into knowledge. It is mainly used to filter out relevant data to be used in decision making or in making a prediction.

Data profiling, on the other hand, describes evaluation of the datasets to check for their uniqueness, logics consistency but it does not address the subject of inaccuracies head on. While mining improves the way data can be used, profiling guarantees proper and solid, at least semi-structured, format without the penetration of mining.

8. Define what is meant by the term data wrangling in the field of data analytics.

Data preparation where dirty data is transformed to clean data that is in the desired usable form by a number of steps which include finding, organizing, purifying, enhancing, verifying, and evaluating is called data wrangling.

Gigantic data that have been excerpted from many origins can be repositioned and formed in a more suitable form through this process. The data is dealt with by techniques of grouping, concatenation, joining, sorting, and merging among others. It then becomes ready to be on service with a different data set.

 9. Each analytics project is made up of which phases?

Probably, this question is important as an interview question for data science role in 2024. Any typical analytics project will involve the following steps:

Recognizing the Issue

Assess the business problem, define the goals of the organization, and develop solution strategy to make money.

Gathering Information

Get the relevant information from various sources and other data that you deem fit to gather.

Data Cleaning

Before the start of the data analysis, clean it; get rid of all the variables that are unnecessary, replicates, or have gaps.

Investigating and Examining Data

To extract data use data mining techniques, predictive models, tools for data visualization and tools for business intelligence.

Interpreting the Outcomes

 Use statistical tools and algorithms to draw conclusion and make inference out of the gathered data to find that the data is hiding and forecast future trend from the data.

10. When analysing data, which general problems are usually encountered by data analysts?

Every analytics project involves the following typical difficulties and steps:

Managing duplicate ,

The timeliness of the acquired information ,

Managing issues to do with data determination, cleaning, and warehousing,

Safeguarding the information and solving the compliance issues .

11. What analytical and presentation instruments have you used in your work?

As a data analyst it is expected of you to have working knowledge of the following tools for analysis and reports. Here are a few well-known tools you should be aware of:

a.  MYSQL & MS SQL Server

 Sometimes the information kept in relational databases needs to be manipulated

b. Tableau, Microsoft Excel

 Specifically for building of dashboards and reporting.

c.  R, SPSS, and Python

 All these can be used in data modeling, exploratory analysis as well as in statistical analysis.

While using Microsoft PowerPoint, demonstrate the main findings and outcomes of the work done

12. What non-terminological data cleansing techniques are the most effective?

Develop a schedule for erasing data by pinpointing the frequent mistakes’ places and staying in touch.

It has been argued that before transforming data, the latter should be purged of any redundancy. This will in turn lead to easy and effective data analysis process- the Identification of Hypothesis.

Being clear regarding the degree of accuracy of collected data is also important. Set derived mandatory conditions, store types of data values, and make it possible to check the fields.

To reduce data disorder, normalize it at the entry point when collecting the data. This means that you will be able to ensure that all data being input repeats what is already in the key data base which will help minimize on entry errors.


Supervised learning, logistic regression, decision trees, all are the tools used by data scientists at this stage and Hunt provides actionable insights. Besides the core domain skills, they specialized in data handling, data cleaning and making sensible conclusions to the strategies made from the studies.

Their aptitude in Python, NumPy arrays, SQL, and visualization tools like Tableau also strengthens them to convert the basic data into rich business intelligence. The responsibilities of such a specialist are crucial to maximizing the efficiency of big data analytics for creating new businesses and improving processes for keeping up sustainable growth in cut-throat markets.

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