What is Computer Programming and How to Learn It?

Learn the basics of Computer Programming and how to upskill as an experienced programmer!
What is Computer Programming and How to Learn It?
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What is Computer Programming?

Computer programming is the art and science of telling a computer to do a task. It is about writing a set of instructions, known as code. This code will be in a language that the program is designed to understand or can directly execute. The set of instructions commonly describes the task course: what the computer is to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Unlike computer science, computer Programming is a much narrower concept.

Think of it this way, while a computer is brilliantly intelligent, it is always obedient and needs instructions aka Programming to perform. It can hone in on very complex calculations, huge amounts of data, and intricate systems, but needs very explicit instructions. That is where computer programming comes in. Computer programmers are there to design blueprints, like architects and build those structures like engineers, then act like conductors for the actions to be executed on the computer.

How Does it Work?

In layman's terms, a computer understands only binary code: the sequences of binary 0s and 1s. Writing codes directly in binary is very difficult and time-consuming. Hence, programming languages were developed to bridge the gap between human language and machine code. Words, symbols, and grammar structures in programming languages are similar to English grammar.

A programmer writes code in a programming language. It is translated into machine code by a compiler or interpreter. The computer will then execute the translated machine code, thereby exercising the set of instructions or commands given by the programmer.

Now that you understand the concept, you must be wondering how to learn computer programming. And that’s what we will be discussing in the upcoming sections. 

How to Learn Computer Programming?

Programming skills are high in demand in the digital age. Here are some reasons why it is important or advantageous to learn to program:

1. Career Opportunities: The demand for competent programmers continues to significantly grow and comes from numerous industrial sectors.

2. Problem-solving skills: Programming nurtures logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are also supported in other spheres of life.

3. Creativity: With programming, one can bring their ideas into action by possibly making software, applications, and websites.

4. Automation: You can make automation of things to not waste your time and energy on it yourself.

5. Learn Technology: Learning to program gives an insight into how modern technology works. It will also make you able to use it even more effectively.

A. How to Choose Your First Programming Language?

There are many programming languages, and it could be intimidating to choose one. So here are some of the things for you to consider before choosing a programming language to learn:

Your Goals: Why do you want to learn programming? All the languages specialize in something different.

Popularity of the Language: Generally, for the more popular languages, the community is bigger, and more resources are available.

Learning Curve: Not all programming languages are equally tough to learn, and some are easily picked up by beginners.

B. Computer Programming Languages

Here are some popular programming languages that you may want to look into:

1. Python: Known for its readability and versatility, great for a newcomer on the scene or seasoned individuals. It's the go-to language when it comes to data science, machine learning, and web development, among its other uses.

2. JavaScript: Integral to web development as it brings a web page to its dynamic and interactive state. It is applied in server-side development and game development.

3. Java: A strong object-oriented language; its area of application includes enterprise applications, Android app development, and big data processing. 4.

4. C++: A very strong language applied to the development of system-level programs, games, or performance-critical applications. 

5. Ruby: Oriented toward simplicity and productivity, hence it is widely used in web development with the Ruby on Rails framework.

As mentioned above, remember that the best language to start with is a language that excites you and aligns with your interests. You can always learn more languages later.

C. Learning Resources

There are infinite resources when it comes to learning programming. Some of the most popular include the following:

Online Tutorials and Courses: It is no longer hard for anyone to learn something online. Codecademy, Coursera, edX, Udemy, and many other websites provide interdisciplinary, challenging, and encouraging courses at all levels of experience.

Coding Bootcamps: The schedule for these bootcamps is intensive and immersive, focusing on hands-on training and project-based learning.

Books: There is knowledge, from theory-based to program-specific literature, that provides in-depth knowledge and practice exercises.

Online Communities and Forums: Joining online forums and communities puts one in connection with other programmers, for questions, discussions, and sharing knowledge.

Practice and Projects: If one wants to learn, he has to do it. Therefore, start with small projects and then give complexity a shot. 

D. Building a Strong Foundation

 A good programmer should focus on building a strong foundation in the following areas:

1. Problem-solving: Learn how to break down a hard problem into smaller, more manageable      pieces.

2. Algorithms and Data Structures: Develop a feel for the elementary algorithms and data structures that will let you solve most of the problems you are likely to encounter when programming.

3. Object-Oriented Programming: Learn all the OOP concepts to write modular and reusable code.

4. Version Control: This can run different versions of code concurrently and enables one to keep a trace of the history and modifications of the original code and even collaborate with teammates on coding projects.

5. Debugging: Master the debugger techniques to find and correct errors in the code.

Programming is an art, and just like any other art, it requires huge practice. Practice, Practice, and a lot of practice. The more you code, the better you will be.

