Machine Learning

What is the space complexity of various machine learning algorithms?


Space complexity of machine learning algorithms is the amount of memory or storage an algorithm requires for its successful execution. This becomes one of the important metrics of concern since it directly dictates the possibility of whether a deployed model can fit into various hardware configurations and also establishes the degree of scalability for large datasets.

Most of the linear models, like linear regression or logistic regression, have very low space complexity of machine learning algorithms since they mostly store coefficients of the model proportional to the number of features.

In contrast, decision trees and many other tree-based methods use more memory, in that it scales with depth and the complexity of the tree structure. Deep learning models, especially neural networks, can require large amounts of memory due to the number of layers and parameters.

Support Vector Machines store support vectors, and for clustering algorithms like k-means, the memory stores the cluster centroids. Knowing the space complexity of machine learning algorithms will help one make better decisions regarding efficient deployment and resource management, especially when machine learning models have to be run within a limited capacity of memory or on large datasets.

The space complexity of machine learning algorithms varies over a wide spectrum, depending upon the nature and implementation of the algorithm. Here's a breakdown of the space complexities for some common machine-learning algorithms: 

1. Linear Models:

Space Complexity: O(p), where p is the number of features. Most of these models only have to store the coefficients — weights that are multiplied with each feature, so it scales linearly with the number of features.

2. Decision Trees:

Space Complexity: O(N]), where N is the number of nodes in the tree. Decision trees only store the structure of the tree itself and extra metadata for each node like under what conditions it will split but not typically the training data.

3. Neural Networks:

Space Complexity: O(L), where L is the number of layers and P is the number of parameters. The neural networks need to store all the weights and biases at each layer, which in deep neural networks adds up to a large amount with many layers and parameters.

4. Support Vector Machines:

Space Complexity: O(n_support), where 'n_support' is the number of support vectors. Actually, SVMs store the support vectors along with their coefficients, which might be huge in the case of large - margin classifiers or non-linear kernels.

5. K-means Clustering:

Space Complexity: O(k * d); here, 'k' is the number of clusters and 'd' is the dimensionality, or simply the features. K-means stores the centroids of the cluster, probably along with other statistics regarding the clustering process.

6. Naive Bayes

Space Complexity: O(C * p)

Naive Bayes classifiers are basic probabilistic classifiers; their centerpiece is the application of Bayes' theorem combined with strong independence assumptions between every feature. For this, space complexity usually includes storing the probabilities of each class, C, and each feature, p. In text classification, where often the features involved are words or tokens, this can include conditional probabilities of each word, given in each class.

7. Random Forests

Space Complexity: O(M * N)

Random Forests are ensembles of decision trees, and here, M is the number of trees, and N is the average number of nodes in every tree. The space complexity takes into consideration the storing of every tree's structure and metadata, like the conditions of the split or the statistics of nodes. One of the reasons random forests may be large in memory compared to individual decision trees is owing to their ensemble nature.

8. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Space Complexity: O(d * min(d, n))

PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique.

This will project the data into a new coordinate system that the maximum variance by any projection of this data coming on the first coordinate called the first principal component, maximum variance on the second coordinate and so on. Space complexity involves storing all the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues of the data's covariance matrix. Usually, one only retains some components based on how much variability of the original variables one would like to have the principal components capture.

9. Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM)

Space complexity: O(L * N)

Gradient Boosting is a different type of ensemble model, and it trains many weak learners, typically decision trees, one after another. Here, L is the number of boosting iterations, and N refers to the average number of nodes in each tree. The space complexity includes the structure of each tree along with its metadata, as in random forests.

10. Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)

Space Complexity: O(k * d^2)

Gaussian mixture models are probabilistic models that assume that every data point is a mixture of several Gaussian distributions with unknown parameters. Thus, the space complexity includes storing parameters such as the mean, covariance, and mixing coefficients for each component, k, in the mixture. It contains d dimensions of data features.

11. Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Space Complexity: O(S * A)

Reinforcement learning algorithms, including Q-learning or policy gradient methods, learn optimal behavior through interaction with an environment. Let S be the number of states and A, the number of possible actions. The space complexity involves storing state-action values, policy networks, or other learned parameters that facilitate decision-making in the environment.

12. Association Rule Learning (e.g., Apriori Algorithm)

Space Complexity: O(2^p)

Association rule learning algorithms are methods that find interesting relationships among different variables present in databases. Some association rule learning algorithms, such as Apriori, scan itemsets together with their associations. In worst scenarios, space complexity is exponential, often when it features the enumeration of all possible item sets as 2^p, where p represents the number of items or features.

These complexities also help in choosing appropriate algorithms at times, depending on the amount of memory available and the size of a dataset. Efficient implementation and deployment balance computational resources against an algorithm's space requirement. Choices of algorithms have enormous effects on the performance, scalability, and feasibility of machine learning applications in many real-world scenarios.


The accuracy of machine learning models can be a possible drive for execution through various configurations and sets of hardware. The storage for storing coefficients and the computation for scaling with features are the low O(p) complexity in linear models like regression.

On the other hand, persistent memory for decision trees (O(N)) and, on the other hand, requires more memory for the tree structure and layer parameters of (O(L)) in a neural network. Support Vector Machines (O(n_support)) contain the support vectors and the k-means (O(k * d)) contains the centroids. Naive Bayes (O(C * p)) preserves and Random Forests (O(M * N)) consolidate tree structures. PCA (O(d * min(d, n))) is about the storage of the eigenvectors, and GBM (O(L * N)) is about the number of the boosting iterations.

GMM (O(k * d^2)) is responsible for the set of the Gaussian components. Reinforcement learning (O(S * A)) is the one that deals with state-action values, while association rule learning (O(2^p)) can be the exponential kind. This way techniques aid in the best methods for machine memory usage, balancing computational in a range of different applications that need machine learning to be scalable.


1. Which machine learning algorithm has the lowest space complexity?

Linear models like linear regression and logistic regression typically have the lowest space complexity, O(p), where p is the number of features. They only need to store coefficients proportional to the number of features.

2. Which algorithms have high space complexity?

Algorithms like deep learning models (neural networks), gradient boosting machines (GBM), and Gaussian mixture models (GMM) generally have higher space complexities. For instance, neural networks have O(L) space complexity where L is the number of layers, and GMMs have O(k * d^2) complexity where k is the number of components and d is the dimensionality.

3. How does the space complexity of decision trees compare to random forests?

Decision trees have a space complexity of O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the tree, because they store the tree structure and node metadata. In contrast, random forests have a higher complexity, typically O(M * N), where M is the number of trees and N is the average number of nodes per tree, due to their ensemble nature.

4. Why do support vector machines (SVMs) require significant memory?

SVMs store support vectors along with their coefficients, leading to a space complexity of O(n_support), where n_support is the number of support vectors. This can be substantial, especially for non-linear kernels or large margin classifiers.

5. What impacts the space complexity of reinforcement learning algorithms?

Reinforcement learning algorithms like Q-learning or policy gradient methods have a space complexity of O(S * A), where S is the number of states and A is the number of possible actions. They need to store state-action values or policy networks, which can grow significantly depending on the complexity of the environment and the number of actions available.

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