Unveiling the Limits: What ChatGPT Cannot Do


Machine learning (ML) or Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved over the last few years, and with such models as ChatGPT, the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is vividly observable. Therefore, while ChatGPT houses numerous significant features, the tool has its shortcomings. In this article, we will explain what ChatGPT cannot do, highlighting its technical limitations, ethical issues, and functional limitations. The users need to realize these constraints so that they know the scope and the potential of the implemented technology.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI language model that is used in the preparation of texts based on the input to which it is exposed and was created by OpenAI. It can talk, respond to questions, and in some cases generate content on its own. But it should be noted that its abilities are limited.

ChatGPT works in a way where it predicts the upcoming word in a carrier depending on the input from the user. It has been trained on different internet text but it does not comprehend the data in the manner that people do. Rather, it depends on patterns and correlation observation within the data it was trained on. This basic style leads to very competent, but occasionally erroneous, end products.

Capabilities of ChatGPT

The applications of ChatGPT include producing various texts, synthesizing the information given, and asking questions even on various topics. With such a tool, it can help in writing, clarify concepts and ideas, and also be used in creativity such as telling a story.

Text Generation: The kind of ideas that are produced with ChatGPT make sense and are related to what is stated in the user’s prompts. This capability is handy in activities such as writing emails, writing articles for publication, or even narrative text for characters in a movie or story.

Summarization: This is useful, especially for performing tasks such as summarizing extended text where the application provides brief but more manageable resumes of texts.

Question Answering: ChatGPT has features of an answer engine in that it can answer questions based on facts derived from the data it was trained with which is a diverse range of topics up to the year 2021.

Creative Writing: It can produce kinds of creative works like poems, short stories, scripts and so on that can be in a vast number of styles and types.

However, there are a few moments with which ChatGPT could not fully cope here are some of the highlighted below.

Technical Limitations of ChatGPT

Data Cutoff

The knowledge cutoff date is also one of the key concerns that people have about ChatGPT. The training data in the model includes information to a certain level, which means that it cannot receive or produce information on events that took place after this level. As a consequence, people have realized that, for example, ChatGPT cannot predict events that have occurred after 2021.

Example: You will not be able to get accurate information from ChatGPT if you ask about the latest advancement in AI from 2023 because the training of this model was based up to the year 2021 only.

This limitation i.e. what ChatGPT cannot do entails that any new development, trend, or new that emerged after the cutoff period set for training is out of ChatGPT’s knowledge base. These entail the users’ requirement to check the relevancy and accuracy of the provided information by making sure that it is up to date.

Real-Time Processing

The real-time data or events cannot be processed by ChatGPT. It comes up with responses depending on prior information and cannot alter its database as data is uncovered.

 Example: Specifying what ChatGPT cannot do is it cannot follow live comments on a sporting event or stand and give current stock exchange information.

Complex Calculations

Despite the exceptional performance in logical sequences, quantitative reasoning, and other such numerical tasks, ChatGPT as a language model, lacks a deep understanding of mathematical computations and hence is unable to solve complex mathematical problems. It is not geared to doing complex calculations or mathematical problems on your behalf.

Example: With that, ChatGPT might not be efficient at solving a particular calculus problem or in offering correct results of advanced statistical computations.

Hence, regarding user precision and specific, complex, numerical query requirements, ChatGPT is not a replacement for a specific software or consultation.

Ethical and Safety Constraints of ChatGPT

Content Restrictions

ChatGPT does not post, suggest, or provide patterns of immoral, perverted, embarrassing, or socially scandalous images, information, or matter in any form since it is designed to be ethical. It is applied primarily in order not to generate text that would necessarily incite violence or hate speech or anything of that nature.

Example: ChatGPT will not provide text that encourages violence Discrimination and prejudice.

These restrictions are very important to help with managing the technology to avoid negative influence on the society. However, it also means that ChatGPT may decline to produce materials that, although not dangerous, can be considered sensitive and provocative.

Privacy Concerns

One of the features specific to what ChatGPT cannot do is that the system does not remember and cannot call up details of prior conversations. It does not personalize the user by saving any of the data inputted and treats every conversation as a different case.

Example: When ChatGPT is asked something and the answer refers to a prior conversation, it will not remember or reference any personal information given to it.

