Top Free Big Data Courses in India

Top Free Big Data Courses in India for 2024: Boost Your Data Skills Without Spending a Dime
Top Free Big Data Courses in India
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 Big Data is one of the most critical areas in today's data-driven world and helps various industries with real-time decision-making. Now, the ability to analyze and interpret big datasets has its price tag, and mastering Big Data technologies could increase your prospects in terms of a job by manifolds. Fortunately, some really good free Big Data courses are available in India, which you can take up in 2024 to gather your skills without investing too much money. This article discusses some of the best free big data courses, all their features, and how you can help yourself advance in the field.

Why Learn Big Data?

Big Data is a large set of complex data, too difficult to process traditionally by any data processing software. Data may be generated from sources such as social media, business transactions, sensors, and many other sources. Big data analysis gives an edge to the organization in discovering trends, making data-driven decisions, and becoming more operationally efficient.

Big Data training opens the door for a wide array of careers, including Data Scientist, Big Data Engineer, Data Analyst, and many more. Businesses are turning towards data-driven plans; hence, Big Data technology professionals are in rising demand.

Best Free Big Data Courses in India

The following section shows the top free Big Data courses that are offered in India for the year 2024:

1. Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark (Coursera)

Platform: Coursera

Provider: University of California, Berkeley

Duration: Around 4 weeks

Prerequisites: Basics of programming, basics of databases

Course Description: This course offers a pretty serious introduction to Big Data and Apache Spark one of the best tools for processing very large data volumes. You will learn about basic Big Data ideas, how one works with Spark, and how to analyze data with different libraries of Spark.


Hands-on Labs: Each session has practical exercises for a better experience.
Real-World Examples: Experience case studies across industries.
Certificate of Completion: Yes, for a price – the course content is free.

Why It Stands Out: It covers Apache Spark deeply, one of the most highly desired skills on the market today in Big Data. Real examples help to make the gap between theory and practice as little as possible.

2. Big Data Fundamentals

Platform: edX

Provider: The University of Adelaide

Duration: 6 weeks (2-4 hours per week)

Prerequisites: None

Course Description: This course is an introduction to Big Data and its applications, where the learner shall know the Big Data characteristics, Big Data architecture technologies, and technologies for processing Big Data.

Key Features:

Interactive Content: Video, quizzes, discussion forums
Practical Assignments: Lab tasks to apply what's learned
Free Enrollment: You can audit the course for free or pay for a certificate.

Why It Stands Out: Deserves to be on the list because it provides an excellent introduction to Big Data, hence perfect for beginners. Interactive content empowers continuous learning engagement with learners and serves as substantially strong concept retainers.

3. Big Data Analysis with Hadoop

Platform: FutureLearn

Provider: The University of Edinburgh

Duration: 4 weeks

Prerequisites: Prerequisites are that students need to have basic knowledge of programming.

Course Description: This course focuses on the use of Hadoop, the open-source framework that deals with the processing of huge data volumes. Under this course, you shall learn how to install Hadoop and conduct various analyses, along with how to run the available tools in the Hadoop ecosystem.


Practical Lab: Getting hands-on knowledge of working with Hadoop
Expertise Information: Learn From Industry Experts
Free: Access to course content is free; pay a fee to obtain a certificate.

Why It Stands Out: This is a Hadoop-based training program, which is one of the most popular technologies when it comes to Big Data. Side by side, practical labs provide real-world experiences that strengthen learning.

4. Data Science and Big Data Analytics (NPTEL)

Platform: NPTEL

Provider: IIT Kharagpur

Duration: eight weeks

Prerequisite: While the program can be taken with a basic understanding of programming and statistics, brush-up sessions for

Course Description: Data Science and Big Data Analytics from IITs. Topics: data processing, machine learning, and data visualization.

Key Highlights:

Comprehensive In-Depth: In-depth coverage of the syllabus related to Big Data
Content delivered by distinguished professors from IIT: Yes
Certification: All content is free of charge; to get a certificate, payment may be needed.

Why It Stands Out: NPTEL courses are characterized by strong academic provision and good teaching quality. This would prove to be a very beneficial course for anybody willing to gain an understated insight into the Big Data analytics field.

5. Big Data Basics (LinkedIn Learning)

Platform: LinkedIn Learning

Provider: LinkedIn Learning

Duration: Approx 1 hour

Pre-Requisites: None

Course Overview: This is a small course on Big Data, covering introduction, importance, and applications. Perfect for any person who just wants a quick dip in the subject area.

