
Best Long Term Crypto Investments for 2022

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Find Out About the Top 10 Best Long-Term Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2022

There currently are close to 20,000 cryptocurrencies today. But crypto pundits argue that as the crypto industry matures, as much as 90% of these coins and blockchain networks will collapse. The few that survive this crypto apocalypse will nevertheless go on to post exponential growth -making their HODLers stupidly rich.

These are the long-term crypto investments that any future-focused should be actively chasing and accumulating today. But how do you tell a sustainable crypto coin and blockchain from one that's doomed to fail?

Our team of expert researchers and crypto analysts in cooperation with CEO of the California Movers USA – Local and Long Distance Moving Company Anton Galushko sought to answer this question. They foraged through the crypto market and settled on 10 best long-term cryptocurrency investments for 2022.

These will not just survive the crypto apocalypse, but both their fundamental and technical analysis indicates that they have remarkable potential and will morph into the largest and most valuable crypto networks.

Want to discover the best cryptocurrencies to buy today and hodl for the next few years?

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

The Top 10 Best Long term Crypto Investments for 2022

Here is the summarized list of what our analysts and the majority in the crypto community believe to be the best long-term crypto investments.

1. Bitcoin (BTC) – Overall Best Long Term Crypto Investment

2. Ethereum (ETH) – Most Promising Long Term Crypto Investment

3. Decentraland (MANA) – Best Long Term Metaverse Token to Buy Today

4. Binance Coin (BNB) – Best Long Term Crypto Exchange-Based Token

5. Solana (SOL) – Best Long Term Smart Contract Focused Token

6. Uniswap (UNI) – Best Long Term Decentralized Exchange Token

7. Maker (MKR) – Best Long Term DeFi Investment

8. Cardano (ADA) – Most secure Long Term Crypto Investment

9. Cosmos (ATOM) – Best Long Term Investment into Blockchain Interoperability

10. Polygon (MATIC) – Best Long Term Ethereum-Based Token

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

A Closer Look at the Best Long Term Crypto Investments for 2022

When searching for the best long-term crypto investment for 2022, we looked at more than the coin's price and past performance. We analyzed their fundamentals and applicability to assess their sustainability. We also looked at the blockchain design, vetted their developers, tokenomics, market cap, and numerous other metrics to assess such crucial factors as their security.

Ultimately, settled on the following 10 as the best long term crypto investments. The crypto community agrees that these have the highest potential of surviving for years to come and sustaining their current uptrend.

1. Bitcoin (BTC) – Overall Best Long Term Crypto Investment

Bitcoin is by far the best long-term crypto investment. It is the pioneer cryptocurrency that though originally designed to replace fiat currencies has been widely adopted as a store of value and hedge against traditional investments. Even with its massively volatile price action, it has won investor interest as evidenced by the rising Bitcoin dominance.

Through its overall up trending price action, Bitcoin has proved its resilience. The most valuable crypto has also survived bans by the national governments and mounting criticism from both the political class, mainstream media, the banking industry, and environmentalists. Granted, some of these made it stumble – triggering highly volatile market crashes. But BTC always recovers – which is a testament to its resilience and reliability as a long-term investment.

Other factors that make it a good long-term buy include the fact that it addresses a real and urgent global problem of inflation. Its use cases and adoption have also been on the rise in the eCommerce industry as well as with countries like El Salvador and the Central African Republic that have given BTC a legal tender status. As more of these developments unfold, Bitcoin's value is expected to continue rising. Some optimists are even confident that BTC will break above $1 Million by 2030.

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

2. Ethereum (ETH) – Most Promising Long Term Crypto Investment

Ethereum launched in 2015 and seven years later, it has morphed into the largest smart contract platform. It is also the largest DeFi platform and is home to most emerging crypto technologies. From dApps to DeFi apps, NFTs to Meme currencies, and Decentralised exchanges to Web3 apps/programs. It has turned into the de facto internet of blockchains. All these inform our decision to include it on our list of the best long-term investments for 2022.

At the time of writing, at the height of a contracting crypto market – Ethereum's ROI exceeds 650000%. The platform has also surpassed Bitcoin as one of the most used blockchain technologies. And over the next few years, some crypto analysts are confident that ETH will overtake Bitcoin as the most valuable Cryptocurrency.

Much of this will be made by the level of development taking place on the Ethereum network – especially the upcoming Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. Popularly referred to as the Merge, the upgrade will help the Ethereum blockchain transition to the proof of stake consensus algorithm.

