iOS 18: In-Depth Review of All New Features

iOS 18: In-Depth Review of All New Features

Rachana Saha

iOS 18 Review: With each iteration, Apple's iOS is redefining the way users experience their devices, and it looks like iOS 18 is no different. With new ways for users to enjoy their devices, iOS 18 features improvements in productivity, creativity, communication, and security.

In this article, we’ll delve into some of the attention-grabbing new features of iOS 18, from image creation via AI-powered tools to variant customized home screen layouts with advanced privacy.

Learn what iOS 18 has in store for the iPhone, highlighting how these updates enrich the user experience and cater to the evolving needs of users worldwide.

iOS 18 and Its Significance in the Evolution of Apple's Operating System

iOS 18 marks a significant new release of Apple's mobile operating system, which is the 18th major version with some amazing innovations. This release delivers next-level features that will change the way users interact with the iPhone and experience what it is capable of.

The addition of Apple Intelligence and ChatGPT to Siri underscores Apple's continued use of AI and machine learning to power a smarter, more natural user experience. 

With better customization and expanded security features, Apple signals its commitment to giving users more agency than ever over their data without compromise.

With iOS 18, the iteration as a whole represents a revolutionary stride that caters to an even more individualized, refined, and, most importantly, secure experience on mobile devices that drives the bar higher for Apple's ecosystem.

iOS 18 New Features Review

iOS 18 has a bevy of new features and enhancements for the iPhone with a strong focus on AI-powered functionality, thanks to Apple's new "Apple Intelligence" suite:

1. Generative AI Writing Tools

With iOS 18, "Writing Tools" have been enhanced with generative AI into a new generation of writing and editing capabilities, enhancing how you read and how you write in apps across the system.

These tools are based on AI algorithms to provide abilities like rephrasing sentences, summarizing paragraphs, or modifying text tone and making it more succinct.

Purpose and Benefits: The tools are designed to help users write quality and clear texts. With AI, these tools accommodate both professional and informal writers who want to be better at writing emails, messages, reports, or anything else in digital format.

Functionality: Users can use these tools directly out of the box in compatible applications. For example, during the process of writing an email or creating a social media post, AI may remind to make something more clear or change the tone.

Not only does this save time, but it also produces a lot more professional and effective writing in general.

Practical Applications: In addition to some basic editing, these AI-based tools can be adjusted for different writing styles and preferences, making them widely applicable depending on the context.

This skill to tailor the level of complexity and the required tone within a text, depending on what is appropriate for any given need, has great value in helping users become more productive and communicate more effectively.

2. Intelligent Image Generation (Image Playground)

The latest advance in this field appears to have been achieved with iOS 18 and its new Image Playground application, which enables users to generate custom images from text hints.

It can use the user's personal photos and turn them into animation, illustrations, or sketches directly from their iPhone.

Creative Freedom: Users can play in the Image Playground using creative concepts, with a focus on providing graphic ideas that are easily personalized for them.

Just by typing text prompts and picking personal photos, anyone can create beautiful visuals suited for their aesthetic or storytelling purpose, converting the iPhone from a mere photo editor to an artistic expression and visual communication tool as well.

Applications and Uses: The uses of the Image Playground vary from creating social media content and professional presentations to personal project images, helping users to create aesthetical visuals that reinforce narratives or sliced themes.

This will not only provide users with a more personalized experience while creating onboard apps but also allow them the full flexibility to go as creative or as straightforward as they want - like creating an animated illustration of family photos for sending out digital holiday cards or developing stylized illustrations of sketches for a marketing campaign.

Integration and Accessibility: Combining cutting-edge AI algorithms within its Image Playground provides a continuous, premium user experience that makes powerful image generation available for the broader iPhone demographic.

It not only makes the creation process easier but also provides an immersive set of natural tools for storytelling and artistic exploration.

3. Smarter Siri

With a variety of upgrades, iOS 18 improves Siri for better natural language understanding and allows it to handle even more complex and conversational queries.

At a more basic level, this evolution represents Siri as a smarter and more deeply integrated assistant for a range of activities and apps on an iPhone.

Enhanced Natural Language Processing: With an enhanced understanding of natural language nuances, Siri in iOS 18 has become even more conversational with users.

The goal behind processing longer and more complex queries and commands more accurately is to improve the productivity of Siri users in everyday tasks such as creating meetings, accessing information, or managing device operations.

Expanded Functionality: Besides some of the core improvements, other functionalities have been added where you can request Siri to talk across apps, move a picture from one app to another, or share content across different versions.

Automating this saves us not only time but also offers an improved user experience by cutting down on manual intervention and allowing for efficient multitasking.

Customizable Support: Boosted by more situational awareness and predictive help, iOS 18's Siri now also adjusts itself to the personal behavior and preferences of individual users; it provides customizable recommendations and updates based on usage history and preference.

By taking this personalized approach, it can better pinpoint user needs at any given moment in time and deliver relevant real-time content tailored to the situation, therefore increasing customer engagement and satisfaction.

4. Customizable Home Screen

The home screen of iOS 18 offers all-encompassing customization, enabling users to configure the arrangement of app icons and widgets on the desktop as flexibly as possible based on individual preferences and usage habits.

Enhanced User Control: On iOS 18, the customizable home screen will let users move their app icons and widgets anywhere they want on the screen, at the bottom or at the sides, for easier access and faster navigation.

This satisfies varied user needs and ergonomic demands, leading to overall improved use and ease of access.