Key Features:

Concise Content: Get to the point fast
Easy Access: Free trial available on LinkedIn Learning
Industry-Relevant: Taught by professionals working in the industry.

Why It Stands Out: A high utility course for those requiring a quick brush-up or an introduction to Big Data. It is an excellent beginner course.

How to Make the Most of Learning with Free Big Data Courses

As much as free courses are good learning opportunities, you do need to take a rather proactive approach to maximizing the value derived from them. Here are some tips:

1. Setting clear goals: Define what you want to achieve through the course. Goals could range from understanding basic concepts to mastering some technology.

2. Engage: Participate in a discussion in forums or other group activities. Engaging with peers and instructors helps to clarify your being taught, adding different dimensions to your thinking.

3. Practice regularly: Practice what you learn through numerous hands-on projects or exercises. Further application and practical experience always reinforce theoretical knowledge.

4. Other Sources: Supplement your learning from books, articles, and online tutorials. Exploring other resources could add to your knowledge and update you with the latest trends.

5. Networking with Professionals: Network amongst professionals who are in the industry working with Big Data. Networking can be valuable for insights, career potential, and mentorship.

6. Stay current: Big data is a rapidly changing field. Be up to date on the new technologies, tools, and best practices to keep ahead in your professional life.


Big Data is one such transformational field that holds the potential to impinge on various industries. Big Data learning will help lots of students develop their careers and be beneficial in the future. Fortunately, several available free Big Data course offerings in India for 2024 have different benefits and learning experiences.

So now, whether you're a freshman who wants to learn the basics or somebody who wants to deepen their expertise, the following leading Big Data courses will provide some very useful resources that you will need along your journey. Through free Big Data courses and the application of proactive learning strategies, one will find harnessing skills that will see them excel in this dynamic world of Big Data.  


1. What are the prerequisites for enrolling in free Big Data courses?

Answer: The prerequisites vary depending on the course. Generally, a basic understanding of programming, databases, and statistics is recommended. Some courses are designed for beginners with no prior experience, while others may require some foundational knowledge in computer science or data analysis.

2. Are these courses truly free, or do they come with hidden costs?

Answer: The courses listed are free to access and learn from. However, some platforms may charge a fee for additional features like graded assignments, certificates of completion, or more in-depth content. Always check the course details for any such costs.

3. Will I receive a certificate after completing a free Big Data course?

Answer: Many platforms offer certificates of completion, but these usually come at an additional cost. You can still access the course material and gain knowledge without paying for the certificate. If certification is important for you, consider whether the platform offers this option and at what price.

4. Which Big Data courses are best for beginners?

Answer: Courses like "Big Data Fundamentals" on edX and "Big Data Basics" on LinkedIn Learning are excellent for beginners. They cover the foundational concepts of Big Data, its importance, and its applications, making them ideal starting points.

5. How can I apply the skills learned from these courses in the real world?

Answer: Many courses include hands-on labs, practical assignments, and real-world examples, which help you apply the theoretical knowledge you gain. Additionally, engaging in projects, participating in hackathons, or contributing to open-source Big Data projects are great ways to use and enhance your skills in practical settings.

6. What career opportunities are available after completing a Big Data course?

Answer: After completing a Big Data course, you can pursue careers such as Data Scientist, Big Data Engineer, Data Analyst, or Business Intelligence Analyst. These roles are in high demand as more companies seek data-driven insights to make informed decisions.

7. How long does it take to complete a free Big Data course?

Answer: The duration of Big Data courses varies. Some can be completed in a few hours, while others may take several weeks, depending on the course's depth and your pace. For example, the "Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark" course on Coursera takes around 4 weeks, while "Big Data Basics" on LinkedIn Learning can be completed in about an hour.

8. Can I access these courses after completing them?

Answer: Most platforms allow you to access the course material even after completion, although some may limit access to only a few weeks after the course ends unless you purchase full access. Be sure to check each platform’s policy on course access.

9. Are these courses suitable for professionals looking to upskill?

Answer: Yes, these courses are suitable for professionals looking to upskill, especially if they are new to Big Data or want to update their knowledge with the latest trends and tools. Advanced courses like "Big Data Analysis with Hadoop" on FutureLearn are particularly beneficial for those looking to deepen their expertise.

10. How do I choose the best free Big Data course for my needs?

Answer: To choose the best course, consider your current skill level, the specific Big Data tools and concepts you want to learn, and the course’s structure. If you’re a beginner, start with an introductory course; if you’re looking to specialize, choose a course that focuses on a particular Big Data tool like Hadoop or Spark.

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