It will also be made possible by the development of Ethereum protocols. Layer 2 protocols, and sidechains. All of these have the net effect of pumping up the demand for ETH tokens against a slowed-down supply. These will help ETH resume and surpass its all-time-high, further confirming why it is a good long term crypto investment.

>>>Buy Ethereum Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

3. Decentraland (MANA) – Best Long Term Metaverse Token To buy Today

Decentraland is the pioneer and arguably the most popular metaverse project. It is a virtual world blueprint, inspiring the creation of more metaverse projects. It is important to state that this crypto virtual world niche is still a work in progress. Plots of land on Decentraland are still being sold but their owners are yet to create functional establishments on the metaverse.

Big brands like JP Morgan, Coca-Cola, Nike, Dominos, Atari, and Samsung have already bought pieces of virtual plots on Decentraland. This metaverse has 800K+ registered users and records an average of 300K+ unique visitors monthly. These brands and user base illustrate the level of confidence the crypto community has in Decentraland's future, which is one of the primary reasons why you need to add it to your index of best long-term crypto investments for 2022.

Decentraland has also embraced emerging crypto technologies aimed at future-proofing its existence and catalyzing the value gain for MANA tokens. To achieve this, it has integrated the play-to-earn technology, integrated NFTs to the metaverse, allowed for the creation and deployment of Web3 apps and protocols, and handed the administration of this virtual world to a DAO.

All these confirm that Decentraland has a rather bright future and that MANA token prices will sustain their current uptrend. And this further affirms why Decentraland deserves a position on your long term crypto investment portfolio.

>>>Buy MANA Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

4. Binance Coin (BNB) – Best Long Term Crypto Exchange-Based Token

Binance Coin is the native token for one of the fastest-growing and most innovative blockchain ecosystems – the Binance Smart Chain. It is a smart contract network and one of Ethereum's fiercest competitors. Though it only started in late 2017, it has gone to become the fifth most valuable crypto technology – making it the most successful of the new smart contract blockchain networks. This level of growth is one of the reasons why feature BNB tokens are among the best long term cryptocurrency investments for 2022.

Like most other progressive blockchain networks, the Binance Smart Chain is consistently working on improving its network. It has onboarded many emerging crypto technologies, from Decentralized exchanges, dApps, and DeFi protocols as well as Web3 apps and programs. It is also closely tied to the Binance exchange – the largest and most liquid centralized exchange – which is expected to continue supplying it with a constant flow of users. And all these speak volumes about the sustainability of this crypto project and the growth of BNB coin prices.

>>>Buy BNB Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

5.  Solana (SOL) – Best Long Term Smart Contract Focused Token

Solana is the fastest-growing smart contract platform. It has only been around for 2 years, and within this period, its popularity and user base surged, developer activity on the network skyrocketed, SOL token prices shot up by more than 13000X, its market cap peaked above $78 Billion, and the Solana ecosystem grew exponentially. It has not shown any signs of slowing down on its mission of overthrowing Ethereum as the most valuable and preferred smart contract platform.

Solana is on a mission to prove the sustainability of its blockchain and proof its future. And this is one of the key reasons why we think you should add it to your portfolio of best long term crypto investments. To achieve this, it has gone full throttle in expanding its ecosystem. Thus far, it has onboarded virtually all the emerging and fast-growing crypto technologies.

It hosts several metaverse projects and is home to such popular meme currencies as Samoyedcoin. It allows developers to create and launch Web3 apps and programs, hosts several decentralized exchanges, and is home to several dApps and DeFi protocols.

We expect all these to continue drawing in users to this ultra-fast blockchain. All these will help it expand its ecosystem and push the token's price past $1000 by 2025 and as high as $10,000 by the turn of the decade.

6. Uniswap (UNI) – Best Long Term Decentralized Exchange Token

Uniswap is the largest, most popular, and most valuable decentralized exchange. At the time of writing, Uniswap is the third most valuable DeFi technology with more than $7 Billion in total value locked – according to DeFi pulse. The Uniswap protocol premiered in late 2018 but the UNI token only launched in 2020 and went ahead to give Uniswap a $3.5 Billion market cap.

We believe in its future because of the silent but raising privacy concerns among crypto traders and investors. This, plus government interference in the crypto space is expected to inform the mass migration from regulated centralized exchanges to DEXs like Uniswap. It, in effect, forms the primary reason why we believe UNI belongs in every future-focused investor's pool of long term crypto investments.

By the end of 2021, Uniswap was estimated to have a user base of more than 2.5 million users, a massive growth from less than 1 million users 12 months earlier. By this time, the number of DeFi apps integrating the Uniswap DEX shot past 300. Uniswap protocol is also massively dynamic and is expected to further improve its efficiency when its base layer – Ethereum – transitions to the more effective PoS consensus algorithm.