Personalization and Organization: Enabling its users to customize their home screen layout, iOS 18 is putting in extra effort to make the in-app navigation extremely intuitive and easily accessible for frequently used apps and widgets.

Visual appeal is one thing, but considering productivity, finding and running applications also becomes faster due to the customization ability.

Improved Accessibility: The customizable home screen in iOS 18 vastly improves accessibility by spawning individual user placement and organization preferences for apps.

Users looking for more convenience, more design options, or easier operation can all have a good experience thanks to personalized customization, which can be easily switched depending on the user usage scenario.

5. Enhanced Messages

The Messages app in iOS 18 undergoes significant enhancements, introducing new formatting options, cross-platform compatibility improvements, and enhanced usability features to enrich communication experiences.

Expanded Formatting Options: iOS 18 introduces new formatting capabilities within the Messages app, including options for bold, italic, and strikethrough text styles.

These formatting tools enable users to customize message content with enhanced visual clarity and expressive communication, enhancing the overall impact and readability of text-based conversations.

Emoji Reactions: Users can now react to messages with any emoji directly within the Messages app, promoting interactive and expressive communication.

This feature enhances engagement and communication dynamics by providing a range of emotive responses that enrich conversations and convey nuanced sentiments effectively.

RCS Messaging Standard Support: iOS 18 integrates support for the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging standard, enhancing cross-platform compatibility and functionality for Messages app users.

By adopting RCS, iOS 18 ensures seamless communication experiences across different devices and platforms, improving message delivery reliability, multimedia sharing capabilities, and overall user interaction.

6. Revamped Photos App

iOS 18 introduces a redesigned Photos app with enhanced navigation, organization, and editing capabilities, providing users with a unified and intuitive platform for managing and enjoying their photo collections.

Unified View and Navigation: The redesigned Photos app in iOS 18 offers a unified view that simplifies browsing and locating specific photos within the user's library.

By organizing photos based on intuitive categories and filters, such as date, location, or content type, the Photos app enhances usability and accessibility, allowing users to find and access desired photos with ease.

Editing Capabilities: The revamped Photos app in iOS 18 enhances editing capabilities with new tools and features that empower users to refine and enhance their photos directly within the app.

From basic adjustments to advanced editing techniques, such as cropping, color correction, and special effects application, these editing tools provide users with creative flexibility and control over their photographic compositions.

Integration with AI: Leveraging AI technology, the Photos app in iOS 18 incorporates intelligent features that automatically organize photos, suggest editing enhancements, and create personalized photo collections based on user preferences and usage patterns.

By harnessing AI-driven capabilities, the Photos app enhances user productivity and creativity, streamlining photo management tasks and empowering users to curate memorable visual narratives effortlessly.

7. Improved Privacy and Security

As mentioned in this iOS 18 review before, iOS 18 prioritizes user privacy and security with enhanced features and functionalities designed to safeguard personal data and sensitive information from unauthorized access or exposure.

App Locking with Face ID: iOS 18 introduces advanced security measures that enable users to lock individual apps using Face ID authentication.

This feature enhances privacy protection by restricting access to sensitive applications and confidential information, ensuring that only authorized users can access secured app functionalities and content.

Hidden Apps Folder: The inclusion of a "Hidden Apps" folder in iOS 18 provides users with a discreet storage solution for concealing apps from the main home screen interface.

By securely hiding apps from view, this feature enhances privacy and confidentiality, enabling users to maintain control over app visibility and accessibility while preserving organizational preferences and user privacy.

Enhanced Data Encryption: iOS 18 enhances data encryption protocols and security mechanisms to safeguard personal information, communications, and transactions conducted through iPhone devices.

By integrating robust encryption standards and secure communication protocols, iOS 18 ensures the integrity and confidentiality of user data, mitigating risks associated with unauthorized data access, interception, or exploitation.


In conclusion, iOS 18 emerges as a milestone update that underscores Apple's commitment to enhancing user satisfaction and device functionality.

As discussed in this iOS 18 review, the introduction of AI-driven writing tools and image generation capabilities empowers users to express creativity effortlessly, while Siri's improved natural language understanding and the customizable home screen provide unparalleled flexibility and personalization.

Enhanced messaging features and a redesigned Photos app further enrich user interactions and content management, while robust privacy enhancements underscore Apple's dedication to safeguarding user data.

As highlighted in this iOS 18 review, iOS 18 continues to roll out its new standard for intuitive design, seamless integration, and advanced security across the iOS ecosystem, ensuring that iPhone users experience the best that technology has to offer in their daily lives.


1. How do I get beta iOS 18?

To get the iOS 18 beta, you can download it through the Apple Developer Center or by using the over-the-air (OTA) update method on your iPhone. For the OTA method, go to Settings > General > Software Update > Beta Updates and select the iOS 18 Developer Beta option.

2. What phones will get iOS 18?

The following iPhone models will be compatible with iOS 18: iPhone 15, iPhone 14, iPhone 13, iPhone 12, and iPhone SE (3rd generation).

3. Will the iPhone 15 get iOS 18?

Yes, the iPhone 15 will be compatible with iOS 18. The full list of iPhone models that will support iOS 18 includes the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

4. Will iOS 18 support iPhone XS?

Yes, iOS 18 will support the iPhone XS. The iPhone XS, along with the iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR, will be compatible with iOS 18, as they all share the same A12 Bionic chip.

5. Will XR get iOS 18?

Yes, the iPhone XR will support iOS 18. This is confirmed by Apple's official announcement.

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