Top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May 2024

Top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May - A guide
Top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May 2024

Market cap is the total dollar value of a company's exceptional stock offerings. For example, if a company has 1 million outstanding stock offerings and the stock currently trades at $50 per share, its current market cap is $50 million. Market cap fluctuates with a company's share cost and can alter over time or even over the course of a single trading day.

Market cap is basically a fast estimate of a company's esteem in dollar terms.

It's a back-of-the-envelope way of putting a number on a company, but it's just one way of measuring this. Imagine that you were evaluating the esteem of a nation. You may measure it by the dollar esteem of the economy, the measure of the populace, or the square real estate of the arrival. Measuring a company is complex, but the market cap is an essential and well-known way of evaluating its esteem and estimates quickly.

A company's market cap might help you gauge its riskiness. More prominent companies are frequently more established and have less unstable stocks. Smaller companies may have more unstable stocks but, in a few cases, may be able to develop quicker than exceptionally huge companies. And, of course, numerous particular companies will resist those generalizations.

Market cap is critical when building a portfolio. Understanding market cap may help you choose where a stock or finance fits into your resource assignment and how much of it you need to possess. For instance, if you've selected a resource assignment of 70% stocks and 30% bonds, you might spread that 70% among companies of different market capitalizations to adjust your risk resilience. Let’s have a brief discussion about the top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May 2024.

Top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May 2024

Here is the list of the top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May 2024.  Have a glance at the list.


Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that was initially portrayed in a 2008 whitepaper by an individual or group of individuals utilizing the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It was propelled soon after, in January 2009.

Bitcoin is peer-to-peer online cash, meaning that all exchanges happen straightforwardly between equal, independent, organized members without the requirement for any middle person to allow or encourage them. Bitcoin was made, concurring with Nakamoto’s claim words, to permit “online installments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.” In the present market, Bitcoin is one of the top cryptocurrencies to buy.

Bitcoin’s total supply is restricted by its computer program and will never surpass 21,000,000 coins. New coins are made through the process known as “mining”: as exchanges are transferred over the network, they are picked up by mineworkers and bundled into pieces, which are, in turn, secured by complex cryptographic calculations.


Ethereum was first depicted in a 2013 whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin. Buterin, along with other co-founders, secured financing for the venture in an online open crowd deal in the summer of 2014. The venture group oversaw raising $18.3 million in Bitcoin, and Ethereum’s cost in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was $0.311, with over 60 million Ether sold. Taking Ethereum’s cost presently, this puts the return on investment (ROI) at an annualized rate of over 270%, basically almost quadrupling your venture each year since the summer of 2014.

Ethereum has pioneered the concept of a blockchain keen contract stage. Smart contracts are computer programs that naturally execute the activities essential to fulfill an agreement between a few parties on the web. They were planned to decrease the requirement for trusted intermediates between temporary workers, hence reducing exchange costs while also expanding exchange reliability.  It is one of the top Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap in May 2024.


Propelled in 2014, Tether is a blockchain-enabled stage planned to encourage the utilization of fiat currencies in a digital way. Tether works to disturb the routine money-related framework through a more advanced approach to cash. Tether has made progress by giving clients the capacity to execute with conventional currencies over the blockchain without the characteristic instability and complexity typically related to digital money. As the first blockchain-enabled stage to encourage the advanced utilization of conventional monetary standards (a recognizable, steady bookkeeping unit), Tether has democratized cross-border exchanges over the blockchain.

USDT’s special highlight is that Tether ensures its esteem stays pegged to the U.S. dollar. According to Tether, whenever it issues modern USDT tokens, it distributes the same amount of USD to its reserves, guaranteeing that USDT is completely sponsored by cash and cash equivalents.


1. How is market capitalization calculated for cryptocurrencies?

For a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, market capitalization (or market cap) is the total value of all the coins that have been mined. It's calculated by multiplying the number of coins in circulation by the current market price of a single coin.

2. Why is market capitalization important in the cryptocurrency market?

Price is just one way to measure a cryptocurrency's value. Investors use market cap to tell a more complete story and compare value across cryptocurrencies.

3. Which cryptocurrency holds the highest market capitalization in May 2024?

Bitcoin is known for its strong community backing in the meme coin market, placing it among one of the top cryptos to buy in 2024. It gained attention during the 2021 bull market, reaching a high of $0.58, a massive increase of over 35,641.75%.

4. What factors influence changes in the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies?

Bitcoin's price changes because of its supply, the market's demand, media and news, and regulatory changes. Some research suggests that the cost of producing a bitcoin also influences its prices, but most reports used assumed data rather than facts.

5. How often does the ranking of cryptocurrencies by market cap change?

The global cryptocurrency market cap today is $2.4 Trillion, a -1.14% change in the last 24 hours and 102.13% change one year ago. As of today, Bitcoin's (BTC) market cap is at $1.21 Trillion, representing a Bitcoin dominance of 50.62%.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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