>>>Buy Uniswap Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

7. Maker (MKR) – Best Long Term DeFi Investment 

Maker is to the cryptoverse what the banking industry is to the world. It is the largest and most valuable Decentralized Finance platform – according to DeFi pulse. It has more than $9 Billion worth of crypto in total value locked – accounting for close to 20% of the entire DeFi market. Here, you can save and earn high interest on coins or borrow and pay competitive interest on the crypto loan through an easy, straightforward, and instantaneous process.

It provides an actionable solution to the ills staring at the global finance industry, especially inflation, bureaucracy, over-regulation, and negative interest rates. As the challenges to facing the baking industry exacerbate, the number of individuals and institutions fleeing to MakerDAO/protocol will only continue rising. This then makes MKR tokens among the best long-term crypto investments today.

Note that when MKR launched in August 2017, it was selling for around $20. Fast forward to its peak in early 2021, MKR token prices are already up by close to 32000%, illustrating the overwhelming reception MakerDAO has received from the crypto community. Moving forward, and as more investors appreciate the benefits of saving in the crypto space over the traditional banking industry, we expect MKR token prices to record unprecedented growth. And this further affirms why MKR is a good long term crypto investment.

>>>Buy Maker Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

8. Cardano (ADA) – Most secure Long Term Crypto Investment

Cardano is currently the largest smart contract platform. It also is one of the fastest-growing blockchain technologies. But even more importantly, Cardano is arguably one of the most secure blockchains, seeing that both the Cardano blockchain and integrated protocols are thoroughly researched and peer-reviewed. This level of security future-proofs Cardano's blockchain and affirms its sustainability- which is the primary reason why we feature it among the best long-term crypto investments.

But the Cardano development team is looking to make their blockchain more than sustainable. They are looking to make it usable. To achieve this, Cardano is on a mission to integrate as many emerging technologies, just like its competitors – Ethereum and Solana. It has already integrated smart contract technology, launched an algorithmic stable coin, and is working on integrating DeFi, dApps, and Web3 technologies.

>>>Buy Cardano Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

9. Cosmos (ATOM) – Best Long-Term Investment Into Blockchain Interoperability

By now, every crypto investor or analyst worth their salt understands the need for an interoperable blockchain. As the adoption of crypto, technologies rises and more brands build on this space, the demand for an interoperable blockchain.

By coming up with the Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol (ICP), Cosmos solves the blockchain interoperability problem. And this goes a mile in cementing its position in the future of the crypto world. This is the primary reason you too need to add it to your basket of best long-term cryptocurrency investments.

But Cosmos offers more than just an interoperable blockchain. Its developers understand the maturity of the crypto space and the achievement of an interoperable blockchain will attract not-so-savvy programmers and brands looking to build on the space.

They, therefore, have embarked on a mission to demystify crypto technology to make it possible for virtually anyone to understand and create dApps. This increases the brand's usefulness and adds to the reasons why ATOM is a good long term crypto investment.

>>>Buy Cosmos Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

10. Polygon (MATIC) – Best Long Term Ethereum-Based Token

Polygon is arguably the most popular and most successful Layer-2 scaling protocol for Ethereum. It makes it possible for developers to create and deploy multiple types of highly flexible and scalable crypto programs and apps.

It achieves this by integrating different rollup chains and crypto technology creation infra to its protocol. We feature it among the best long-term crypto investments for 2022 because we are confident that – unlike other layer-2 scaling solutions – MATIC will survive the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade.

>>>Buy MATIC Now<<<

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

How to Decide Whether to HODL a Cryptocurrency

Now that seemingly sustainable crypto projects all abound, how do you find the best long term cryptocurrency to invest in? How do you tell if crypto is worth HODLing on to?

Well, there are a host of factors that you can look into when deciding whether a cryptocurrency is worth investing in today. Here are four of the most important that our analysts used in coming up with the above list.

1. Resilience and rebound speed

Examine the cryptocurrency's past price action, especially its performance during and after a major price crash. Examine how deep it crashed – in relation to the overall market or Bitcoin. Further, confirm how fast it rebounded when the market started its recovery. Avoid cryptocurrencies that dip way below the market level and take forever to catch up during recovery.

2. Sustainable blockchain project

Go through a crypto coin's white paper. Check if it solves a real-world problem and the urgency of the need for the solution proposed by the blockchain. Read through its reviews – both positive and critical opinions – and only invest in a crypto that seeks to solve a real and urgent world problem.

