ChatGPT Vs Watson Assistant: Is the Comparision Justified

ChatGPT Vs Watson Assistant: Is the Comparision Justified
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ChatGPT Vs Watson Assistant comparison is rather early, given the fact that chatGPT has not yet been fully adopted

ChatGPT and IBM Watson Assistant are two AI chatbots with advanced but seemingly similar capabilities that are incomparable yet competitive. Comparing them would be akin to pitting brother against brother. Conversation AI, the pivot for both bots, has found numerous applications in a variety of fields. From answering simple FAQ questions to making personalized conversations they have come a long way. But the one sector which immensely benefited from this novel technology is business class. As predicted by Gartner, nearly 70% of white-collar workers are having conversations with chatbots. Voice assistants are not only finding their way into corporate work routines but have become irreplaceable. Just catching up with the wave, IBM introduced its smart conversational chatbot Watson in 2017, particularly to leverage the huge unmet demand in the healthcare sector. And now it is at the edge of competing with the new kid on the block, chatGPT. Is chatGPT better than the task-specific Watson Assistant chatbot? How do they fare in terms of being 'the go-to technologies' in conversational AI? Does the comparison ChatGPT Vs Watson Assistant hold ground?

We have heard a lot about chatGPT for its ability to do infinite tasks at the command of a prompt. Even though the technology underlying chatGPT gives the bot generous freedom, the technology is not something that OpenAI has used for the first time. Watson Assistant, having designed specifically for entrepreneurial class can be looked upon as the narrower version of chatGPT. Precise contextual understanding would perhaps be the only advantage chatGPT chatbot can boast about, when it is put in the narrow domain of customer care. Having made a bombastic entry into the market with intriguing first impressions, its efficiency in the long term depends on how it is going to address the inconsistencies like hate speech which Watson can steer clear off. Watson will not answer an inconsistent question but would rather hand it over to a human agent, an 'ability' chatGPT clearly lacks. IBM Watson is more focused on specific tasks, a fact that made it a valuable asset in the industrial class. GPT as the name suggests is a 'general purpose technology' meant to be used in a variety of ways and no single company will need to explore all the possibilities. The AI models in general have issues of overfitting and underfitting. While the current version of ChatGPT is an overfitted one, the Watson assistant can learn more with less, by perfectly remembering the training data, and also have a built-in disambiguation capability.  Therefore, when the intent of development is taken into account Watson emerges as a more successful one.

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