Following are the tips for practicing effectively:

1. Set Goals: Prepare time for practice and certain learning goals every time you sit.

2. Build Projects: Build projects in areas of your interest to apply knowledge in real practical scenarios and gain more experience.

3. Contribute to Open Source: Write open-source projects with other programmers to learn from others and give back to the community.

4. Join Coding Challenges: Participate in online coding challenges to test your skills and compete with others.

Overcoming Obstacles

Learning to program can be difficult, but it is very important to persevere. Here are some common obstacles and how you can overcome them:

1. Syntax Errors: The major cause of syntax errors is carelessness; hence, programmers should be attentive while writing the code. Editors with syntax highlighting will aid in the detection of such mistakes.

2. Logical Errors: Problems must be broken down into smaller steps, then use debugging tools, or test code thoroughly.

3. Imposter Syndrome: Build confidence by celebrating small victories and seeking help from other programming communities.

The Journey Ahead

A good programmer never stops learning; he is always inquisitive and explores new technologies while continuing to improve his skills. The programming world is a fast one, though, and there's always something new to be learned; you'll never stop learning and growing.

Note: Therefore, programming is not only about typing code but also about problem-solving, creativity, and building valuable things. Embrace the difficulties, enjoy the process, and let loose!

Careers in Computer Programming

The career scope of computer programming is very broad. It can be anything from making very complex software systems to the more popular but engaging web applications.

In that regard, let us explore some of the most common and exciting roles in the world of programming:

A. Common Programming Careers Software Developer

The word is quite general and refers to a programmer specifically developing, testing, and maintaining software applications. They work on projects as varied as desktop applications, mobile apps, and enterprise solutions software.

1. Web Developer: A person developing websites and applications to run on them. They use technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web developers typically specialize in the front end (the user's side) or the back end (the server's side).

2. Mobile App Developer: Programmers in this line of development are associated with platforms like iOS and Android. They know the tools of platform-specific development and can design the user experience.

3. Game Developer: They are the creatives who bring the Game experience to life with the amalgamation of programming and creativity. What it mean is working in some overall fields of game development, that is game mechanics, graphics, and artificial intelligence.

4. Data Scientist: Extract insight from data with programming expertise in applying the techniques of statistics and machine learning to solve complex and large-scale problems.

5. DevOps Engineer: Linking development with IT, a DevOps engineer focuses on process automation, collaboration, and making sure software is delivered efficiently and effectively.

6. Cybersecurity Engineer: Cybersecurity engineers develop solutions to make the system and data safe from attack Specialized

B. Niche Programming Careers

1. Embedded Systems Programmer: Embedded systems programmers are software developers who design embedded systems to support devices like microcontrollers within industries including automotive, IoT, and medical devices.

2. Artificial Intelligence Engineer: AI engineers devise and construct intelligent systems embodying working hypotheses into mechanisms of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

3. Blockchain Developer: Developers who create applications based on blockchain technology and focus on decentralized systems and cryptocurrency development.

4. Cloud Computing Engineer: The cloud computing engineers manage, deploy, and work with technologies like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud for the applications on their platforms.

Upskilling for Experienced Programmers

The landscape of technology is such that there is constant upgradation of skills required for programmers.

Here are a few ways to do it:

Mastery in new programming languages: Learn new languages like Python, JavaScript, and Kotlin.

Deepen learning: study advanced topics in your language of choice or area of interest. Embrace new technologies: Keep up to date with technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc.

Development of soft skills: Endow yourself with effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to thrive in a collaborative environment.

Contributing to open-source projects: You get to learn from your peers, showcase your skills, and even participate and work alongside experienced developers.

Get certified: Get certification from reputable institutes that will back your knowledge.

Network with other programmers: attend conferences, and meetups, and constantly make networks and get updated about the field.

Lifelong learning: have a growth mindset; lifelong learning has to be one of the guiding principles.


What was purely a technical competence in computer programming has now become a basic tenet of the modern world. From complex algorithms that run search engines to innovative applications that are redefining ways to revitalize industries, the list of things going on in our lives and driven by programming is endless. Although it is tough, the programming journey is worth it. Only with dedication, persistence, and a thirst for knowledge can any person begin their journey down this path and do wonders.

Lastly, enroll yourself in a Computer Programming course learn the basics, do it in the right language, and try to practice regularly, thereby forming your foundation for an up-and-coming, highly successful career in programming. More than just writing code, programming is about problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. So, embrace the challenges, learn from the setbacks, and let it be a continuous increase in skill level.

The world of programmers is wide and friendly, providing opportunities and resources for learning continuously. The more quickly technology progresses, the better-developed programmers need to be. You have an opportunity for an invigorating and purposeful career with satisfaction and impact if you create a quality programming education and if you make sure to keep your sense of wonder. The future of technology is in your hands.

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