3. Prior all-time-high

Additionally, check the altcoins prior to an all-time high. This is closely tied to its resilience and rebound speed. Let us use Solana (SOL) and Ripple (XRP) to best illustrate this. Solana has set an all-time high with virtually every crypto rally. Ripple, on the other hand, last had an all-time high in 2018. These statistics speak volumes about the appeal of the crypto asset and the strength of your investment.

4. Uniqueness/Competitiveness

Today, you will hardly come across a sustainable crypt project without competitors. Take, for instance, Ethereum which is already flanked by tens of supposed Ethereum-killers. While they aren't as unique crypto technologies, seeing that they copy Ethereum, some of their core features give them a competitive advantage over their peers. Solana, for instance, is good for speed and scalability while Cardano is best for safety.

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

Where to Buy the Best Long Term Crypto Investment Today?

The cryptocurrencies we have covered in this guide are massively popular and have thus been listed with virtually all the most popular crypto exchanges and trading platforms. But if you are just getting started with crypto investing or simply looking to add to your portfolio, we recommend using either of the following crypto exchanges.

eToro – Best for beginners because of its user-friendly trading platform, transparent fee structure, and social/copy trading tools.

Coinbase – Best place to buy crypto instantly, user-friendly interface, and deep liquidity.

Binance – Best place to buy crypto at the lowest transaction fees, is deeply liquid and features the widest range of cryptocurrencies and trading pairs.

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

How to Buy the Best Long Term Crypto Investment on eToro

The majority of crypto trading platforms — eToro included – have oversimplified the process of buying cryptocurrencies. Want to start investing in any of the best long-term cryptos we have covered in this guide on eToro? Use this step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Register a crypto trader account

Open the official eToro website and tap on the "Join Now" icon on the home page. Complete the registration form that pops up by entering such basic personal information as your name, email address, country of residence, income sources, and online trading experience.

Step 2: Verify identity

The multi-regulated crypto exchange will also demand that you verify your identity. Simply a copy of your government-issued identity document i.e. passport, I.D., or driver's license.

Step 3: Deposit funds

Log in to your approved eToro trading account and tap on the "Deposit" icon on the user dashboard. A funding tab will pop up presenting you with a list of all payment options available to you. Choose one and follow the prompts to fund your account. Note that the minimum deposit amount for the UK and US is $10.

Step 4: search for the crypto

Back on the user dashboard, tap on the "Discover" button and from the list of asset classes supported by eToro, and choose crypto. Use the search option to find your preferred crypto. Alternatively, look it up on the list of cryptocurrencies supported by eToro.

Step 5: Buy the long term crypto

Click on the "Buy" option. A trading menu will pop up. Use it to customize the trade by indicating the number of tokens you wish to buy or the amount of fiat cash you wish to invest in the cryptocurrency. Hit the "Open Trade" menu to complete the transaction.

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

Conclusion – Best Long Term Crypto Investment for 2022

That's it. There goes everything you need to know about the best long-term crypto investment for 2022.

In this long-term crypto investing guide, we have covered what our analysts and the larger market consider the 10 best crypto investments. We have also touched on the thought process that went into identifying these coins and the factors that you too should consider when finding the best crypto to buy and hodl.

To help you get started with investing in the long term, we have provided you with a step-by-step guide on how to buy digital assets on the all-popular eToro exchange. Settle on one crypto and use this guide to start securing your financial future.

Frequently Asked Questions on Best Long Term Crypto Investment for 2022
Where to buy the best long term crypto investment?

In this guide, we have provided you with a list of what we consider the three best places to buy cryptocurrencies in 2022. Register with either and start investing in cryptocurrencies today.

 What crypto should you hold long-term?

Throughout this guide, we have discussed the 10 best cryptos for long term investing. We have told you why each qualifies to be a good long-term investment and what you need to consider when deciding on the best crypto to HODL.

Is crypto worth investing in the long term?

Yes, cryptocurrencies are worth investing in over the long term because they are expected to sustain their already positive uptrend. They also have a proven history of stellar performance, being the best performing asset class of the last decade.

How do you choose a good long-term crypto investment?

You consider such factors as its prior all-time-high, its resilience and rebound speed, the sustainability of its blockchain technology, and its uniqueness/competitiveness.

What will Bitcoin be worth in the long term?

The most optimistic crypto analysts, traders, and fintech experts like Cathie Wood – the CEO of ARK invest – are confident that Bitcoin prices can rally by more than 3300% to reach $1 Million by 2030.

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Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

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Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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