
Build Your Own Generative Search Engine with Llama 3

Shiva Ganesh

Developing a generative search engine with Llama 3 is the journey into the future of artificial intelligence technology. Starting with the fundamentals of Llama 3 and ending with the description of how to build your own generative search engine.

Understanding Llama 3

Llama 3 is a powerful language model trained specifically for web navigation and dialogue tasks. It can surf the web and process instructions, questions, and answers, making it the perfect base for a generative search engine.

Setting Up Your Environment

First, some preparation on the developer’s side is necessary to create the necessary environment. This starts with downloading the Llama 3 model from the Hugging Face Model Hub and setting up the required structures and libraries, such as transformers, datasets, and hub libraries. 

System Design

· An index of the content of the local files, equipped with an information retrieval system for the purpose of returning the most relevant documents against a specific query/question.
· An LM to leverage selected content from local documents and construct a summarized answer
· A user interface
To begin with, the local files must be indexed into the index that is searchable for the contents of the local files. This created index would be used, together with some of the asymmetric paragraph or document embeddings, when the user asks a question to find the most relevant documents that may contain the answer. The content of these documents and the questions are handed over to the deployed large language model, which will use the content of the given documents to produce an answer. In the instruction prompt, we would also ask a large language model to provide references to documents that were used. Finally, all of the system’s processes will be visible to the user on the graphical user interface.
Now, let’s have a closer look at each of the components that make up the framework.

Semantic Index

We are coming up with a semantic index that will return to us the bodies of documents that are most similar to a query based on the similarity of the contents of a given file. Such an index is going to be built with the help of Qdrant as a vector store. Surprisingly, even a Qdrant client library does not need to be installed like a Qdrant server and can perform a similarity of documents that can accommodate the working memory (RAM). Thus, with pip install Qdrant client, it is as simple as getting the Qdrant client pipelined.

The way to initialize Qdrant is given below

To support vector machines, the documents on the respective hard drive will have to be indexed and, hence, embedded. For embeddings, the appropriate embedding approach and the right vector similarity measure will need to be chosen. Several methods for constructing embeddings from paragraphs, sentences, or words can be employed, and such approaches may yield different outcomes. A main drawback we encounter when creating vector searches based on documents is the problem of Asymmetrical Search.

Asymmetric search problems also characterize information retrieval, and they occur when one of the two, either queries or documents, is short, while the other is long. This is usually done with word or sentence embeddings for fine-tuning to get similarity scores between documents of about the same length, for example, sentences or paragraphs. When that is not the case, the right kind of information seeking may be unable to occur as well.

Nevertheless, we can work out an embedding methodology that would be suitable for asymmetric search problems.

Generative Search API

The generative search engine will be exposed as a web service developed using FastAPI. The API will use the already created Qdrant client with the indexed data, as seen in the previous section. It will then search using a vector similarity query, use the returned chunks of vectors to pass to the Llama 3 model to generate an answer and feed this back to the user.

Simple User Interface

This focuses on the user interface, the last component of a local generative search engine. The application will be developed using Streamlit as the interface for its basic design. It consists of an input bar, a search button or button to generate the answer, space to display the result, and a list of documents used in the response that can be viewed or downloaded.

Training Your Model

Therefore, training the Llama 3 mode is essential. You will require a set of web interactions that you can generate or get from wherever you can get them. The model should be trained on more tasks, such as mouse clicks, text entry, form submission, etc. so that it can easily navigate the website.

Building the Search Engine

Llama 3 is the central model for the generative search engine you need to develop. It will be coupled with a backend server that is responsible for responding to user processes. Whenever a query is made, Llama 3 replies to it, surfing the web and looking for information about it.

User Interface Design

This trend indicates that there is a need to consider material that is easy to comprehend and a user-friendly interface. Create a graphic interface of the product where the end-user enters questions with ease and receives the answers in return. The UI should be designed in a way that the results are presented in an orderly manner so that users are able to locate the materials they want quickly.

Deployment and Testing

When you have developed your search engine, it is important to proceed to the implementation process. Some deployment platforms include Playwright, Selenium, or BrowserGym. After deployment, testing is needed to prove the search engine's efficiency in responding to different search queries.

Continuous Improvement

Since you’ve built a search engine, you must track its effectiveness and gather users' opinions after they use it. Feedback should be utilized to refine the model and enhance the search engine’s effectiveness.


The ‘chip’ is, in most cases, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipeline using files stored locally, with instructions to generate responses citing claims in the local documents. The entire code runs approximately 300 lines. Altogether, we have made the code a bit complicated by providing the option for the user to choose between 3 different Llama 3 models. From this use case perspective, both 8B and especially 70B parameter models are acceptable.


What is Llama 3?

Llama 3 is an open-source software framework designed for building generative search engines. It enables users to create custom search engines that can generate content based on user queries.

What are generative search engines?

Generative search engines are systems that not only retrieve information based on user queries but also generate new content dynamically to fulfill user needs better.

What are the key features of Llama 3?

Llama 3 offers features such as customizable content generation, integration with various data sources, support for natural language processing (NLP), and scalability for handling large volumes of requests.

How does Llama 3 differ from traditional search engines?

Traditional search engines rely on indexing and retrieving pre-existing content, while Llama 3 generates new content based on user queries, providing more tailored and dynamic results.

What programming languages are supported by Llama 3?

Llama 3 primarily supports Python for development, but it can integrate with other programming languages through APIs and libraries.

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