Top AI Courses on GitLab to Master Artificial Intelligence

GitLab's Top AI Courses for Mastering Artificial Intelligence
Top AI Courses on GitLab to Master Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not limited to mere science fiction or movies. In fact, it is an aspect that is dealt with on an everyday basis. From querying the browser’s live chatbots to having a chat with Siri or Alexa, AI is real and is used widely. AI has also emerged as one of the most popular buzzwords on the internet.

As every person and every business is also attempting to implement AI-based applications in some way or another, it also provides an unlimited number of AI job and career opportunities in this particular field.

Artificial Intelligence Courses

For instance, use the search tab and input ‘AI courses.’ You will then be presented with numerous issues and subjects related to AI or machine learning courses, short-term or long-term, or for individuals or business entities.

Artificial intelligence is a sub-discipline within computer science that studies and develops the ability of machines to mimic human intelligence and exhibit skills like the human brain. Medical diagnosis, language translation, facial recognition, and companion apps are some of the real-life uses of AI technologies.

These are the specific programs that help you gain knowledge and skills of the whole AI ecosystem, which are AI-based courses. These courses can be developed at both advanced and beginner levels, and the basic format of delivery is typically accessible. Further, suppose you are serious about continuing your education in an AI course. In that case, you must have some degree of knowledge and experience with at least one of the programming languages like Python, C/C++, or MATLAB.

AI courses on GitLab

GitLab's AI prospects are code suggestions, vulnerability descriptions, and DevSecOps automation, which enhance the efficiency of development operations. These involve utilizing AI-based services to augment code quality, security, and deployment speed. GitLab’s Courses are real-world training on how to use these features, allowing developers to incorporate advanced technologies like AI into software development. Let’s have a brief discussion about the top AI courses on GitLab for mastering artificial intelligence.

AI Courses to Master Artificial Intelligence

Here is the list of the top AI courses on GitLab that enhance your knowledge and skills. These courses will educate you on ways to improve code suggestions on GitLab using Duo Codes. It includes using artificial intelligence to aid code completion and generation, making real-time suggestions, and generating code from commentaries made in natural language.

Turn ML Models into Online Apps

It shows how machine learning (ML) models can be integrated into an online application on the GitLab DevSecOps Platform and Vertex AI. Providing a live demo of how to implement ML models into web apps without any interruption helps the learners gain work-related understanding.

Train ML Models with GPU-Enabled Runners

This course reveals how you can progress in training your machine learning (ML) model with GitLab CPU-enabled runners and discusses optimization strategies for speeding up your ML workflow.

No MLOps Without DevSecOps

This blog explains the different ways the GitLab data Science team uses the DevSecOps platform to train machine learning models to improve and track the experiments. It offers real-life examples that will help you understand the steps needed to optimize your processes.

Remediate Vulnerabilities with GitLab AI

In this class, one discovers the Vulnerability AI feature, which runs Google AI, to brief and explain the noted vulnerability. As part of the learning process, users learn how to enable this feature and apply AI-generated recommendations to mitigate the identified checks, illustrated by an SQL injection.

GitLab Duo Case Study – Demo

This tutorial aims to give readers an idea of GitLab Duo and the kind of AI-based DevSecOps solutions. It embraces the strategic ways of setting up, integrating testing, and deploying an LLM chatbot using GitLab to improve cycle time performance while adopting AI solutions in the software development value chain.

Learning Rust with AI

This tutorial helps you learn Rust using AI-powered suggestions from GitLab Duo Code Suggestions. To enable the successful application of Rust, the participants will be exposed to a practical training session aimed at enhancing its effectiveness with AI.

Advanced Rust with AI

This course follows the prior tutorial, “Learning Rust with AI,” and builds upon the concept in an application that is the feed reader. This one takes a more practical approach by trying the user on a Rust programming project while incorporating AI support for an enhanced experience.

Introduction to CI/CD

Here is a quick rundown of CI/CD, along with a brief on its role in the DevSecOps process and within the GitLab ecosystem. Through these AI courses on Gitlab,  you will be able to define CI/CD, outline its benefits, and explain the CI/CD Pipeline and GitLab mechanism in the software development life cycle.

Advantages of Making AI Your Career

AI and ML are fast-emerging technologies that have practical applications in industry. Thus, skills in these technologies are marketable. Not only it increases your practical experience, but also the program will enable you to obtain a credible degree in qualification that’s completely focused on AI. This makes you a precious entity in the context of AI opportunities and openings.

Benefits of pursuing your career in the field of AI

Guarantee employment of bright, bigger careers, as some of the giant corporate firms offer AI candidates such as Google, Amazon, Nokia, Microsoft, Nike, Apple, and numerous others.

Guarantees employment in roles like data scientist, software engineer, natural language processing engineer, AI engineer, data miner, ML engineer, and many others.

Expand the range to participate in many fields, including health, car making, banking and financial institutions, and even more.

Contributes to enhancing and building your professional experience and skills at a broader perspective at the international level.

Finally, as AI is still relatively young and evolving, the person who decides to acquire such skills can earn good money, so your AI profession will definitely help you make a decent living.


1. Does GitLab use AI?

Yes, GitLab incorporates AI in various aspects of its platform. It employs AI technologies for features like code review assistance, automated testing, and project management. Additionally, GitLab integrates with AI-powered tools for tasks such as code analysis, issue prioritization, and continuous integration, enhancing collaboration and efficiency for software development teams.

2. What is Apple's AI called?

Apple's AI is called "Core ML." Core ML is a machine learning framework developed by Apple that allows developers to integrate trained machine learning models into their iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications. It enables tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis to be performed directly on Apple devices, enhancing performance, privacy, and user experience.

3. Is AI an excellent future career?

Due to its increasing demand across industries, AI offers promising career prospects. With advancements in technology, AI professionals can expect diverse opportunities in fields like healthcare, finance, autonomous vehicles, and more. Pursuing a career in AI can lead to rewarding roles in research, development, implementation, and innovation, shaping the future of technology and society.

4. Where will AI be in 5 years?

In five years, AI will likely be deeply integrated into everyday life, revolutionizing industries like healthcare, transportation, finance, and entertainment. We can expect AI to power more personalized experiences, improve decision-making processes, and automate mundane tasks. AI advancements may lead to breakthroughs in fields such as natural language processing, robotics, and autonomous systems. However, ethical considerations and regulations will become increasingly important as AI's influence grows. Overall, AI's trajectory suggests a future where it plays a central role in shaping how we live, work, and interact with technology.

5. What jobs will AI replace by 2030?

According to several reports, nearly 50% of transportation jobs and over 5% of warehouse jobs are at high risk of being taken over by AI and robotics by 2030. That amounts to over 10 million jobs in the US alone that could be displaced in the next 5 to 10 years.

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