Top Crypto Analysts Predict WIF Drop to $1 By July While New Memes Show 100X Potential


It’s more than evident that the current situation in the crypto market isn’t instilling confidence in investors.

With the Bitcoin halving event now way behind us, investors were expecting that there was going to be a bull run, instead, the market is currently trading in red with all coins.

Dogwifhat is in big trouble as its price plummeted by a staggering 19.6% in the last 7 days, showcasing how big of an impact this market situation is having.

However, you shouldn’t lose hope, as leading industry sources are pointing towards PlayDoge ($PLAY), Sealana ($SEAL), WienerAI ($WAI), and Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) as the coins with the biggest ROI potential.

Let’s check out the details.

Bear Market Takes a Massive Toll on DogWifHat – Traders Are Opting For Meme Coins For Profits

Dogwifhat is currently facing significant challenges in the bear market. Over the past two weeks, its value has been steadily declining with no signs of recovery in sight. This downward trend has caused concern among investors who are closely monitoring the situation.

Renowned altcoin trader Bluntz has conducted a thorough analysis of recent market trends and suggested that Dogwifhat could drop to a value of $1 by early July.

MarketCap Chart

For many investors, Bluntz's analysis carries substantial weight. His track record of timely and precise predictions makes his outlook on Dogwifhat particularly noteworthy. Given the current market conditions, many investors are looking to Bluntz for guidance on whether to hold or sell their Dogwifhat investments.

Also, there has been a significant drop in the value of Solana, the native blockchain for WIF. At the time of writing it has dropped more than 9.5%, further increasing investors’ insecurities.

Despite all this, many traders are turning to the new meme coin presales for profits. More specifically they’re choosing PlayDoge ($PLAY), Sealana ($SEAL), WienerAI ($WAI) and Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) as their go-to tokens for big returns.

Below, we’ll see what these coins are all about.

PlayDoge ($PLAY) is the Next Big Dog-themed Token Aiming To Capitalize on the Growing Play2Earn Sector

PlayDoge ($PLAY) is an exciting new project currently in its presale phase, set to release a mobile game after launch. The game is a modern remake of the classic 90s hit, Tamagotchi Pets, which sold over 90 million copies worldwide.


In this upgraded version, players care for a virtual companion by feeding it, playing with it, and regularly visiting it. These activities earn players $PLAY tokens, adding a rewarding element to the gameplay. The game also includes a leaderboard system where the best players look at additional tokens and rewards.

The ongoing presale is promising major surges in the value of this coin as it raised nearly $4.9 million in a short period. You also don’t have to play the game as $PLAY tokens can be bought for $0.0051 each on the official website.

PlayDoge aims to combine the nostalgic charm of Tamagotchi with modern blockchain technology, creating a unique gaming experience that rewards player engagement.

Sealana ($SEAL) is Aiming to Capture Lots of Investors With Its Heavily South Park Inspired Mascot

Sealana ($SEAL) is the latest meme coin making waves from the depths of the Solana sea. The coin features a mascot inspired by the Gamer Guy from South Park’s World of Warcraft episode.

Sealana’s character, with its distinctive look of a seal wearing bulky glasses, a slouched back, and a dazed screen stare, has become a recognizable figure in the crypto community.


The presale for $SEAL is set at a fixed price of $0.022. With over $5 million already raised in this phase, the value of $SEAL is expected to rise significantly upon launch.

The presale employs a unique "Send-to-wallet" style, allowing investors to acquire $SEAL through direct SOL transfers. This method has proven effective, as evidenced by a similar project, Slothana, which raised over $15 million in its presale.

WienerAI ($WAI) Combines Crypto With Artificial Intelligence Further Boosting Trader Capabilities

WienerAI ($WAI) is supporting the rapidly growing artificial intelligence sector with its unique AI Bot. Designed to be a valuable trading partner, this bot offers secure trade predictions, smooth swap functionality, and no fees. Its user-friendly design makes it especially beneficial for newcomers to the crypto world.

The presale has been highly successful, raising over $6 million so far. This impressive performance makes WienerAI a compelling option for those looking to benefit early from this innovative project.


The tokenomics of WienerAI are straightforward and transparent. Out of a total supply of 69 billion tokens, 30% is allocated for the presale, providing early investors with a significant opportunity. Additionally, 20% is reserved for staking, rewarding users who hold their tokens. Another 20% is set aside for community rewards to encourage active participation, 20% for liquidity, and the remaining 10% is allocated for DEX/CEX listings.

Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) is Making Waves as a Multi-chain Token With Share2Earn Mechanics

BaseDawgz ($DAWGZ) is the newest meme coin making a splash with its multi-chain interoperability, setting it apart in the crypto world. Its native blockchain is Base, but it can also be acquired using Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche, offering flexibility and accessibility to a wide range of investors.

Base Dawgz

The project features an innovative Share2Earn mechanic, which significantly boosts the project's marketing efforts. Users earn points for creating and sharing content related to BaseDawgz, and these points can be redeemed for $DAWGZ tokens, encouraging community engagement and viral growth.

The presale has been very successful, raising over $1.8 million so far, signaling strong investor interest and making it a promising venture.

The tokenomics are simple: of the total 8.45 billion tokens, 20% are for the presale, 20% for staking, 20% for liquidity, 15% for marketing, 15% for $DAWGZ rewards, and 10% for listings.


The recent bear market has made a big difference for all coins as they’ve all recorded massive drops in value this past week.

Among them is Dogwifhat which had plummeted significantly and could possibly break the 1$ mark by the start of July.

Still, investors are confident that they can bring 100x profits in this period as they’re turning to these presales – PlayDoge ($PLAY), Sealana ($SEAL), WienerAI ($WAI), and BaseDawgz ($DAWGZ)

Make sure to buy them while they’re still affordable!

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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