Best Ways to Improve Your Coding Skills in Ruby

Master Ruby Basics and Improve Your Coding Skills: Dive into Ruby on Rails and Object-Oriented Programming
Best Ways to Improve Your Coding Skills in Ruby
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Ruby is an open-source, dynamic programming language that emphasizes simplicity and productivity. For quite a while, it is playing a key role for programmers, especially web developers. The syntax in this language is eloquent. For this reason, it has become one of the essential skill sets among software engineers. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced coder desiring to improve your Ruby skills, there are several effective strategies you could adopt. This article will show you how you can enhance your coding skills in Ruby, whether you are a beginner who has just started with the basics or an open-source contributor.

Ways to Improve Coding Skills in Ruby

1. Master the Basics

Before taking on advanced topics, you should have a solid knowledge of the basics of Ruby. This involves not just the syntax and control structures of Ruby but also mastering data types and object-oriented programming principles on which Ruby was built.

Listed below are a few steps to ensure that you have a strong foundation with Ruby.

a. Learn Ruby Syntax and Structure

Familiarize yourself with blocks, modules, classes, and other unique constructs. Practice writing small scripts that solve small problems. Try different ways of doing the same thing.

b. Object-Oriented Programming

Ruby is an object-oriented language, meaning everything in the code is an object. Basic knowledge of the main principles of OOP is needed. Describe classes and objects that are intended for modeling entities of the real world. Get acquainted with the most essential classes predefined in Ruby, including Array, Hash, and String.

c. Ruby Built-in Methods

Ruby has a great number of built-in methods that can save you a lot of time and effort. Spend some time browsing the methods associated with core classes, while acknowledging when to use these effectively can greatly improve your productivity as a Ruby developer.

2. Practice Coding

Coding gets better with consistent practice. Consistently engaging in coding challenges and building projects will solidify your understanding and help you apply concepts in real-world scenarios.

a. Participate in Coding Challenges

Websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codewars have Ruby-specific challenges of varying difficulty, from beginner to advanced. Also, they provide real-time feedback, which is helpful in the learning process. Having solved the problems, you will begin to understand the nuances of Ruby and enhance your problem-solving abilities.

b. Build Real-World Projects

Nothing beats building a project from scratch; start small, like with a to-do list app, or a simple blog, and then work your way up to building bigger, complex applications like e-commerce platforms or API services. Building projects will expose you to common development practices, including version control, testing, and deployment.

c. Contribute to Open Source

Contributing to open-source projects is one of the better ways to level up your Ruby skills. You will also learn how to read and understand someone else's code, which is invaluable. Moreover, contributing to open source lets you collaborate with other developers and learn from their feedback.

3. Dive into Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is such a powerful web application framework, or Rails, as simply written in Ruby. Learning Rails means that you're set to boost your Ruby skills since it's going to encapsulate a lot of the best practices and conventions of Ruby Programming.

a. Understand Rails' Convention Over Configuration

Rails are based on ‘Convention Over Configuration’, which means it is pre-configured with sensible defaults. After learning the Conventions, you will see that the code looks more beautiful and efficient. Take your time to understand how Rails does routing, ActiveRecord, and how it deals with the MVC architecture.

b. Build & Deploy A Rails Application

Begin by making a small Rails application. It can be a blog, or something as trivial as a task-managing app. See how the data is taken care of by Rails, how requests reach their proper routes, or rendering of views takes place. When you have gotten a grip on that, deploy your application; Heroku, AWS, and such platforms make deployment almost a breeze. Deployment is a great skill to learn because it deepens your understanding of the web development life cycle.

c. Rails Gems Exploration

Rails comes with thousands of gems, helping you to extend functionalities to your application. Some of the most popular inclusions are Devise for authentication, Pundit for authorization, and Sidekiq for jobs running in the background. Learning how to integrate and employ these gems will only increase your efficiency in using Rails.

4. Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Test-driven development is the process of writing tests for your code before you write the actual code. TDD is a powerful way to prevent bugs and make sure your codebase will be maintainable.

a. Learn RSpec

The most popular testing framework for Ruby is RSpec. Learn how to write basic unit tests for your Ruby classes and methods. It will gradually lead you toward more critical tests such as integration and feature tests, especially when you are working with Rails.

b. Practice Writing Tests First

Adopting a TDD state of mind takes practice. Start by writing tests for small pieces of functionality, then write the code that passes those tests. The process will help you to improve your Ruby skills, but more importantly, it will make you think carefully about design and structure up front, which ultimately drives much better code.

c. Refactor with Confidence

One of the big benefits of using TDD is the fact that it allows you to confidently refactor your code. When you have a comprehensive test suite, you can make changes to your codebase without the fear of breaking existing functionality. This results in cleaner and more concise code.

