How to Write Better with AI: Top ChatGPT Prompts

Craft clear prompts for AI with these techniques and tricks.
How to Write Better with AI: Top ChatGPT Prompts
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Clear prompts provide the bedrock for achieving maximum efficiency in AI systems like ChatGPT. Be it business intelligence, creative content, or technical support, clarity and precision in your prompts yield a better output. This article will walk you through how to craft a prompt to suit your needs and introduce you to some advanced techniques. It also covers best practices in how you can leverage AI interactions to achieve maximum benefit.

Introduction: The Importance of Clear Prompts

Clear prompts are the building blocks of a successful interaction with AI. They guide ChatGPT through a process that will create content appropriate to your goals, your audience, and your tone. A well-constructed prompt ensures that the AI knows exactly what you're looking for and creates relevant, quality output.

What Constitutes an Effective Prompt?

1. Description of the Project

First, specify what you are trying to achieve and in what context for the target audience. For example, if this is a marketing campaign, outline the product, the demographic of the audience, and the key message.

Example: "Create a social media caption for a new summer collection intended for young adults ages 18-25. Emphasize eco-friendliness and style of the product."

2. Output Specifications

Describe how you want your content to be in terms of tone, length, style, and layout. Mention whether it is formal or informal, how many words/characters, and whether it is an email, chat, or essay. This will let the AI know how to build a response for your specific needs.

Example: "Friendly - conversational tone.
Output: Around 100 words, to be used focusing on the product's sustainability."

3. Rules and Constraints

Specify any limitations or guidelines to ensure the content is appropriate for your needs.

Describe what to avoid: rules, jargon, topics-narrowing the output to relevance and focus.

Example: "Avoid technical jargon and do not refer to competitors or details of pricing."

4. Output Examples

Reference or examples of desired style or tone; sharing samples helps this AI understand your style preferences and adjust responses accordingly.

Example: "The tone should be like BuzzFeed articles: humorous but professional."

Advanced Prompt Techniques

1. User Instructions

Specify your custom instructions in your ChatGPT account to personalize interactions. That way, you can maintain coherence and applicability over different projects.

2. AI Suggested Prompts

If you are struggling with how to word it, you can ask ChatGPT for suggested prompts or ideas. This gives you the ability to view things from another perspective and sometimes provides a better-quality prompt.

3. Prompt Library

Keep a library of working prompts and their results for reference. This will save you a lot of time to work on crafting great prompts since this whole library helps make it all more effective.

4. Multi-Points of View

Ask for information from more than one point of view so that you may get a well-rounded view of something. This will be helpful with harder topics or if you need different perspectives.

5. Review and Score Responses

It would be great to give feedback about the AI responses so that, in the future, the interactions become even better. Rating the quality and accuracy of the outputs is helpful in long-term improvements to the AI.

Best Practices for Prompting

1. Setting AI Identity and Tone

Set the identity of an AI that has to respond for an appropriate response tone. If you want a professional, friendly, or humorous response, these should be specified for the matching of the produced content with your needs.

2. Response Length

Set clear expectations for the output length. Whether it is a summary or in great detail, it will help the AI provide content that fits the length of the need.

3. Role-Playing

Assign the AI to play the roles of specific entities, such as marketing executive or historian, for more fitting and authoritative responses. The approach would make the content more relevant based on the perspective one desires.

4. Iterative Refinement

Be prepared to make several revisions in the prompts and re-generations. This iterative process will lead to refinement for the best possible outcome.

5. Engagement and Follow-Up

Finally, it might also be nice to ask the AI for questions or suggestions to improve a prompt. In many cases, open dialogue can help to increasingly get more accurate and individualized responses, thus enhancing the quality of the output.


The key to getting ChatGPT prompts to work at the best of their abilities is to make articulate, specific prompts. Pay close attention to project descriptions, output specifications, rules, and examples for the derivation of relevant high-quality content from the AI. It is the implementation of techniques and best practices at an advanced level that will take your interactions with the AI a notch higher in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Embracing iterative refinement and engaging with the AI actively will help you achieve better results and a more productive experience.

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