On the one hand, the presented approach successfully protects users’ privacy; on the other hand, every time we interact with ChatGPT, the previous conversation is not taken into account. Due to this, in every session, a user has to bring in context or details and this may be somewhat cumbersome at times.

Bias and Fairness

Thus, even where there is an effort to avoid biases, one can still observe the biased functioning of ChatGPT based on the trained data. The concepts of full and unbiased treatment remain a difficulty when it comes to applying the identified principles and enactments.

Example: It is noted that, like any other machine learning model, also ChatGPT might produce answers that are biased by prejudices occurring in the training set.

Bias in AI is a big issue and one must pay attention to the consequences of it, especially when AI is integrated into very crucial sectors such as employment, police work, and health care. These biases always require constant self-actualization in an attempt to achieve fairness in the models.

Practical Limitations of ChatGPT

Context Understanding

They are connected to its capacity for missing specific social subtleties and misinterpreting human sentiment. What it does is it can generate text that in some ways may be fitting to context, but lacks the mechanisms to truly understand social interactions.

 Example: They also pointed out that ChatGPT might not comprehend sarcasm or the general context of a conversation.

The way people communicate is complex, and most of the messages conveyed are not explicit, include feelings and cultural signals, and thus quite challenging for an AI to decipher. This limitation becomes a problem in cases where the human touch is needed to connect with the client and fully comprehend his/her needs.

Creativity and Originality

One important thing to note is that as much as ChatGPT can write content, its patterns are derived from the training data that ChatGPT uses. This means that it will not give out unique work from the training data as it works on the available data only.

 Example: As for creative writing, one has to admit that ChatGPT has a limited potential compared to a human writer’s potential.

On the real creative tasks, in tasks that call for actually new approaches and ideas human creativity is unbeaten. While it can help in the creative process, ChatGPT won’t be able to generate creativity on its own.

Decision Making

ChatGPT is not capable of generating decisions or professional advice. It can provide some information and advice, but it should not be used for making major decisions.

Example: Some restrictions that ChatGPT cannot do are; It cannot give out medical diagnoses, it cannot advise about the law, and it cannot help in managing your finances.

Retailing is one such field where specialized knowledge and critical decision making is expected from professionals. The aforementioned specialists can benefit from the information ChatGPT can offer to them though it is not intended to replace their expertise.


Altogether, it can be concluded that, though ChatGPT is a highly effective tool with a vast number of randy options, it is not beyond reproach. This means that it lacks the real knowledge cutoff, is unable to process real-time data, and experiences difficulties with complex calculations; all these indicate its technical imperfections. It has ethical standards to remove it from creating negative content or harming the users’ rights but biases can exist.

In terms of practical issues, ChatGPT, like any of its counterparts, has difficulty in recognizing context, coming up with creative content, or choosing. With the progression of time, it shall be significant to address these issues to enhance the creation of sophisticated models.


1. Can ChatGPT learn from new data in real time?

No, ChatGPT cannot learn from new data in real time. It generates responses based on the data it was trained on up until its knowledge cutoff date.

2. Is ChatGPT capable of providing real-time updates?

No, ChatGPT cannot provide real-time updates. It generates text based on pre-existing data and does not have access to live information.

3. Can ChatGPT solve complex mathematical problems?

ChatGPT can handle basic arithmetic and simple calculations but struggles with complex mathematical problems and advanced calculations.

4. How does ChatGPT ensure user privacy?

ChatGPT does not store or recall personal data from previous interactions, treating each conversation as a separate instance to maintain user privacy.

5. Can ChatGPT generate inappropriate or harmful content?

ChatGPT is programmed to adhere to ethical guidelines that prevent it from generating harmful or inappropriate content, such as violence or hate speech.

6. Does ChatGPT understand human emotions and context?

While ChatGPT can generate contextually relevant text, it often struggles with understanding nuanced human context and emotions, such as sarcasm or emotional tones.

7. Can ChatGPT provide professional advice?

No, ChatGPT should not be relied upon for professional advice, such as medical diagnoses, legal advice, or financial planning.

8. Is ChatGPT completely free of biases?

Despite efforts to minimize biases, ChatGPT can still exhibit biased behavior based on the data it was trained on.

9. Can ChatGPT remember past conversations?

No, ChatGPT does not retain any personal information or remember past conversations, ensuring each interaction is treated separately.

10. How original is the content generated by ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT can generate creative content, it relies on patterns in its training data and may lack the depth and originality of human-created content.

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