Artificial Intelligence

Top 10 Changes and Challenges Heralded by The OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Parvin Mohmad

Top 10 Changes and Challenges Heralded by the OpenAI's ChatGPT

The fear of artificial intelligence has always made every one of us question the technology and advancements in the world. But a product of Open AI has made it real and present. But are still prevailing. Here in this article, we have discussed some of OpenAI's ChatGPT Challenges. These changes and challenges Heralded by the openAI's chatGPT

  1. ChatGPT Isn't Always Right

OpenAI is aware of this limitation, writing, "ChatGPT occasionally writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers." This "hallucination" of fact and fiction, as some scientists refer to it, is particularly dangerous when it comes to medical advice. Chat GPT, unlike other AI assistants such as Siri or Alexa, does not search the internet for answers. Instead, it constructs a sentence word by word, based on its training, selecting the most likely "token" that should come next.

  1. Bias Is Baked into The System

Open AI ChatGPT was trained on the collective writing of humans throughout history and in the present. This means that the same biases found in the data can also be found in the model. Users have demonstrated how ChatGPT can produce some terrible answers, including some that discriminate against women. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg; it can result in responses that are extremely harmful to a variety of minority groups.

  1. ChatGPT Creates Challenge to High School English

Teachers have tried feeding English assignments to ChatGPT and received results that are better than many of their students. ChatGPT can do it all, from writing cover letters to describing major themes in a famous work of literature.

  1. ChatGPT Can Cause Real-World Harm

We previously discussed how incorrect information provided by ChatGPT can result in real-world harm, with the most obvious example being incorrect medical advice.

There are additional concerns. Fake social media accounts are a huge problem on the internet, and the introduction of AI chatbots would make internet scams easier to carry out. Another concern is the spread of false information, especially since ChatGPT makes even incorrect answers appear convincingly correct.

The rate at which ChatGPT can generate incorrect answers has already caused issues for Stack Exchange, a website where users can post questions and receive answers.

  1. OpenAI Holds the Power

Great power comes with great responsibility, and OpenAI wields a lot of it. OpenAI was one of the first AI companies to truly shake up the world with multiple AI models, including Dall-E 2, GPT-3, and now ChatGPT.

While OpenAI prioritises safety, there is still a lot we don't know about how the models are built. There isn't much we can do about it, whether you believe the code should be made open source or that parts of it should be kept secret.

  1. Tackling AI's Biggest Problems

ChatGPT an OpenAI's most recent development has a lot to be excited about. However, beyond its immediate applications, some serious issues must be addressed.

OpenAI acknowledges that ChatGPT can generate harmful and biased responses, not to mention its ability to mix fact and fiction. It's difficult to predict what other issues will arise with such a new technology.

  1. Disruption on A Massive Scale

When it comes to changes in business and how systems work, the term "disrupt" is frequently used—and even overused. That is not the case with ChatGPT. A recent article in Harvard Business Review (HBR) described how this late-breaking technological advance in AI will genuinely disrupt companies and organisations.

Not to mention the dire consequences for many people's livelihoods. HBR refers to these tasks as "knowledge work," and they include copywriting, customer service questions, and even more complex and specialised efforts like crafting legal documents.

  1. Human Effort VS AI

According to the authors of the HBR article, while continued advancements in AI put an increasing number of jobs at risk, there are also newfound job opportunities on the horizon. According to HBR, the potential issue will not be with AI—specifically, ChatGPT —but with whether or not people will be able to adjust.

  1. ChatGPT Can Disturb the Educational System

If students are allowed to use ChatGPT in their exams, then there is no point in studying for exams because they use ChatGPT to answer the questions given in the exams. This can disturb the educational system drastically and may cause loss to the institutions.

  1. ChatGPT Writes Essays for The Students

That begs the question: will students need to learn to write in the future if ChatGPT can write for us? It may appear to be an existential question, but when students begin using ChatGPT to help them write essays, schools will need to respond quickly. The rapid deployment of AI in recent years has shocked many industries, including education.

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