Can Robot Journalists Produce Unbiased News Against AI

Can Robot Journalists Produce Unbiased News Against AI
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Robot Journalists are in trend but can they produce unbiased news against artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence appears to take the internet by storm these days. Artificial Intelligence has its significance in each and every industry, the journalism industry is not exceptional and Robot Journalists are in trend.  AI technology is crucial as it enables human capabilities – understanding, reasoning, planning, communication, and perception – to be undertaken by software increasingly effectively, efficiently and at low cost. 

The past few years have been an exciting period for artificial intelligence. We used to think of it as science fiction, yet today, AI has become an everyday component of life. Now news stories are being created by computer programs in automated journalism, also known as algorithmic journalism or robot journalism. Because of emerging artificial intelligence technologies, nowadays stories are generated automatically by computers rather than by human reporters and this has created importance for robot journalists. Robot journalists analyze, organize, and present data in a form that is understandable to humans. Typically, in robot journalism, an AI algorithm examines huge quantities of given data, chooses from a variety of pre-programmed article formats, organizes important points, and inserts information like names, places, amounts, rankings, statistics, and other numbers.

 By using Natural Language Generation (NLG) methods some data is converted into news reports written in human language in robot journalism. Automated journalism or robot journalism is often viewed as a way to liberate journalists from regular reporting and give them more time to work on more difficult projects. Robot journalists can provide more efficiency and cost-cutting, easing some of the financial pressures that many news companies are under. Robot journalists, on the other hand, can be a threat to the authorship and quality of news, as well as to human journalists' livelihoods.  

Advantages of Robot Journalism:

Speed: Automatization in the journalism industry enables rapid publication of news stories – as source data becomes available, a story may be produced almost instantly. Robot journalists are designed to produce enormous amounts of data at a faster rate. According to the associated press, automation has boosted the number of profit reports received from consumers by more than tenfold. They also provide human journalists an ease to put more time into hard duties like investigative reporting and in-depth analysis of events if regular articles and activities are automated.

 Cost: As more material can be generated in less time, automated journalism is less expensive. It also saves news companies money on labor. Reduced human input implies lower wages, salaries, paid time off, vacations, and employment insurance costs.  

Free of errors: It is stated that robot journalists are less prone to faults since they do not commit blunders like misspellings or math errors. Or you can say, their accuracy is superior to that of human journalists.

Disadvantages of Robot Journalism:

Authorship: There is sometimes misunderstanding over who should be attributed as the author in an automated article. The research found that some participants assigned credit to the programmer, while others saw the news organization as the author, stressing the collaborative aspect of the work. There is no way for a reader to tell if an article was written by a robot or a person, which presents concerns about transparency, however, similar issues exist when human authors assign authorship to each other.

Quality and Trustworthiness: Concerns regarding the perceived trustworthiness of automated news are comparable to general concerns about news credibility. Beyond human review, there are now a plethora of algorithmic approaches for identifying machine-written articles. While some articles may still include flaws that are evident to a person, these automated identifiers may sometimes outperform human-written articles.

Employment: One of the main concerns about robot journalists is the loss of jobs in the journalism industry. When publications rely on artificial intelligence, it may affect human journalists.

Really artificial intelligence has changed the way the journalism industry was before. It has created lots of good but there may be a case where journalists can produce biased news against AI. But only time can answer it.

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