Can AI Outperform Human Intelligence and Imagination?


Artificial Intelligence is the wheel of the digital change that the society is going through

Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly one aspect of the explosion in technological development that is altering the plane. The digital change that the Society is undergoing is driven by AI.

Artificial Intelligence has come a long way from the domain of science fiction into the world of reality. A new debate has evolved that pits the two conflicting paradigms of artificial intelligence and Human Intelligence due to how prevalent AI has grown in today’s industry and people’s daily lives. Artificial intelligence can be defined as a computer acting or making decision machine that appears intelligent.


Artificial Intelligence

Any computer that resembles the human brain in terms of its abilities to think critically, make decisions, and boost productivity is referred to as having artificial intelligence. We can’t help but wonder if AI is sufficient on its own, even though the purpose of artificial intelligence is to build and create intelligent systems that are capable of doing tasks that are equivalent to those performed by humans. Today, AI appears to be capable of doing all tasks, including reading, writing, seeing, speaking, listening, and understanding.

AI’s skills are continuously growing. AI systems must be developed over a long period of time, which is something that cannot occur without human involvement. All artificial intelligence systems, including robotics and self-driving cars, as well as more sophisticated tools like computer vision and natural language processing, rely on human intelligence. AI is extremely intelligent, quick, and unbiased in its judgments. Though not every decision has an objective choice to be made, AI agents may be of great assistance in removing human bias from decision-making.


Human intelligence

Human intelligence is the capacity to comprehend and make use of all of your mental faculties. It aids in our conceptual understanding and teaches us how to deal with and adjust to unforeseen circumstances. Human intelligence, or conduct, is a result of experiences in the past and actions taken in response to circumstances and environments. And it is wholly dependent on the capacity to alter one’s surroundings through knowledge acquired. Studies have shown that genes play a role in the inheritance and determination of intelligence. There are many different ways to assess IQ.

Human intelligence and behaviour have their roots in a person’s particular admixture of genetics, upbringing, and exposure to diverse events and surroundings. And it fully depends on one’s flexibility to use freshly learned information to change their environment. It offers several types of information.


The AI vs HI debate

The level of development and comfort we are witnessing suggests that AI has unquestionably improved the world into a simpler place. AI and simpler world go hand in hand.

With the aim of lowering accidents by a factor of 10, completely autonomous trucks, vehicles, and aeroplanes have made substantial strides. Since many years, fully autonomous cars and trains have been spotted on public roads.

Few experts believe there is a 50% possibility that AI would surpass humans “at more or less everything” in 45 years and automate every profession in the world in 120 years. Although most of the work will be performed by a mix of artificial and human intelligence, which is Hybrid Intelligence.

Despite all the data and progress in the field of AI, it is now impossible to establish that machines can outperform people and be wiser in all spheres. Nobody can say for sure because there are still a lot of issues and areas that AI needs to improve on in order to surpass the human brain, such as emotion detection and creativity.

Even if the scientists are successful in proving their theory, it will take years to construct an AI that could outperform human intellect because we are still a very long way from affordable forms of computer intelligence that are as complex as the human brain. Additionally, the widely held misconception that artificial intelligence (AI) would eventually overtake all other forms of intelligence on Earth and that superintelligence will wipe out the human race is untrue because AI always requires human input at some point in its development.

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