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Sketch vs. Figma: Top Design Tools Compared for UI/UX Design


Comparison of Sketch and Figma: leading UI/UX design tools analyzed and contrasted

In the dynamic field of UI/UX design, selecting the appropriate tool can have a big impact on your productivity, teamwork, and workflow. Two prominent contenders in this space are Sketch and Figma. To assist you in making an informed choice, let's get into a detailed comparison.

Platform and Accessibility

Sketch: A veteran in the industry, Sketch has long been the go-to choice for Mac users. It's a powerful desktop application, but its limitation lies in its exclusivity to macOS. Windows and Linux users are left out of the Sketch party.

Figma: Figma, on the other hand, disrupted the scene by being web-based and platform-independent. Whether you're on a Mac, Windows, or Linux machine, Figma is accessible through your browser. No installations, no compatibility issues—just seamless access.

Collaboration and Real-Time Editing

Sketch: Historically, Sketch relied heavily on third-party plugins to enhance its capabilities. While these plugins expanded functionality, they didn't inherently support real-time collaboration. Teams had to resort to workarounds for collaborative design.

Figma: Figma revolutionized collaboration. Its web-based nature allows multiple designers to work simultaneously on the same file. Real-time editing, commenting, and version history tracking make Figma a winner for remote teams. No more "file locked" frustrations!

Features and Functionality

Sketch: As a local app, Sketch offers robust features for creating high-fidelity mockups. However, it leans on third-party plugins for advanced functionalities. If you're a Mac user who loves customizability, Sketch might still be your jam.

Figma: Figma matches Sketch's functionality and design capabilities. It handles over 80% of what Sketch can do, without relying heavily on plugins. Vector networks, live collaboration, and prototyping—Figma has it all.

Learning Curve

Sketch: If you're already familiar with Adobe's Creative Cloud ecosystem, Sketch's interface won't feel alien. Its learning curve is relatively gentle for Adobe users.

Figma: Figma's intuitive interface makes it accessible to beginners. Whether you're a seasoned designer or a newbie, Figma's straightforward approach ensures a smooth learning experience.


Sketch: A one-time purchase, Sketch requires a license fee. Updates are not free, and major version upgrades come at a cost.

Figma: Figma offers a free plan with generous features. Its paid plans are subscription-based, making it budget-friendly for individuals and teams.

Community and Ecosystem

Sketch: The Sketch community has a wealth of plugins, resources, and templates. It's a mature ecosystem with a loyal following.

Figma: Figma's community is growing rapidly. Its open-design system library and collaborative plugins foster creativity and knowledge sharing.

Both Sketch and Figma have their strengths, but Figma's web-based approach, real-time collaboration, and robust features make it a compelling choice. Whether you're a solo designer or part of a global team, consider your priorities and workflow when making your decision. Remember, the best tool is the one that aligns with your needs and enhances your design journey

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