AI Machines are After Women’s Jobs! Will Upskilling Help Retain?

AI Machines are After Women’s Jobs! Will Upskilling Help Retain?

AI and automation are seeping into our daily working female office workers, it's urged to upskill

AI has the ability of computers and other machines to work intelligently without human intervention. Artificial intelligence and automation are seeping into our daily working lives and female office workers are among those whose jobs are being taken over by machines. Women are more vulnerable to job loss from automation and AI than men. A focus on upskilling measures can provide promising female employees with the skills they'll need to be leaders in a new digital era.

Workers are being urged to upskill. Reskilling also offers an exciting strategy for bringing women who have stopped working mid-career back to work. Furthermore, those skills traditionally associated with women, including caring and empathizing, may become more highly prized in the workplace, which could be a plus for female workers. Analysts have found the jobs facing the fastest automation include retail workers, bookkeepers, and receptionists

Women in industries under threat from AI and automation:

Australian teaching organization that's urging people to upskill so they don't find themselves out of work. Many of the jobs being automated are female-dominated. Many female-dominated industries are going to be altered by the increasing automation of what used to be labor-intensive fields. Artificial intelligence and automation are deployed to do everything from statutory declarations to complex receiverships. Technology has automated manual and repetitive accounting tasks.

Pearson's analysis found that by 2032 more than 10% of the work currently done by translators will be automated, and many will be in female-dominated industries. Pearson's data also shows the less obvious pictures of automation encroaching into office environments, including for medical receptionists, accountants, and personal assistants. Pearson's data found that 13% of an accountant's current work will have been automated by 2027.

Females are more likely to be negatively impacted by technology than males. Women represent almost 50% of that industry's total workforce, but they hold only 25% of senior management positions, many of which are insulated from the shocks of automation. Some are older women who are less tech-savvy and able to keep up with the industry's fast-moving technological advances.

Upskilling talent is absolutely critical for leaders themselves to keep learning and remain relevant as the world of work changes. while undergoing training/upskilling programs, it's possible that an individual comes across or conceives some unique ideas that can later evolve into successful projects. Upskilling is a powerful way of helping women ahead in both professional and social spheres.

Artificial Intelligence may pose a threat to certain types of jobs, but there is a solution though for workers who feel threatened. Upskilling is necessary to ensure career growth for women professionals in the technology sector. It enables them to keep pace with the advancements and changes in the rapidly-evolving tech industry. Ensuring that women have an equal role in the future of work will require significant attitude changes for both men and women.

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