5. Read Ruby Books and Documentation

Good books and official documentation are some great resources for expanding your knowledge about Ruby. Following are a few recommendations:

a. Books

1. "The Well-Grounded Rubyist" by David A. Black: This book covers Ruby from the very basics to some advanced topics.

2. "Eloquent Ruby" by Russ Olsen: This book can guide you through writing idiomatic Ruby, meaning it should also help write more readable and concise code.

3. "Ruby on Rails Tutorial" by Michael Hartl: If you're at all interested in Rails, do not miss this book, as it will lead you through the useful process of creating an entire Rails application from the ground up.

b. Documentation

1. Ruby's Official Documentation: The official documentation for Ruby is extensive and well laid out. Utilize it as your primary reference for information about core classes, methods, and syntax.

2. Guides at Rails: It’s a good resource for individuals, aiming to learn the proper use of Rails, starting from the basics to more advanced topics, such as performance tuning.

3. Blog Articles and Tutorials: Most of the advanced Rubyists share their experience by posting articles or giving tutorials. Sites like Medium, and Dev. to, including the official Ruby blog, which sometimes has interesting articles with the best practices of new features and advanced techniques.

6. Join the Ruby Community

Ruby has one of the most amicable and supportive communities of programmers. Joining such a community not only means you will be learning much faster but also it can keep you motivated every time.

a. Attend Meetups and Conferences

Events such as RubyConf, and RailsConf, among others, are informative platforms that can enhance the knowledge of even experienced developers. These types of events usually offer lectures about recent Ruby and Rails development and workshops where you can uplift your skills.

b. Join Online Communities

Engage with others in online forums like Ruby on Rails Discussions, or Stack Overflow, answering and asking questions, and learning from each other. On Reddit, r/ruby is pretty active for Ruby developers, and on Twitter, you can find posts tagged with #ruby.

c. Follow Ruby Experts

Follow Ruby experts on social media, GitHub, and blogs. Developers like Yukihiro Matsumoto creator of Ruby, Sandi Metz, and Aaron Patterson often show different valuable insights and tips that may enable someone to become a better Rubyist.

7. Experiment and Innovate

One of the best ways to improve your Ruby skills is by innovating and experimenting. Never be afraid to try out new ideas, even if they seem out of your league or weird.

a. Build Something Original

Think of something that interests you and try building it from the base level. It may be a game or a web application, or you can create your own Ruby gem. The whole process of bringing to life an idea is bound to push you towards learning how to solve complex problems.

b. Refactor Legacy Code

Refactor old codebases, if you have access to any. Refactoring is the process of restructuring code without changing its behavior. This will help you to improve your understanding of the best practices of Ruby and increase your ability to write clean and maintained code.

c. Learn a New Ruby Framework or Library

Though Rails is the most popular Ruby framework, there are others worth looking at, like Sinatra, a very lightweight web framework; or Hanami, for instance, a full-stack alternative to Rails. You will be introduced to new frameworks that will bring different approaches and philosophies to Ruby's development.


Mastering Ruby takes time, practice, and endless learning. You can improve your knowledge about the language by studying its basics thoroughly on a regular basis, deep diving into Rails, adopting TDD, reading books, and joining a community. By following these things, you would be able to push yourself to the next notch Ruby level. The key is persistence, so keep coding, keep learning, and most importantly, keep experimenting. Whether you are building web applications, working on open-source projects, or just dabbling in new concepts, Ruby will remain a vibrant and challenging platform for developers of all skill levels.


1. What are the key fundamentals someone needs to master to improve their Ruby skills?

A: Understanding Ruby's syntax, object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, and built-in methods are essential fundamentals for mastering Ruby.

2. How can someone practice Ruby programming effectively?

Participating in coding challenges, building real-world projects, and contributing to open-source projects are excellent ways to practice and improve your Ruby programming skills.

3. Why is Ruby on Rails important for Ruby developers?

A: Ruby on Rails is a powerful web application framework that encapsulates many Ruby best practices. Learning Rails helps you build robust web applications efficiently and enhances your understanding of Ruby.

4. What is Test-Driven Development (TDD) and how does it benefit Ruby developers?

A: TDD is a methodology where you write tests before writing code. It helps prevent bugs, ensure code maintainability, and encourage clean code practices.

5. Which resources are best for learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails?

A: Books like "The Well-Grounded Rubyist" and "Ruby on Rails Tutorial," as well as Ruby’s official documentation and Rails Guides, are excellent resources for learning Ruby and Rails.

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